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B.Sc. Aviation
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Airbus A320
Boeing 737
CPL Test Series
Question Bank
Questions for DESCENT
Answer the following questions
Test Mode
Training Mode
1. What will be the rate of descent when flying down a 6% glide slope, at a groundspeed of 500 knots?
9303 ft/min.
3039 ft/min.
3903 ft/min.
3309 ft/min.
2. If there is a 10 knot decrease in headwind by what amount must the rate of descent be changed in order to maintain a 3° glideslope?
It must be decreased by 30 ft/min
It must be increased by 30ft/min.
It must be increased by 50 ft/min
It must be decreased by 50 ft/min.
3. An aircraft flying down a 3° ILS glideslope is at 25 nm DME from the threshold. Using the 1 in 60 rule and approximating 1 nm to 6000 ft, calculate the aircraft height above the runway threshold, assuming that the ILS glidepath crosses the threshold at a height of 50ft ?
6450 ft.
7650 ft
8015 ft.
7455 ft.
4. For an aircraft at a height of 1500 feet, interception of a 3 ° ILS glide path will occur at approximately?
4.5 nm from the threshold.
5.0 nm from the threshold.
7.0 nm from the threshold.
6.0 nm from the threshold.
5. What will be the rate of descent when flying down a 10% glide slope, at a groundspeed of 450 knots?
4455 ft/min.
5000 ft/min.
4560 ft/min.
4405 ft/min.
6. What will be the rate of descent when flying down a 12% glide slope, at a groundspeed of 350 knots?
4283 ft/min.
4382 ft/min.
4832 ft/min.
4255 ft/min.
7. For an aircraft at a height of 2500 feet, interception of a 3° ILS glide path will occur at approximately?
13.1 nm from the threshold
8.0 nm from the threshold
7.0 nm from the threshold
14.5 nm from the threshold
8. At what approximate distance from the threshold would an aircraft intercept the glide path if the aircraft height is 2500 feet, and the ILS glide path angle is 3°?
13.0 nm.
14.5 nm.
7.0 nm.
7.8 nm.
9. An aircraft is on an ILS 3 degree glideslope, which passes over the runway threshold at a height of 50 feet. The DME range is 25 nm from the threshold. What is the height above the runway threshold elevation? (Use the 1 in 60 rule and approximation 6000 feet= 1 nautical mile)
7550 feet
8110 feet.
7450 feet.
6550 feet.
10. Assuming zero wind, what distance is covered by an aircraft descending 15000 FT with a TAS of 375 kt and maintaining a rate of descent of 3000 FT/MIN?
31.25 NM.
29.25 NM
38.45 NM.
23.35 NM.
11. Given : ILS GP angle = 3.5 DEG, GS=250 kt Approximate rate of descent is ?
1800 ft/min.
1400 ft/min.
1480 ft/min.
1780 ft/min
12. What will be the rate of descent when flying down a 10% glide slope, at a groundspeed of 350 knots.
3000 ft/min.
3545 ft/min.
3455 ft/min.
3405 ft/min.
13. If there is a 17 knot decrease in headwind by what amount must the rate of descent be changed in order to maintain a 3° glideslope?
It must be increased by 58ft/min.
It must be decreased by 85 ft/min.
It must be decreased by 58ft/min.
It must be increased by 85 ft/min
14. An aircraft at FL 350 is required to cross a VOR/DME facility at FL 110 and to commence descent when 100 NM from the facility. If the mean GS for the descent is 335 kt, the minimum rate of descent required is ?
1290 ft/min
1240 ft/min.
1390 ft/min.
1340 ft/min.
15. What will be the rate of descent when flying down a 10° glide slope, at a groundspeed of 500 knots?
7440 ft/min.
8440 ft/min.
6500 ft/min.
5900 ft/min.
16. An aircraft at FL350 is required to cross a VOR/DME facility at FL110 and to commence descent when 125 NM from the facility. If the mean GS for the descent is 350 kt, the minimum rate of descent required is?
1140 ft/min
1120 ft/min.
1190 ft/min
1290 ft/min
17. What will be the rate of descent when flying down a 5% glide slope, at a groundspeed of 540 knots?
2573 ft/min.
2375 ft/min.
2537 ft/min.
2735 ft/min.
18. What will be the rate of descent when flying down a 12% glide slope, at a groundspeed of 150 knots?
1832 ft/min.
1823 ft/min.
1382 ft/min.
1283 ft/min.
19. An aircraft maintaining a 5.5% gradient is at 9 NM from the runway, on a flat terrain. Its height is approximately?
2640 Ft
2830 Ft
2680 Ft
2870 Ft
20. Given: Aircraft height 2500 FT, ILS GP angle3°. At what approximate distance from THR can you expect to capture the GP?
14.5 NM.
7.0 NM
13.1 NM.
8.3 NM.
21. What will be the rate of descent when flying down a 12% glideslope, at a groundspeed of 375 knots?
4227 ft/min.
4560 ft/min.
4217 ft/min.
4422 ft/min.
22. What will be the rate of descent when flying down a 5.5% glide slope, at a groundspeed of 450 knots?
2390 ft/min.
2290 ft/min.
2540 ft/min.
2324 ft/min.
23. What is the rate of descent on a 12% glide slope if groundspeed is 540 knots?
6550 ft/min.
4620 ft/min.
8640 ft/min.
3150 ft/min.
24. At 100 nm from a VOR an aircraft commences a descent is required if the mean groundspeed in the descent is to be 240 knots?
1300 ft/min.
920 ft/min.
1130 ft/min.
820 ft/min.
25. What will be the rate of descent when flying down a 7.5% glide slope, at a groundspeed of 400 knots?
3100 ft/min.
