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Questions for TAF
Answer the following questions
Test Mode
Training Mode
1. The weather group SHSNRA in a TAF means
Slight showers of snow and rain
Moderate showers of snow and rain
Showers of snow and rain
Heavy showers of snow and rain
2. The weather group RERA in a TAF means
Returning rain
Recent rain
Retreating rain
Rain in retreat
3. A TAF time group 0202/0220 means that the TAF
Is a long range forecast for the 18 hour period from the 2nd at 0200 UTC to the 2nd at 2000 UTC
Is a short range forecast only, at 0220 UTC
Was observed at 0220 UTC
Was issued at 0220 UTC
4. The correct decode for a TAF 1206/1215 14025G40KT 1200 BR would be
The forecast is for a nine hour period from 0600 to 1500 UTC with a surface wind of 140° M at 25 kts gusting 40 kts, visibility 1,200 metres in broken patches
The forecast is for a nine hour period from the 12th at 0600 to 1500 UTC on the same day with a surface wind of 140° T at 25 kts gusting 40 kts, visibility 1,200 metres in mist
The forecast is for a nine hour period from 0615 UTC with a surface wind of 140° T at 25, visibility 1,200 metres in fog
The forecast is for a nine hour period from 0615 UTC with a surface wind of 140° M at 25 kts gusting 40 kts, visibility 1,200 metres in mist
5. Which of the following correctly decodes a TAF that reads: EGLL 1306/1315 VRB08KT 9999 SCT025=
Valid from the 13th at 0600 UTC to the 13th at 1500 UTC; surface wind will be variable at 8 kts, with a visibility 10 km or more; 3-4 oktas of cloud with a base of 2500 ft above aerodrome level
Observed at 0615 UTC; the surface wind was variable in direction and speed; averaging 8 kts; with a visibility of 10 km or more, and a cloud base of 2500 ft above aerodrome level
Valid from 0600 UTC to 1500 UTC; surface wind variable at 8 kts; visibility 10 nm or more; with a cloud base of 2500 ft above mean sea level
Observed at 0600 UTC; the surface wind was variable in direction and speed; with a visibility of 10 km and a cloud base of 2500 ft above ground level
6. BECMG 1618/1620 BKN030 in a TAF means
Becoming from 1820 UTC 3-4 oktas of cloud at 3,000 ft agl
Becoming between 1800 UTC and 2000 UTC 3-4 oktas of cloud at 300 ft agl
Becoming from 1820 UTC 5-7 oktas of cloud at 3,000 ft agl
Becoming between 1800 UTC and 2000 UTC 5-7 oktas of cloud at 3,000 ft agl
7. TEMPO in a TAF means
The development of unpredictable conditions that may be a hazard to aviation
A temporary variation to the main forecast that will last for less than one hour, or if recurring, for less than half the period indicated
A variation to the base line conditions laid down in the main forecast that will continue to prevail until the end of the main forecast
A temporary variation to the main forecast lasting less than an hour
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