
Questions for CIRCLES

Answer the following questions

1. On a polar stereographic projection chart showing the South Pole, a straight line joins position A (75°S 065°E) to position B (75°S 025°W). The true course on departure from position A is approximately?
2. A Rhumb line is?
3. Given: The autopilot is coupled to the Inertial Navigation System steering from Waypoint 1 at 60°N 030°W, to Waypoint 2 at 60°N 020°W, to Waypoint at 60°N 010°W. What is the approximate track change on passing WPT 2?
4. The 'departure' between position 60°N 100° E and 60° N 'x' is 1200 NM. What is the longitude of 'x'?
5. Which one of the following describes the appearance of rhumb lines, except meridians, on a Polar Stereographic chart??
6. An aircraft at position 60°N 005°W tracks 090°(T) for 350 km. On completion of the flight the longitude will be?
7. On a Lambert Conformal Conic chart great circles that are not meridians are?
8. A Lambert conformal conic chart has a constant of the cone of 0.80. A straight line course drawn on this chart from A (53°N 004°W) to B is 080° at A Course at B is 092°(T). What is the longitude of B?
9. An aircraft autopilot is coupled to the INS steering from Waypoint 1 at 60°N 060°W, to Waypoint 2 at 60°N 030°W. What is the approximate latitude of the aircraft on passing 45°W?
10. The 'departure' between positions 60°N 60°E and 60°N 'x' is 1800 NM East. What is the longitude of 'x'?
11. What is the longitude of a position 6 NM to the east of 58° 42'N 094° 00'W?
12. On a Direct Mercator chart a great circle will be represented by a?
13. On a Direct Mercator, rhumb lines are?
14. The automatic flight control system (AFCS) in an aircraft is coupled to the guidance outputs from an inertial navigation system (INS) and the aircraft is flying from waypoint No. 2 (70° 00'S 070° 00'W) to No. 3 (70° 00'S 080° 00'W). Comparing the initial track (°T) at 080°00'W, the difference between them is that the initial track is approximately?
15. Which of the following is true of all parallels of latitude?
16. The angle between the true great-circle track and the true rhumb line track joining the following points: A (60° S 165° W) B (60° S 177° E), at place of departure A, is?
17. The automatic flight control system (AFCS) in an aircraft is coupled to the guidance outputs from an inertial navigation system (INS). The aircraft is flying between inserted waypoints No. 3 (55° 00'N 020° 00'W) and (55° 00'N 030° 00'W). With DSRTK/TS selected on the CDU, to the nearest whole degree, the initial track read-out from waypoint No. 3 will be?
18. Given: Waypoint 1. 75° S 030°W, Waypoint 2. 75° S 020°W. What will be the approximate latitude shown on the display unit of an inertial navigation system at longitude 025°W?
19. Given: Position A 45° N, ?°E, Position B 45°N, 45° 15'E Distance A-B =200 NM, B is to the East of A, What is the longitude of position A?
20. The angle between the true great-circle track and the true rhumb line tack joining the following points: A(70° S 160°W) B (70° S 179°E), at the place of departure A, is?
21. The automatic flight control system (AFCS) in an aircraft is coupled to the guidance outputs from an inertial navigation system (INS). The aircraft is flying between inserted waypoints No.3 (65° 00'N 020° 00'W) and No.4 (65° 00'N 030° 00'W). With DSRTK/STS selected on the CDU, to the nearest whole degree, the initial track read-out from waypoint No. 3 will be?
22. How do rhumb lines, other than meridians appear on Polar Stereo charts?
23. An aircraft travels from point A to point B, using the autopilot connected to the aircraft's inertial system. The coordinates of A (45° S 010°W) and B (45° S 030°W) have been entered. The true course of the aircraft on its arrival at B, to the nearest degree, is?
24. An aircraft autopilot is coupled to the INS steering from Waypoint 1 at 60°N 040°W. to Waypoint 2 at 60°N 030°W. What is the approximate latitude of the aircraft on passing 35°W?
25. The automatic flight control system is coupled to the guidance outputs from an inertial navigation system.Which pair of latitudes will give the greatest difference between initial track read-out and the average true course given, in each case, a difference of longitude of 10°?
26. An aeroplane files from A (59° S 142° W) to B (61° S 148° W) with a TAS of 480 kt. The autopilot is engaged and couped with an Inertial Navigation System in which AB track is active. On route AB, the true track?
27. Given: Position A 45°N, ?°E, Position B 45° N, 50° 15'E Distance A-B=280 NM, B is to the East of A, What is the longitude of position A?
28. What is a rhumb line?
29. On a polar stereographic projection chart showing the South Pole, a straight line joins position A (75°S 065°E) to position B (75°S 025°W). The true course on departure from position A is approximately?
30. On a Direct Mercator chart, a rhumb line appears as a?
31. Parallels of latitude, except the equator, are?
32. On a Polar Stereographic chart, the initial great circle course from A 75° N 060°W to B 75° N 060°E is approximately?
33. An aeroplane flies from A (59° S 140° W) to B(61° S 149° W)with a TAS of 480 kt. The autopilot is engaged and coupled with an Inertial Navigation System in which AB track is active. On route AB, the true track?
34. The Great Circle bearing of 'B' (70° S 050° E), from 'A' (70°S 030°W), is approximately?
35. Which of the following is true of all parallels of latitude?
36. An aircraft is flying with the aid of an inertial navigation system (INS) connected to the autopilot. The following points have been entered in the INS computer: WPT 1: 60°N 030°W, WPT 2: 60° N 020°W has been passed, the latitude shown on the display unit of the inertial navigation system will be?
37. An aircraft passes position A (60° 00'N 120° 00'W) on route to position B (60° 00'N 140°c 00'W). What is the great circle track on departure from A?
38. On a Direct Mercator chart, a rhumb line appears as a?
39. What is the final position after the followin rhumb line tracks and distances have been followed from position 60°00'N 030° 00'W? South for 360 NM, East for 360 NM, North for 360 NM, West for 360 NM?
40. The automatic flight control system is coupled to the guidance outputs from an inertial navigation system. Which pair f latitudes will give the greatest difference between initial track read-out and the average true course given, in each case, a difference of longitude of 10°?
41. The 'departure between position 60°N 160°E and 60°N 'x' is 1800 NM East. What is the longitude of 'x'?
42. Parallels of latitude, except the equator, are?
43. Two positions plotted on a polar stereographic chart, A (80°N 000°) and (70°N 102°W) are joined by a straight lie whose highest latitude is reached at 035°W. At point B, the true course is?
44. Given: Position A 45° N,?° E, Position B 45° 15'E Distance A-B=350 NM, B is to the East of A, What is the longitude of position A?
45. Two positions plotted on a polar stereographic chart, A (80°N 000°) and B (70°N 102°W) are joined by a straight line whose highest latitude is reached at 035°W. At point B, the true course is?
46. A Lambert conformal conic chart has a constant of the cone of 0.80. A straight line course drawn on this chart from A (53°N 004°W) to B is 075° at A Course at B is 095°(T). What is the longitude of B?
47. Given: A is N55° 000° B is N54°E010°. The average true course of the great circle is 100°. The true course of the rhumb line at point A is?
48. A Rhumb line is?
49. The 'departure' between positions 60°N 160° E and 60° N 'x' is 900 NM. What is the longitude of 'x'?
50. An aircraft is flying with the aid of an inertial navigation system (INS) connected to the autopilot. The following two points have been entered in the INS computer: WPT 1: 60°S 030°W WPT 2: 60°S 020°W. When 025°W is passed the latitude shown on the display unit of the inertial navigation system will be?