
Questions for METAR

Answer the following questions

1. The code “BECMG FM 1100 –RASH” in a METAR means
2. Providing the minimum sector altitude is not a factor, CAVOK in a TAF or METAR
3. When a TREND is included at the end of a METAR, the trend is a forecast valid for
4. In the METAR shown below, the cloud base has been omitted. At what height might you expect the cloud-base to be? 28005KT 9999 ?????? 12/11 Q1020 NOSIG
5. The visibility group R20/0050 in a METAR means
6. A METAR may be defined as being
7. Which of the following correctly decodes the METAR shown below? METAR EGKL 130350Z 32005KT 0400N DZ BCFG VV002
8. A temperature group of 28/24 in a METAR means that