
Questions for SIGMET

Answer the following questions

1. Refer to the following TAF extract: BECMG 1821 2000 BKN004 PROB30 BECMG 2124 0500 FG VV001 What does the “BECMG” data indicate for the 18 to 21 hour time frame?
2. In the TAF for Dehli (India), during the summer, for the time of your landing you note: TEMPO TS. What is the maximum time this deterioration in weather can last in anyone instance ?
3. Refer to the following TAF extract: BECMG 1821 2000 BKN004 PROB30 BECMG 2124 0500 FG VV001 What does the abbreviation “PROB30” mean?
4. Which of the following phenomena can produce a risk of aquaplaning?
5. Which of the following statements is an interpretation of the METAR? 25020G38KT 1200 +TSGR BKN006 BKN015CB 23/18 Q1016 BECMG NSW =
6. Look at this TAF for Zurich Airport TAF LSZH 211322 22018G35KT 9999 SCT012 BKN030 BECMG 1315 25025G45KT TEMPO 1720 4000 +SHRA BKN025TCU BECMG 2022 25015KT T1815Z T1618Z = Which of these statements best describes the weather most likely to be experienced at 1500 UTC?
7. The cloud base, reported in the METAR, is the height above
8. In which of the following 1850 UTC METAR reports, is the probability of fog formation, in the coming night, the highest?
9. Refer to the following TAF extract: BECMG 1821 2000 BKN004 PROB30 BECMG 2124 0500 FG VV001 What does the abbreviation “BKN004” mean?
10. Which of these four METAR reports suggests that rain is most likely in the next few hours?
11. How would a severe mountain wave be coded in a SIGMET message?
12. Which of the following statements is an interpretation of the SIGMET? LSAW SWITZERLAND 0307 SIGMET 2 VALID 030700/031100 LSSW mod to sev cat fcst north of alps btn fl 260 and fl 380 / stnr / intsf =
13. Which of the following weather reports could be, in accordance with the regulations, abbreviated to “CAVOK”? (MSA above ground: LSZB 10000 FT, LSZH 8000 FT, LSGG 12000 FT, LFSB 6000 FT)
14. What does the term TREND signify?
15. Runway Visual Range (RVR) is
16. Refer to the TAF for Bordeaux airport. FCFR31 281400 LFBD 1524 26015KT 9999 SHRA BKN020 TEMPO 1620 26020G30KT 8000 +SHRA BKN015CB PROB30 TSRA = Flight Lisbon to Bordeaux, ETA 1800 UTC. What type of precipitation is forecast on the approach to Bordeaux ?
17. Appended to a METAR you get the following runway report: 01650428 What must you consider when making performance calculations?
18. ATIS information contains
19. On the European continent METARs of main airports are compiled and distributed with intervals of
20. Which of the following statements is an interpretation of the SIGMET? SIGMET VALID 121420/121820 embd ts obs and fcst in w part of athinai fir / mov e / intst nc =
21. Refer to the TAF for Zurich Airport TAF LSZH 250716 00000KT 0100 FG VV001 BECMG 0810 0800 VV002 BECMG 1012 23005KT 2500 BKN005 TEMPO 1316 6000 SCT007 = Which of these statements best describes the weather that can be expected at 1200 UTC?
22. Which of the following weather reports could be, in accordance with the regulations, abbreviated to “CAVOK”? (MSA above ground : LSZB 10000 FT, LSZH 8000 FT, LSGG 12000 FT, LFSB 6000 FT)
23. The RVR, as reported in a METAR, is always the
24. Within a short interval, several flight crews report that they have experienced strong clear air turbulence in certain airspace. What is the consequence of these reports?
25. The wind direction in a METAR is measured relative to
26. If CAVOK is reported then
27. Refer to the TAF for Amsterdam airport: FCNL31 281500 EHAM 281601 14010KT 6000 -RA SCT025 BECMG 1618 12015G25KT SCT008 BKN013 TEMPO 1823 3000 RA BKN005 OVC010 BECMG 2301 25020KT 8000 NSW BKN020 = Flight from Bordeaux to Amsterdam, ETA 2100 UTC. What is the minimum visibility forecast for ETA Amsterdam ?
