
Questions for IC AIRMASS

Answer the following questions

1. The airmass which originates at sea in high Latitudes is called
2. The airmass which originated over land area located in polar region is
3. CI, CS, AS, NS, ST in sequence are associated with the front
4. Sometime Line squall about 100-300 km ahead of a
5. If a warm airmass overtakes a cold air mass, it is called
6. If the advancing cold front is colder than the cool air mass of the warm front, the advancing cold from undercuts and lifts both the warm and cool air masses of the warm front. This is
7. Cold front moves at _____ the speed of a warm front moves
8. Induced lows develop to the _____ of a WD
9. CB, Roll-type clouds, SC, AC with embedded CB are associated
10. Line Squalls occur _____ of cold front
11. Ahead of a warm front the surface wind
12. Precipitation occurs over a belt of 30-50 km on both side of front
13. At warm front
14. The surface of discontinuity between the Polar Ely and the temperate Wly is called
15. A WD originate over
16. The conditions are always unstable at a
17. During the approach of a Warm Front wind
18. Visibility is poor in a Warm Front
19. During the passage of a Cold Front winds
20. A WD with two or more closed isobars, at 2 hPa interval, it is termed as
21. Fog occurs in Cold Front
22. The air mass which originated from sea area located in lower Lat is
23. On approach of a Warm Front temperature
24. Maximum WDs occur in
25. WD is a ______ front
26. WDs approach India as
27. FZRA and FZFG occur ______ of a warm front
28. Precipitation ceases after the passage of a front
29. The airmass which originates over equatorial region is
30. Front are associated with