
Questions for IC JETSTREAM

Answer the following questions

1. A jet stream can be recognized by
2. Along the axis of a jet stream there are centres of high speed winds, these are called
3. The TJ is located over Indian, approximately at a height of
4. Jet stream has
5. In the TJ the wind shears are much _____ than the STJ
6. Flying at right angles to a jet stream with falling pressure you will experience
7. The arbitrary lower limit of jet core velocity has been assigned by WMO as
8. STJ has a layered structure. There are often two layers of max wind to the ____ of jet core
9. The wind speed along the axis of a jet stream is always
10. The southern most position of STJ is February is
11. In a jet stream, the path of the maximum speed is known as
12. The TJ is located over the Indian Peninsula, approximately at
13. TJ is
14. Vertical wind shear in STJ is greater ______ the core
15. The STJ affects India from
16. The normal position of Sub-tropical Jet Stream is
17. The vertical wind shear in Jet stream is about
18. The STJ strengthens
19. The TJ prevails over the Indian Peninsula from
20. When and where tropical jet stream occurs
21. Sub-tropical Jet stream (STJ) is
22. Compared to horizontal wind shear the vertical wind shear in a Jet stream is
23. At and near the STJ the temperature gradient is very
24. The TJ is strongest in
25. In a wavy jet the Jet streaks are located over or near the