28. Which of the following weather reports could be, in accordance with the regulations, abbreviated to “CAVOK”?
29. Runway visual range can be reported in
30. What does the term METAR signify?
31. Refer to the TAF for Amsterdam airport. FCNL31 281500 EHAM 281601 14010KT 6000 -RA SCT025 BECMG 1618 12015G25KT SCT008 BKN013 TEMPO 1823 3000 RA BKN005 OVC010 BECMG 2301 25020KT 8000 NSW BKN020 = Flight from Bordeaux to Amsterdam, ETA 2100 UTC. What lowest cloud base is forecast for arrival at Amsterdam?
32. Refer to the following TAF for Zurich. LSZH 061019 20018G30KT 9999 -RA SCT050 BKN080 TEMPO 23012KT 6000 -DZ BKN015 BKN030 BECMG 1518 23020G35KT 4000 RA OVC010= The lowest cloud base forecast at ETA Zurich (1200 UTC) is
33. Given the following METAR: EDDM 250850Z 33005KT 2000 R26R/P1500N R26L/1500N BR SCT002 OVC003 05/05 Q1025 NOSIGGiven the following METAR: EDDM 250850Z 33005KT 2000 R26R/P1500N R26L/1500N BR SCT002 OVC003 05/05 Q1025 NOSIG
34. In the following SIGMET message, what is the hazard forecast? LFFF SIGMET 1 VALID 310600/311100 LFPW- UIR FRANCE MOD TURB FCST BLW FL420 W of 04W MOVE E 30KT NC=
35. What do the first four letters of the SIGMET message identify?
36. The validity of a TAF is
37. In which weather report would you expect to find information about icing conditions on the runway?
38. The following weather report EDDM 241322 VRB03KT 1500 HZ OVC004 BECMG 1517 00000KT 0500 FG VV002 TEMPO 2022 0400 FG VV001 is a
39. Refer to the following TAF extract: BECMG 1821 2000 BKN004 PROB30 BECMG 2124 0500 FG VV001 What does the abbreviation “VV001” mean?
40. Compare the following TAF and VOLMET reports for Nice: TAF 240716 VRB02KT CAVOK = 0920Z 13012KT 8000 SCT040CB BKN100 20/18 Q1015 TEMPO TS = What can be concluded from the differences between the two reports ?
41. What is the wind speed given in a METAR report based on?
42. Which of the following weather reports could be, in accordance with the regulations, abbreviated to “CAVOK”?
43. In which of the following METAR reports, is the probability of fog formation in the coming night the highest?
44. What is the expected change in the weather intensity indicated by this SIGMET? EGTT SIGMET 1 VALID 310730/311130 EGRR LONDON FIR ISOL CB FCST TOPS FL370 ROUTES W OF W00400 NC=
45. In METAR messages, the pressure group represents the
46. You receive the following METAR : LSGG 0750Z 00000KT 0300 R05/0700N FG VV001 M02/M02 Q1014 NOSIG = What will be the RVR at 0900 UTC?
47. At a weather station, at 0600 UTC, the air temperature and dew point are respectively: T = - 0,5°C,Td = -1,5°C. In the METAR message transmitted by this station, the “temperature group” will be:
48. Refer to TAF below. EGBB 261812 28015G25KT 9999 SCT025 TEMPO 1822 29018G35KT 5000 SHRASN BKN010CB PROB30 TEMPO 1821 1500 TSGR BKN008CB BECMG 2124 26010KT From the TAF above you can assume that visibility at 2055Z in Birmingham (EGBB) will be:
49. Marseille Information gives you the following meteorological information for Ajaccio and Calvi for 1600 UTC : Ajaccio: wind 360°/2 kt, visibility 2000 m, rain, BKN stratocumulus at 1000 FT, OVC altostratus at 8000 FT, QNH 1023 hPa. Calvi: wind 040°/2 kt, visibility 3000 m, mist, FEW stratus at 500 FT, SCT stratocumulus at 2000 FT, OVC altostratus at 9000 FT, QNH 1023 hPa. The ceilings (more than 4 oktas) are therefore:
50. What is a trend forecast?