
Questions for IC OPTICAL

Answer the following questions

1. Halo occur in the cloud
2. Halo signifies predominance in the cloud of
3. Aurora Borealis occur in the
4. Sometimes a halo with a radius of ______ is observed, called Large Halo
5. The radius of the Bishop's ring is about
6. Superior Mirage occurs marked
7. Halo round the sun shows a pure clear _____ on the outside
8. Corona are formed due to light, passing through
9. Halo is produced by
10. Corona occur in ______ clouds
11. Halo occurs from ____ cloud
12. The cloud which cause Halo has ______ chances of ice accretion
13. Aurora Australis occur in the
14. Inferior Mirage occurs when there is
15. Aurora Borealis are called ______ Lights
16. Halo is luminous ring of ______ radius
17. Aurora Australis called _____ Lights
18. Bishop's ring is due to the diffraction of light by fine particles of
19. Corona are formed due to the ______ of light
20. Halo is produced when light passes through