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Airline Cadet Program
IGRUA Entrance Prep
B.Sc. Aviation
Pilot Training
Aircraft Type-Rating
Airbus A320
Boeing 737
CPL Test Series
Question Bank
Answer the following questions
Test Mode
Training Mode
1. Roaring Forties are ............... winds blow throughout the year and are of very stormy nature in
Wly, S hemisphere
Wly, N hemisphere
Ely, S hemisphere
Ely, S hemisphere
2. The two main seasons in India are
Pre monsoon and SW monsoon
Winter and SW monsoon
Winters and Hot season
Hot season and Rainy season
3. The observed temperature is - 40 deg C at FL 300 (10 km). it is termed as
15 deg C warmer than ISA
15 deg C colder than ISA
10 deg C colder than ISA
10 deg C warmer than ISA
4. The calm and clear night is cooler than cloudy night because
Due to CO2 and H2O present in the air
Clouds radiate heat towards sky
Terrestrial radiation skip through clouds
Clouds prevent terrestrial radiations from escaping
5. The temperature to which air should be cooled to saturate it is ......... temperature
Dry bulb
Wet bulb
Dew point
6. If temperature initially is constant and then increases with height, the atmosphere is
7. Difference between Airmass TS (AM TS) and steady state TS (SS TS) is
AM TS duration is more
SS TS duration is more
SS TS duration is less
AM TS occur in fronts
8. CAT is most likely to be encountered in
A high close to a dust storm
After the passage of a severe sandstorm
A sharp trough aloft with winds of jet stream speed
A ridge aloft
9. No cyclonic storm or high pressure system form within 5° of the equator because
Pressure gradient force is negligible
Coriolis force is negligible
Frictional force is minimal
Geotropic force is maximum
10. Example of non frontal stability is
Squall line
11. Wind shear in a TS is maximum
Below the anvil
All sides of a CB
Beneath the cloud
In SW sector
12. Aquaplaning may occur in
Thick Fog
13. In a line of TS there is a hole in the Radar echo, what would you infer
No precipitation
Area free of clouds
Strong convective activity
A gap between two CB
14. Flying conditions associated with CB during pre monsoon are
Rain, poor visibility, and turbulence
Good visibility, drizzle, turbulence
Hail, gusts, shower, and severe turbulence
Continuous rain, poor visibility, light turbulence
15. The axis of monsoon trough runs
Along the Gangetic plains
Along 22 deg East to West of India
In the Bay of Bengal
Along central peninsula
16. Diurnal variation of temperature is least
When sky is overcast
During land breeze over the coastal areas
When winds are weak over the land surface
When sky is clear
17. A/C moving from west to east and its drifting northwards. Its altimeter will
Under read
Reading will remain unchanged
Over read
18. CAVOK in a METAR replaces
Visibility, temp & cloud groups
Wind, temp & pressure groups
Wind, visibility & cloud groups
Visibility, cloud and Wx groups
19. ESNO is the name given to
Southern oscillations and La - Nino
El - Nino and La - Nino combined
El - Nino and Southern oscillations
El - Nino only
20. The term 'monsoon' means
Rains all over India
One of the four seasons with maximum rain in the N
Monsoon circulation
Seasonal reversal of winds and rainfall
21. The main cause of seasons in India is
Earth rotating around its own axis
Advection of air from Arabian sea
Thermal equator at equator whole year
Oscillation of sun 23 1/2 N to 23 1/2 S
22. Which is not true of post monsoon
Frequency of tropical cyclones is max
Pressure gradient is weakest of all seasons
Monsoon withdraws from the country
Worst period for flying expect S India
23. The wind 260102 KT, is reported in a METAR / SPECI as
260102 KT + 26002 KT
Only in remark column
260P99 KT and complete wind in remark column
260P99 KT only
24. Friction causes winds to get deflected ...........
Perpendicular to isobars
Parallel to isobars
Towards low
Towards high
25. Temperature in the troposphere decreases from equator to poles. The thermal wind throughout troposphere is therefore ......... and ........ as height increases
Wly, decreases
Ely, increases
Wly, remains same
Wly, increases
26. Which is true of a cold front
Less steeper than a warm front
Similar slope as warm front
Heavy convective weather and squall line
