
Questions for IC WINDS

Answer the following questions

1. Katabatic wind occur due to sinking of cold air down the hill slope
2. In N-Hemisphere if you experience Port drift, altimeter will read
3. Friction causes winds to flow cross isobaric by _____ over land and ____ over sea
4. In S hemisphere if an observer faces wind, low will be to his ____
5. Coriolis force is strongest at
6. Gale is
7. The wind blows anticlockwise around a low in S-hemisphere
8. On a weather map if isobars are closely packed, the surface winds are likely to be
9. Cyclostrophic wind gives a good approximation of the 2000' wind in an intense tropical storm
10. Sea breeze sets in by ______ and dies off at _____
11. Rotor clouds have extremely turbulent flying conditions
12. Lower level wind 05010 kt, upper level wind 23005 kt, what is the thermal wind
13. Gradient wind is ____ of the geostrophic wind in an anticyclone
14. In N hemisphere thermal wind is parallel to ____ with low value to left
15. Due to friction, from day to night for an isobaric pattern (in N hemisphere) the surface wind backs and weakens
16. Coriolis force acts perpendicular to the _____ of wind direction in N hemisphere
17. Fohn winds are ____ on the Leeward side of a mountain
18. A change from 270° to 250° is
19. Upper level wind is 24025 kt, lower level wind is 06015 kt, the thermal wind is?
20. Anabatic wind occur due to downward movement of air along valley
21. Katabatic wind is down slope cold wind due to nocturnal cooling
22. The wind which spirals inward counter-clockwise in the N Hemisphere are associated with
23. The wind blows anticlockwise around a low in N-hemisphere
24. Squall are distinguished from gusts by
25. Geostrophic wind is due to the balance between the forces
26. The wind sliding down a hill during night is called ______ wind
27. Sudden change in wind speed form 10kt to 30kt an then 15 kt are
28. The wind blows clockwise around a low in S-hemisphere
29. Lines of constant wind speed drawn on weather charts are called
30. In N hemisphere due to rotation of earth winds are deflected to
31. A change in wind direction from 310° to 020° is
32. The wind blows clockwise around a low in N-hemisphere
33. The inertial flow is
34. Anabatic wind occurs
35. Sudden change in wind speed from 10 kt to 30 kt for 2 -3 minutes
36. Anabatic wind is stronger than katabatic

The resultant wind that blows under the influence of pressure gradient force, geostrophic force and cyclostrophic force is called

38. If an aircraft in N-hemisphere flies from H to L it will experience
39. The thermal wind is
40. Local Winds follow Buys Ballots law
41. With the onset of sea breeze there is a _____ in temperature and ____ in RH
42. A significant wind shear is generally associated with TS or line squall
43. Geostrophic rule breaks down at
44. If the S is warmer than the N, level by level, from surface up to higher levels, then the ____ wind will strengthen with height with no change in direction in N hemisphere
45. Sea breeze is stronger than land breeze