

Answer the following questions

1. The warm temperature climatic zone is
2. The upper winds tend to be westerly outside the tropics because
3. Monsoons are seasonal winds which
4. The most notorious advection fogs occur
5. Dust storms and haze are most common
6. Trade winds in the southern hemisphere are
7. Jet stream main locations are
8. The large change in the direction of trade winds is caused by
9. Tropical Revolving Storms are
10. The Savannah climatic zone is
11. The Polar Front is
12. Near the equator upper winds tend to be
13. The Tropopause is
14. The average temperature around the equatorial regions
15. The Hadley cell is the name given to
16. Statistical pressure values tend to be
17. The outflow from the Siberian High
18. Northern hemisphere summers tend to be
19. The heat equator is
20. The areas of greatest rainfall are
21. Trade winds
22. The most numerous and frequent thunderstorms occur
23. Jet streams
24. The effect of mountain barriers on temperature is exemplified by the following
25. The ITCZ is