
Questions for AIR MASSES

Answer the following questions

1. Which of the following statements concerning the core of a polar front jet stream is correct?
2. What are the typical differences between the temperature and humidity between an air mass with its origin in the Azores and an air mass with its origin over northern Russia?
3. How are the air masses distributed in a cold occlusion ?
4. What type of precipitation would you expect at an active unstable cold front?
5. How do you recognize a cold air pool?
6. What is the surface visibility most likely to be, in a warm sector of tropical maritime air, during the summer?
7. How do air masses move at a warm front?
8. Read this description: “After such a fine day, the ring around the moon was a bad sign yesterday evening for the weather today. And, sure enough, it is pouring down outside. The clouds are making an oppressively low ceiling of uniform grey; but at least it has become a little bit warmer.” Which of these weather phenomena is being described?
9. Where is the coldest air to be found, in an occlusion with cold front characteristics?
10. What characterizes a stationary front?
11. In which air mass are extremely low temperatures encountered?
12. Frontal depressions can be assumed to move in the direction of the 2000 feet wind
13. The approximate inclined plane of a warm front is
14. At the approach of a warm front (northern hemisphere) the wind direction changes from the surface up to the tropopause. The effect of this change is that the wind
15. In which of the following regions does polar maritime air originate?
16. During a cross-country flight at FL 50, you observe the following sequence of clouds: Nimbostratus, Altostratus, Cirrostratus, Cirrus. Which of the following are you most likely to encounter?
17. When do cold occlusions occur most frequently in Europe?
18. What type of front / occlusion usually moves the fastest?
19. Which of the following describes a warm occlusion?
20. In which approximate direction does the centre of a frontal depression move?
21. A squall line usually is most likely to be encountered
22. What will be the effect on the reading of an altimeter of an aircraft parked on the ground shortly before an active cold front passes?
23. After passing at right angles through a very active cold front in the direction of the cold air, what will you encounter, in the northern hemisphere immediately after a marked change in temperature?
24. A frontal depression passes through the airport. What form of precipitation do you expect?
25. Thunderstorms in exceptional circumstances can occur in a warm front if
26. Which of the following conditions are you most likely to encounter when approaching an active warm front at medium to low level ?
27. What will be the effect on the reading of an altimeter of an aircraft parked on the ground as an active cold front is passing?
28. What is encountered during the summer, over land, in the centre of a cold air pool?
29. In a polar front depression, an occlusion is called a warm occlusion when the cold air
30. What cloud cover is typical for a wide warm sector of a polar front depression over Central Europe in the summer ?
31. What types of cloud will you meet flying towards a warm front?
32. Where does polar continental air originate?
33. The polar front is the boundary between
34. On an aerodrome, when a warm front is approaching
35. Which of the following is typical for the passage of a cold front in the summer ?
36. In which main direction does a polar front depression move?
37. The main factor which contributes to the formation of very low clouds ahead of a warm front is the
38. What cloud formation is most likely to occur at low levels when a warm air mass overrides a cold air mass?
39. Which of the following zones is most likely to encounter little or no precipitation?
40. What is the relative movement of the two air masses along a cold front?
41. Thunderstorms can occur on a warm front if the
42. What will be the effect on the reading of an altimeter of an aircraft parked on the ground during the period following the passage of an active cold front?