
Questions for CRP5

Answer the following questions

1. Given: GS = 345 kt. Distance from A to B = 3560 NM, What is time from A to B?
2. How far will an aircraft fly in 42 minutes at a ground speed of 400 knots?
3. Given: TAS =200 kt, Track (T) = 110°, W/V = 015/40kt. Calculate the HDG (°T) and GS?
4. Given: Magnetic track = 210°, Magnetic HDG = 215°, VAR = 15°E, TAS = 360 kt, Aircraft files 64 NM in 12 MIN. Calculate the true W/V?
5. Given: GS = 510 kt, DIstance A to B = 43 NM What is the time (MIN) fro A to B?
6. Given: Magnetic heading = 255° VAR = 40°W GS = 375 kt W/V = 235°(T)/ 120 kt Calculate the drift angle?
7. Given: TAS = 230 kt, HDG (T) = 250°, W/V = 205/10kt. Calculate the drift and GS?
8. Given: TAS = 190 kt, HDG(T) = 355°, W/V = 165/25kt. Calculate the drift and GS?
What is the ETA at C?
10. Fuel flow per HR is 22 US-GAL, total fuel on board is 83 IMP GAL. What is the endurance?
11. An aircraft travels 100 statute miles in 30 min, how long does it take to travel 215 nm?
12. Given: IAS 130 kt, FL 60, OAT +20°C. What is the TAS?
13. What is the ETA at Z if TAS = 120 Kts?
14. Given: TAS = 270 kt, True HDG = 145°, Actual wind = 205°(T)/30kt. Calculate the drift angle and GS?
15. 265 US-GAL equals? (Specific gravity 0.80)
16. For a given track the : Wind component = +45 kt Drift angle = 15° left TAS = 240 kt What is the wind component on the reverse track?
17. Given: TAS = 198 kt, HDG (°T) = 180, W/V = 329/25. Calculate the Track(°T) and GS?
18. Given: True HDG =002°, TAS = 130 kt, Track (T) = 353°, GS = 132 kt, Calculate the W/V?
19. An aircraft travels 2.4 statute miles in 47 seconds. What is its groundspeed?
20. Given: Maximum allowable tailwind component for landing 10 kt. Planned runway o5 (047° magnetic). The direction of the surface wind reported by ATIS 210°. Variation is 17°E. Calculate the maximum allowable windspeed that can be accepted without exceeding the tailwind limit?
21. Given: GS = 135 kt. Distance from A to B = 433 NM, What is time from A to B?
22. Given: True heading = 310° TAS = 200 kt GS = 176 kt Drift angle 7° right. Calculate the W/V?
23. Given: Runway direction 083°(M), Surface W/V 035/35kt. Calculate the effective headwind component?
24. Given: Compass Heading 090°, Deviation 2°W, Variation 12°E, TAS 160 kt. Whilst maintaining a radial 070° from a VOR station, the aircraft files a ground distance of 14 NM in 6 MIN. What is the W/V°(T)?
25. Given: TAS =270 kt, Track (T) = 260°, W/V = 275/30kt. Calculate the HDG (°T) and GS?
26. Given: GS = 236 kt. Distance from A to B =354 NM, What is time from A to B?
27. Given: GS = 95 kt. Distance from A to B = 480 NM, What is time from A to B?
28. Given: TAS = 155 kt, Tract (T) = 305°, W/V = 160/18kt. Calculate the HDG(°T) and GS?
29. Given: TAS =465 kt, Track (T) = 007°, W/V = 300/80kt. Calculate the HDG (°T) and GS?
What is the ETA at Z?


 What is the ETA at Z if TAS = 120 Kts?
32. Given TAS = 470 kt, True HDG = 317° W/V = 045°(T)/45kt Calculate the drift angle and GS?
33. Given the following : True track: 192° Magnetic variation: 7°E Drift angle: 5°left What is the magnetic heading required to maintain the given track?
34. Given: Pressure Altitude 29000 FT, OAT -55°C. Calculate the Density Altitude?
35. What is the time to go if groundspeed is 240 knots distance to go is 500 nm?
36. What is true altitude if OAT = +30°C and Pressure Altitude = 7000 feet?
37. Given: IAS 89 kt, FL 25, OAT +10°C. What is the TAS?
38. Given: Course 095°(T), TAS is 220 kt, Wind speed 70 kt, Maximum drift angle will be obtained for a wind direction of
39. What is the ISA temperature value at FL 330?
40. Given: True HDG =206°, TAS = 140 kt, Track (T) = 207°, GS = 135 kt, Calculate the W/V?
41. Given: True Heading = 090° TAS = 180 kt GS = 180 kt Drift 5° right Calculate the W/V?
42. Given: True track 175° Drift 10°R Compass heading 195° Deviation -3° Calculate the variation?
43. Given: True Heading = 180° TAS = 500 kt W/V 225°/100 kt Calculate the GS?
44. Given: true track 070° variation 30°W deviation +1° drift 10°R Calculate the compass heading?
45. Given: GS = 105 kt. Distance from A to B = 103 NM, What is time from A to B?
46. Given: TAS = 205 kt, HDG (T) = 180°, W/V = 240/25kt. Calculate the drift and GS?
47. Given: Runway direction 230°(T), Surface W/V 280°(T)/40 kt. Calculate the effective cross-wind component?
48. Given: TAS = 465 kt, HDG (T) = 124°, W/V = 170/80kt. Calculate the drift and GS?
49. Given: course required = 085° (T), Forecast W/V 030/100kt, TAS = 470 kt, Distance = 265 NM. Calculate the true HDG and flight time?
50. Given: TAS = 132 kt, True HDG = 257° W/V = 095°(T)/35kt. Calculate the drift angle and GS?