
Questions for Automatic Flight A320

Answer the following questions

1. What causes a DU to display a black screen with a white diagonal line?
2. What information is supplied by the Air Data Modules (ADMs) and displayed on the PFD‟s?
3. A/THR in white means that A/THR is:
4. Can the aircraft be controlled with a loss of all electrics?
5. While in-flight, operating in Normal law, in the Alpha prot range:
6. Which protection is not available below 100 feet AGL?
7. How can the present position of the aircraft be initialized?
8. What is the function of the FACs?
9. An amber flashing IR FAULT light indicates that:
10. The thrust delivered by A/THR is already at MAX CLB thrust. Is it possible to obtain some additional thrust?
11. In normal law all protections are active, which of the following lists is the most complete list?
12. When in alternate law, all protections except _______ protection will be lost.
13. If the LOWER ECAM DU fails, is there a way to retrieve that information?
14. If both ELACs fail, what controls the elevator and stabilizer?
15. Which of the following statements is always true when operating in alternate law?
16. The white IR ALIGN light is flashing. What does this mean?
17. While in flight operating in Normal law, movement of the sidestick and subsequent return to neutral will command:
18. The IR ALIGN light is extinguished. What does this mean?
19. Placing one of the ADR push buttons OFF will accomplish what?
20. What message is displayed if the database effective date does not match the clock date?
21. If the IR mode rotary selector is selected OFF:
22. What does the LOW ACCURACY message mean?
23. Where is the information displayed by DMC #1 and DMC #2?
24. High and low speed stabilities may be available in alternate law, stabilities:
25. Can the autopilot be used for a single engine approach and autoland?
26. During the takeoff phase
27. If LOW ACCURACY message is displayed, are there any approach restrictions?
28. How long does a normal IR alignment take?
29. What action should be taken if ADR #1 is lost?
30. How many Air Data/Inertial Reference Units (ADIRU‟s) are installed?
31. What action should be taken if IR 2 is lost:
32. The DDRMI provides the pilot with:
33. On an autoland approach, with both autopilots on, which FMGC is master?
34. The ON BAT light will illuminate amber:
35. What does amber SPEED BRAKES mean on lower ECAM?
36. What information is supplied by the IR‟s and displayed on the PFD?
37. What are the correct positions for the PFD and ND?
38. The Flight Management part of the FMGC includes the following elements
39. After a single DMC failure, how could a crewmember recover the display units?
40. When does the sideslip indicator change to a blue Beta target?
41. The ATT HDG and AIR DATA selectors on the switching panel in the NORM position indicate that
42. What is the difference between -FD2 and 2FD- on the FMA?