

Answer the following questions

1. In an arid area the cloud which is capable of causing Dust Storm is
2. How much in advance of departure a pilot must notify the Aeronautical Met Station (AMS) requiring Met Forecast for a national flight ?
3. The variable surface wind speed refers to
4. The Polar Front is
5. Due to Coriolis force an Ely wind blowing over the equator will
6. Isohyets are the line of equal
7. Convective clouds develop at a place when the atmosphere is
8. During pre - monsoon the pressure gradient in the S parts of East coast of India is from
9. Fronts are characteristics of
10. Cold core low pressure system
11. The surface wind at coastal stations on west coast of India during late night/early morning in pre - monsoon season is
12. The hailstones occur from
13. Which of the following Indian month corresponds to Sharad Ritu ( Post monsoon)
14. The upper air report from an a/c other than weather reconnaissance a/c has the identification code as
15. The amount of water vapour which air can hold depends on
16. In a Cold Occlusion the
17. Which of the following Indian month corresponds to Grishm Ritu
18. A day is called Rainy Day when the amount of Rainfall in a day is
19. The strong Wly winds which blow in both the hemispheres between 35° and 60° Lat are called
20. The dew point temperature
21. Which of the following Indian month corresponds to Rainy season/Varsha Ritu
22. RVR is a measure of
23. In a METAR the third layer of clouds is reported when amount is
24. with altitude in an isothermal atmosphere the density of the air
25. The Doppler Weather Radar works on the principles of
26. The lapse rate of temperature in a low level inversion is
27. Veering of geostrophic wind at a station with height indicates
28. The characteristics features, good visibility and turbulence, are of
29. Fog is produced in Fronts by
30. Isopicnic are the line of constant
31. A cold front is defined as the
32. Above which datum the cloud base is reported at airports?
33. Highest annual rainfall over the earth occurs the regions?
34. SIGMET message contains weather information which is
35. An a/c at FL180 in July from Kolkata to Mumbai will generally experience
36. Extreme turbulence in a TS can be assessed from



37. An a/c cruising at FL500 in July from Chennai to Trivandrum will generally experience
38. METAR VIAG 250300Z 27005KT 1200 + SHRA FEW008 SCT025 BKN080 28/25 Q1004 TEMPO 0405 0800 + TSRA FEW020 CB OVC300 = In the METAR surface visibility in TS is
39. In a SPECI the lowest layer of clouds, regardless of amount, is reported as
40. TAF VECC 2203000 2400KT 3000FU SCT030 BECMG 0406 6000 SCT030 BKN100 TEMPO 0708 2000 TSRA SCT20CB OVC080= The above TAF forecasts TS and RA between
41. Stability of atmosphere is determined by
42. The atmospheric pressure at an aerodrome is equal to the MSL pressure then
43. SIGMET message is
44. Jet streams are strongest when temperature gradient are greatest
45. Over the earth deserts are located in the regions of
46. Thermal lows are generally located over
47. The main cause of ground inversion is
48. Which of the following Indian month corresponds to Winter/Shishira Ritu
49. While planning to land during TS, which is the most expected serious aviation hazard
50. The main cause of occurrence of weather over the earth surface is