
Questions for INDIGO METEOROLOGY(3272-4089)

Answer the following questions

1. Under which of these conditions is radiation fog most likely to form?
2. Which of the following clouds may extend into more than one layer?
3. The dewpoint temperature
4. The QFF at an airfield in California located 69 metres below sea level is 1030 hPa. The air temperature is 10°C lower than a standard atmosphere. What is the QNH?
5. A layer in which the temperature decreases with 1°C per 100m is
6. Geostrophic wind is the wind when isobars are
7. Around Paris on January 3rd at 1800 UTC, the surface temperature, under shelter, is 3°C. The sky is covered by 8 oktas of stratus. QNH is 1033 hPa. If the sky is covered all night, the minimum temperature of the night of January 3rd to January 4th should be
8. Which of the following conditions gives the highest value of the QNH?
9. Which of the following is most likely to lead to the formation of radiation fog?
10. The troposphere is the
11. What are the characteristics of cumuliform clouds?
12. In a layer of air the decrease in temperature per 100 metres increase in height is more than 1°C. This layer can be described as being
13. Steady precipitation, in contrast to showery precipitation falls from
14. Which of the following conditions are most favourable to the formation of mountain waves ?
15. Relative humidity at a given temperature is the relation between
16. Which of the following are medium level clouds ?
17. If you are flying at FL 120 and the outside temperature is -2°C, at what altitude will the ""freezing level"" be?
18. A parcel of moist but not saturated air rises due to adiabatic effects. Which of the following changes ?
19. During a flight at FL 100 from Marseille (QNH 1012 hPa) to Palma de Mallorca (QNH 1015 hPa), an aircraft remains at a constant true altitude. The reason for this is that
20. An aircraft is approaching under visual flight rules an airfield whose runway is parallel to the coast. When downwind over the sea, the airfield is on the right. What wind effect should be anticipated on final approach and landing during a sunny afternoon?
21. Which area of a polar front jet stream in the northern hemisphere has the highest probability of turbulence?
22. The decrease in temperature, per 100 metres, in a saturated rising parcel of air at lower level of the atmosphere is approximately
23. The geostrophic wind is less than the gradient wind around an anticyclone because the
24. In the lower layers of the atmosphere due to friction the wind changes direction towards the low pressure area because
25. At which pressure and temperature conditions may you safely assume that the minimum usable flight level at least lies at the same height, as the minimum safe altitude?
26. Which statement is true ?
27. What degree of turbulence, if any, is likely to be encountered while flying through a cold front in the summer over Central Europe at FL 100?
28. The process by which water vapour is transformed directly into ice is known as
29. From which of the following pieces of information can the stability of the atmosphere be derived?
30. At the approach of a warm front (northern hemisphere) the wind direction changes from the surface up to the tropopause. The effect of this change is that the wind
31. In an area of converging air
32. During a flight over the sea at FL 100 from Marseille (QNH 1012 hPa) to Palma de Mallorca (QNH 1012 hPa), the true altitude is constantly increasing. What action, if any, should be taken ?
33. At FL 180, the air temperature is -35°C.The air density at this level is
34. The QNH of an airport at sea level is 983 hPa and the temperature deviation from ISA is -15°C below FL 100.What is the true altitude of FL 100?
35. Which layer of the atmosphere contains more than 90 per cent of all water vapour?
36. Dew point is defined as
37. What are the differences between radiation fog and advection fog ?
38. An aircraft is flying over the sea at FL 120, with a true altitude of 12000 feet, local QNH is 1013 hPa. What assumption, if any, can be made about the air mass in which the aircraft is flying ?
39. Which of the following statements concerning the core of a polar front jet stream is correct ?
40. In which zone of a jet stream is the strongest CAT to be expected ?
41. Which form of precipitation from clouds containing only water is most likely to fall in mid-latitudes?
42. The vertical extent of the friction layer depends primarily on
43. What prevents air from flowing directly from high-pressure areas to low-pressure areas ?
44. Relative humidity
45. Clouds, classified as being low level are considered to have bases from
46. What is the main cause for the formation of a polar front jet stream?
47. What is the relationship, if any, between QFE and QNH at an airport situated 50 FT below sea level?
48. Which of the following types of clouds are evidence of unstable air conditions?
49. The following statements deal with precipitation, turbulence and icing. Select the list containing the most likely alternatives for NS cloud
50. Which of the following statements is true concerning advection fog?