
Questions for IC MET SERVICES

Answer the following questions

1. VOLMET Radio Telephony Broadcast made on HF Channel from
2. SIGMET is not issued for
3. In AIREP the Met Information is contained in Section
4. There are ______ Aerodrome Met Offices
5. Landing Forecast is append to
6. Wind Shear Warning is issued for the observed or expected wind shear above runway
7. In India who compiles a single National SIGWX chart
8. The validity of Landing Forecast (TREND) is
9. TAF are generally valid for
10. The Indian National SIGWX chart is made for High Levels between Flight Levels
11. Global SIGWX Charts are valid for
12. Global SIGWX Charts for high-level are issued for Flight Levels
13. VOLMET consists of
14. If TS cells have no separation between adjacent TS and cover an area more than 75%, it is termed as
15. VOLMET is a MET information for aircraft
16. The Indian National SIGWX chart is made for Medium Levels between Flight Levels
17. SIGMET is notice of severe weather for
18. CODAR is
19. WAFS provides high quality en-route forecasts of _____ to Met Offices
20. The Indian National SIGWX chart is valid for
21. Airfield warning is issued for expected wind speed
22. SIGMET is issued for aircraft
23. If TS cells are well separated and cover an area 50-75%, it is termed as
24. Global SIGWX Charts are issued by
25. Local Forecast covers an area
26. Global SIGWX Charts for Medium-level are issued for Flight Levels
27. GAMET is an area forecast in abbreviated plain language for
28. The validity of Airfield warnings is not exceeding
29. Global SIGWX Charts are issued ______ times a day
30. Nowcasting forecast is valid for
31. Individual TS which cover less than 50% area, is termed as
32. For non-schedules National Flights an advance notice (before ETD) is required to be given to AMSs
33. Airfield Warning for gliders, light aircraft and helicopters is issued for expected wind speed
34. In India the National SIGWX chart is issued
35. Airfield warning is issued for wind direction of 20 kt changes by
36. SIGMET is issued by
37. For non-scheduled National Flights an advance notice (before ETD) is required to be given to AMOs
38. Local/Area Forecast is issued three times a day valid for next
39. There are ______ Aeronautical Met Stations
40. IMD has ______ Regional Met offices
41. In ROBEX the METAR/SPECI of international aerodromes and their alternates is exchanged
42. SIGMET is valid for
43. Area Forecast covers an area
44. AIRMET is SIGMET issued by a MWO for the safety of
45. WINTEM is