

Answer the following questions

1. Groundspeed is 540 knots. 72 nm to go. What is time to go?
2. In what formats can created waypoints be entered into the scratch pad of the B737 - 400 FMS?
3. What is the aircraft position in lat and long given the following (use Jeppesen chart E(LO)1): CRN (5318N 00857W) 18 DME SHA (5243N 00853W) 20 DME Heading 270 M Both ranges DME decreasing
4. The orbit of the Earth round the Sun is elliptical. An ellipse has 2 foci. Which of the following is a correct statement?
5. An aircraft leaves at 0900UTC on a 250 nm journey with a planned groundspeed of 115 knots. After 74 nm the aircraft is 1.5 minutes behind the planned schedule. What is the revised ETA at the destination?
6. On the Jeppesen E(LO)1 chart, what are the symbols at Galway Carnmore (5318.1N 00856.5W)?VOR, NDB, DME, compulsory reporting point
7. Given: For take-off an aircraft requires a headwind component of at least 10 kt and has a crosswind limit of 35 kt. The angle between the wind direction and the runway is 60°. Calculate the maximum and minimum allowable wind speeds
8. Lines of latitude on a chart are always
9. In which months is the difference between apparent noon and mean noon the greatest?
10. What is the meaning of the term ‘standard time’?
11. Given: Position A is 60N 020W, Position B is 60N 021W, and Position C is 59N 020W, what are, respectively, the distances from A to B and from A to C?
12. A compass swing is performed in order to correct for?
13. An aircraft flies 100 st mile in 20 minutes. How long does it take to fly 215 nm?
14. In an IRS
15. What does the sensor of an INS/IRS measure ?
16. The wind velocity is 359/25. An aircraft is heading 180 at a TAS of 198 knots. (All directions are True). What is its track and groundspeed?
17. The value of variation
18. What is the definition of EAT?
19. From the departure point, the distance to the point of equal time is
20. In a ring laser gyro, the purpose of the dither motor is to:Enhance the accuracy of the gyro at all rotational rates
21. The angle between the plane of the Equator and the plane of the Ecliptic is
22. Please refer to Appendix A. What is the chart symbol for a lightship?
23. The purpose of the FMS is to
24. On a particular Direct Mercator wall chart, the 180°W to 180°E parallel of latitude at 53N is 133 cm long. What is the scale of the chart at 30S?
25. What is the radial and DME distance from Connaught VOR/DME (CON, 5355N 00849W) to overhead Abbey Shrule aerodrome( 5336N 00739W)?
26. On a 12% glide slope, your groundspeed is 540 knots. What is your rate of descent?
27. The FMC position is
28. An aircraft at position 8500N 02000E flies a Rhumb Line track of 075°T. What will be its path over the Earth?
29. You are on ILS 3-degree glideslope which passes over the runway threshold at 50 feet. Your DME range is 25 nm from the threshold. What is your height above the runway threshold elevation? (Use the 1 in 60 rule and 6000feet = 1 nautical mile)
30. At the magnetic equator
31. The distance A to B is 90 nm in a straight line. You are 60 nm from A when you fix your position 4 nm to the left of track. What correction do you need to make to arrive at B?
32. The term drift refers to the wander of the axis of a gyro in?
33. The following waypoints are entered into an inertial navigation system (INS) WPT 1: 60N 30W WPT 2: 60N 20W WPT 3: 60N 10W The inertial navigation is connected to the automatic pilot on the route WP1 → WP2 → WP3. The track change on passing WPT 2 will be approximately
34. A B C |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3_0_ _n_m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _2_0_ n__m_ _ _ _ _ _| ATA A is 1010. ETA B is 1030. ETA C is 1043. ATA B is 1027. What is revised ETA C?
35. The principle of ‘Schuler Tuning’, as applicable to INS / IRS systems, is applicable to
36. The period of validity of an FMS database is
37. Position A is at 70S 030W, position B is 70S 060E. What is the Great Circle track of B from A, measured at A?
38. What is the definition of magnetic variation?
39. The value of magnetic variation on a chart changes with time. This is due to
40. What is the weight in kilogrammes of 380 US Gallons at a Specific Gravity of 0.78?
41. An aircraft starts at position 0410S 17822W and heads true north for 2950 nm,then turns 90 degrees left, and maintains a rhumb line track for 314 kilometers. What is its final position?
42. Given: IAS 120 kt FL 80 OAT +20°C What is the TAS?
43. Your position is 5833N 17400W. You fly exactly 6 nm eastwards. What is your new position?
44. What is the dip angle at the South Magnetic Pole?
45. What are the levels of message on the Boeing 737-400 FMC?



46. The chart that is generally used for navigation in polar areas is based on a
47. Please refer to Appendix A. What is the symbol for an unlighted obstacle?
48. Which mode on the CDU of an INS must be selected in order to display initial Great Circle track between 2 waypoints?HDG \ DA b
49. What is the highest latitude listed below at which the sun will rise above the horizon and set every day?
50. What is the lat and long of the SHA VOR (5243N 00853W) 239M / 36nm radial/range?