

Answer the following questions

1. In the equatorial regions the upper tropospheric winds are
2. The systems like highs, lows, cyclonic circulation etc are associated with distinct types of weather. A study of the behaviour of these systems, known as
3. The disturbances of middle latitudes move from
4. Rising air creates calms or doldrums in the equatorial region
5. A part of the sinking air over the subtropical high flows towards the equator, turning west (in the northern hemisphere) due to the Coriolis force. This surface air is called
6. The tropical disturbances which form in the equatorial low pressure belt move in
7. Tropical disturbance which reach the zone of transition in the upper level flow change course and begin to move in a
8. ______ occurs over subtropical high
9. Steady NE winds in the N hemisphere and SE winds in the S hemisphere are called
10. The descending branch of the Hadley cell marked by calm winds and high pressure at the surface are called
11. The huge vertical circulations, one between the equator and 30N and another between equator and 30S, are called
12. The winds in the upper troposphere are westerly. These are known as
13. The polewards moving air piles up in the subtropical regions and forms high pressure belt at the surface, called
14. The occurrence of large deserts near 30N and 30S are due to large scale
15. Latitudinally, on the average there is radiation ______ in the tropics than in the polar regions