Associated with continuous rain and ST clouds
27. Gradient wind is weaker than geostrophic wind around a low because
Coriolis force is opposite to centripetal
Coriolis force is added to the pressure gradient force
Centripetal force is added to the pressure gradient force
Centripetal force is provided by pressure gradient force
28. Advection fog occurs due to ........ air moving over ............ surface over .............
Dry, wet, land only
Warm & moist air, cold, both land & sea
Moist and cold, warm, land only
29. TAF generally has a validity of .......... hr and TREND ........... hr
12 hr; 2 hr
24 hr; 3 hr
9 hr; 2 hr
24 hr; 9 hr
30. The altimeter of an aircraft is set to QFE before landing, on landing it will indicate
A/C altitude AMSL
Flight level
Height of A/C wheels above runway
Height of A/C above ARP in ISA
31. Ice accretion
Increases drag but reduces stalling speed
Alters aerodynamics, reduces weight, and decrease lift
Increases drag and weight and stalling speed
Alters aerodynamics, increases weight and lift
32. During SW monsoon the winds above 500 hPa are
Strong Ely over S weak over N India
Wly over S and weak Wly over N India
Wly over S and strong over N India
Ely over S weak Wly over N India
33. Due to friction the wind
Decreases and veers during landing
Strengthens and backs during landing
Decreases and backs during landing
Strengthens and backs during take off
34. Translucent rime ice forms due to
Sublimation of large hail
Melting of large snow particles
Freezing of small supercooled water drops
freezing of large supercooled water drops
35. Will SPECI be issued if
Wind change from 27010 KT to 29018 KT
Visibility change from 6000 m to 4000 m
Temperature change from 15 to 16 deg C
RVR change, from 1400 m to 1600 m
36. No questions in the pdf
Most potent area for dangerous icing is freezing level to about 25,000 ft
Severe icing may form in the temperature range - 10 to 30 deg C
icing may be severe in the temperature range - 20 to - 40 deg C
The level from ground to freezing level is more susceptible for icing
37. ITCZ affects weather over India during
Pre - monsoon only
Monsoon only
All the four seasons
Winters only
38. During monsoon season the low level winds are
SEly along E coast
SEly over Bay of Bengal
NEly over Tamil Nadu
SEly North of monsoon trough
39. Effect of wind shear
Weakening head wind raises aircraft above the flight path
Decreasing head wind increases lift
Increasing tail wind increases lift
Decreasing tail wind increases lift and a/c rises above the glide path
40. The months during which Tamil Nadu gets most of its rainfall are
Oct - Nov
Apr - Jun
Dec - Mar
Jul - Sep
41. Gradient wind
Is super geostrophic in a low and subgeostrophic in a high
Blows parallel to straight isobars
Is due to the balance between pressure gradient, Coriolis and Centripetal forces
Is due to the balance between pressure gradient force and friction
42. Station level pressure at ARP is reduced to MSL as per
Isothermal is QNH
43. ELR 6.5° C and SALR 7° C on lifting a saturated parcel of air the atmosphere would be
Absolutely unstable
Absolutely stable
44. Density altitude is
Higher if atmosphere is isothermal
Higher if atmosphere is colder than ISA
Higher if atmosphere is warmer than ISA
Lower if atmosphere is warmer than ISA
45. Under what conditions severe icing is encountered
Rain at temperature - 20 deg C
Visible vapour and temperature - 5 deg C
Rain and temperature below - 10 deg C
Temperature 0 deg C
46. CAT is most pronounced on which side of a subtropical jet stream
South side of core
About 3 km above the core
at core
Cold side of core
47. Hail forms by collision with super - cooled water drops by
48. A cold front passes a station, the pressure
First increases and then decreases
Change are very small
First decreases and then increases
Rises continually
49. Thermal wind blows parallel to ............ keeping ............ to the left
Isobars, low temperature
Isallobars, high temperature
Isotherms, low temperature
Isobars, low pressure
50. What are Norwesters
Severe Dust storm from NW
TS of E and NE India in premonsoon
Warm dry winds coming from NW
TS affecting NW India in premonsoon
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