3040 ft/min.
4170 ft/min.
3020 ft/min.
26. An aircraft at FL350 is required to commence descent when 105 NM from a VOR and to cross the VOR at FL80. The mean GS for the descent is 370 kt. What is the minimum rate of descent required?
1855 FT/MIN.
1920 FT/MIN
1955 FT/MIN.
1790 FT/MIN.
27. Given : ILS GP angle = 3.5 DEG, GS=150 kt. Approximate rate of descent is ?
700 FT/MIN.
900 FT/MIN.
800 FT/MIN.
1000 FT/MIN.
28. If there is a 10 knot increase in headwind by what amount must the rate of descent be changed in order to maintain a 3° glideslope?
It must be decreased by 30 ft/min.
It must be increased by 30 ft/min.
It must be decreased by 50 ft/min.
It must be increased by 50 ft/min.
29. An aircraft is descending down a 10% slope whilst maintaining a GS of 540 kt. The rate of descent of the aircraft is approximately?
5650 FT/MIN.
5470 FT/MIN.
5900 FT/MIN.
4500 FT/MIN.
30. At 105 nm from a VOR an aircraft commence a descent from FL350 in order to arrive overhead the VOR at FL120. What rate of descent is required if the mean groundspeed in the descent is to be 250 knots?
913 ft/min.
847 ft/min.
744 ft/min.
31. If there is a 35 knot increase in headwind by what amount must the rate of descent be changed in order to maintain a 3° glideslope?
It must be Increased by 186 ft/min.
It must be Increased by 235 ft/min.
It must be decreased by 235 ft/min.
It must be decreased by 186 ft/min.
32. What will be the rate of descent when flying down a 6% glide slope, at a groundspeed of 250 knots?
1509 ft/min.
1403 ft/min.
1520 ft/min.
1303 ft/min.
33. When 65 nm from a VOR you commence a descent from FL330 with the intention of arriving at the VOR at FL100. What rate of descent is required if your mean ground speed is 240 knots?
1420 ft/min.
1650 ft/min.
1259 ft/min.
1800 ft/min.
34. What will be the rate of descent when flying down a 8% glide slope, at a groundspeed of 240 knots?
1757 ft/min
1975 ft/min.
1945 ft/min
1577 ft/min.
35. An aircraft at FL 330 is required to commence descent when 95 NM from a VOR and to cross the VOR at FL100. The mean GS during the descent is 360 kt. What is the minimum rate of descent required?
1650 ft/min.
1485 ft/min.
1455 ft/min.
1750 ft/min.
36. An aircraft is descending down a 12% slope whilst maintaining a GS of 540 kt. The rate of descent of the aircraft is approximately?
3900 ft/min.
4500 ft/min.
6500 ft/min.
650 ft/min.
37. At what approximate distance from the threshold would an aircraft intercept the glide path if the aircraft height is 2500 feet, and the ILS glide path angle is 8°?
8.0 nm.
3.1 nm.
2.8 nm
4.5 nm
38. When 65 nm from a VOR you commence a descent from FL330 with the intention of arriving at the VOR at FL100. What rate of descent is required if your mean ground speed is 340 knots?
2000 ft/min.
2100 ft/min.
1500 ft/min.
1750 ft/min.
39. An aircraft at FL370 is required to commence descent at 120 NM from a VOR and to cross the facility at FL130. If the mean GS for the descent is 288 kt, the minimum rate of descent required is?
890 ft/min.
960 ft/min.
860 ft/min.
920 ft/min.
40. At 80 nm from a VOR an aircraft commences a descent from FL330 in order to arrive overhead the VOR at FL100. What rate of descent is required if the mean groundspeed in the descent is to be 240 knots?
1020 ft/min.
1150 ft/min.
1300 ft/min.
1120 ft/min.
41. What will be the rate of descent when flying down a 10° glide slope, at a groundspeed of 400 knots?
6440 ft/min.
6700 ft/min.
6753 ft/min.
6900 ft/min.
42. Con vert 95 metres/second into knots?
185 kts
166 kts
155 kts
135 kts
43. An aircraft at FL290 is required to commence descent when 50 NM from a VOR and to cross that VOR at FL80. Mean GS during descent is 271kt. What is the minimum rate of descent required?
2000 FT/MIN
1800 FT/MIN
1700 FT/MIN
1900 FT/MIN
44. What will be the rate of descent when flying down a 12% glide slope. at a groundspeed of 240 knots?
2198 ft/min.
2189 ft/min.
2918 ft/min.
2819 ft/min.
45. The equivalent of 170 m/sec is approximately?
345 kt
300 kt
355 kt
330 kt
46. What will be the rate of descent when flying down a 5% glide slope, at a groundspeed of 175 knots?
886 ft/min.
1375 ft/min.
537 ft/min
973 ft/min
47. 730 FT/MIN equals?
5.2 m/sec.
1.6 m/sec.
3.7 m/sec.
2.2 m/sec.
48. At 75 nm from a VOR an aircraft commences a descent from FL350 in order to arrive overhead the VOR at FL120. What rate of descent is required if the mean groundspeed in the descent is to be 250 knots?
1500 ft/min.
1447 ft/min.
1744 ft/min.
1474 ft/min.
49. What will be the rate of descent when flying down a 7% glide slope, at a groundspeed of 250 knots?
1773 ft/min.
1575 ft/min.
1377 ft/min.
1737 ft/min.
50. Given : TAS = 197kt, True course = 240°, W/V=180/30kt. Descent is initiated at FL 220 and completed at FL 40. Distance to be covered during descent is 50 NM. What is the approximate rate of descent?
1200 ft/min.
1092 ft/min.
1800 ft/min.
950 ft/min.
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