
Questions for Magnetic compass

Answer the following questions

1. Which of the following is the best definition of magnetic variation?
2. Which of the following statements concerning earth magnetism is completely correct?
3. A negative (westerly) magnetic variation signifies that?
4. An aircraft's compass must be swung?
5. Which of the following statements concerning the earth's magnetic field is completely correct?
6. What are indicated by isogrivs on a chart?
7. The annunciator of a remote Indicating compass system is used when?
8. What is the main advantage of a remote indicating compass compared to a direct reading compass is that it?
9. The magnitude of variation ?
10. What is the name for a line of equal magnetic variation?
11. If variation is West?
12. Isogonals are lines of equal?
13. When using a direct reading magnetic compass in the northern hemisphere?
14. What is the maximum value of dip that can be caused by the vertical component of terrestrial magnetism?
15. The angle between True North and Magnetic North is called?
16. Which of the following is correct when the variation is West?
17. How is the direct reading magnetic compass made aperiodic or dead beat?
18. A direct reading compass should be swung when?
19. Why are the detector units of a slaved gyro-compass system usually located in or near to the aircraft wingtips?
20. Which of the following is the correct conversion from True to Compass?
21. An aircraft is on a heading of 135°C using a direct reading magnetic compass in the northern hemisphere. After carrying out a rate 1 turn for 30 seconds on what indicated heading should it roll out of the turn?
22. The agonic line?
23. Where do isogonal lines converge?
24. At a specific location, the value of magnetic variation?
25. The main advantage of a remote Indicating compass over a direct reading compass is that it?
26. In a remote indicating compass system the amount of deviation caused by aircraft magnetism and electrical circuits may be minimised by?
27. The value of magnetic variation?
28. Isogrives are lines that connect positions that have?
29. What is the advantage of the remote indicating compass (slaved gyro compass) over the direct reading magnetic compass?
30. Which of the following is true of the value of magnetic variation?
31. In northern hemisphere, during an acceleration in an easterly direction, the magnetic compass will indicate?
32. What is the maximum possible value of Dip Angle?
33. When accelerating on an easterly heading in the Northern hemisphere, the compass card of a direct reading magnetic compass will turn?
34. At which point on the surface of the earth is a magnetic compass most effective?
35. What is the angle between True North and Magnetic North known as ?
36. Which of the following conversion from True to Compass is correct?
37. How is the direct reading magnetic compass made to be aperiodic (dead beat)?
38. Isogonic lines connect positions that have?
39. The north and south magnetic poles are the only positions on the earth's surface where?
40. Why are the detector units in slaved gyro compass usually fitted in or close to the wingtips of an aircraft?
41. what is magnetic variation?
42. An aircraft is over position HO (55° 30'N 060 15'W), where YYR VOR (53° 30'N 060° 15'W) can be received. The magnetic variation is 31° W at HO and 28° W at YYR. What is the radial from YYR?
43. What is the title of a line of equal magnetic variation?
44. The variation is 20°E and you are heading 345°M when you take a radar bearing of an island which is 30° left of the nose. What bearing do you take a radar bearing of an island which is 30°left of the nose. What bearing do you plot?
45. What is the main cause of permanent magnetism in aircraft?
46. Sensitivity of a direct reading magnetic compass is?
47. The horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field?
48. Where do the isogonal lines converge?
49. The lines on the earth's surface that join points of equal magnetic variation are called?
50. The sensitivity of a direct reading compass varies?