
Questions for Air Conditioning/Pressurization/Ventilation A320

Answer the following questions

1. The trim air valves are _____ controlled by the zone controller
2. The Ram Air Inlet Flaps remain open during takeoff and landing to allow extra airflow during high power situations.
3. Placing the EXTRACT push button to override:
4. What are the different sources of air for air conditioning and pressurization?
5. Temperature control is automatic and is regulated by:
6. Hot air “FAULT” light illuminates on the air conditioning panel.
7. Placing the avionics ventilation system in the smoke configuration:
8. What happens to the pack flow control valves during engine start?
9. What happens when a temperature selector rotary knob is adjusted?
10. Aft cargo indications may be found on which ECAM page(s)?
11. If you select a position other than the AUTO detent on the LDG ELEV AUTO selector, how can you see the actual landing elevation value?
12. Engine flow demand, when the heating or cooling demand in one zone cannot be satisfied:
13. The PACK FLOW controller is set to NORM and yet the ECAM display shows PACK FLOW to be high. How is this possible?
14. The Ram Air valve:
15. What is the maximum altitude associated with the pressurization system?
16. Pressurization controllers receive inputs from:
17. Hot air pressure regulating valve:
18. When landing elevation is set to AUTO, the landing elevation is sent to the controller from:
19. Pack flow control valve:
20. Which statement is correct regarding illumination of the amber AFT ISOL VALVE fault light?
21. Following a system 1 fault:
22. Hot air press. reg. valve failed open
23. During ground function operation, the outflow valve is:
24. Which configuration is the avionics ventilation system in while airborne with no abnormals present?
25. Bleed air supplied from the APU (APU bleed valve open), the pack flow is automatically selected:
26. The temperature selectors are located in:
27. The zone controller optimizes temperature by action on:
28. With the pressurization system in the automatic mode, which valves are closed when the ditching push button is selected on?
29. What will cause the ENG BLEED fault light to come on?
30. Placing the BLOWER push button to override:
31. The temperature of the air that exits the compressor section is displayed above the Pack Flow. It normally displays green, but displays amber for temperatures over:
32. What limitation is associated with the ram air valve?
33. When mode selector is selected to manual, the outflow valve is controlled by signals sent via controller 1 or 2
34. It is permissible to use simultaneously packs and Lp ground unit during long stops in a hot airfield
35. Conditioned air is distributed to:
36. What is the function of the Pack Flow selector?
37. Both pressurization auto controllers are set by the active flight plan loaded in the MCDU. The QNH entry on the MCDU Approach Performance page refines the depressurization schedule for the landing.
38. Cond. Zone regulator fault (primary channel failed):
39. The RAM AIR switch should be used:
40. How many outflow valves are there?
41. The HOT AIR valve push button controls:
42. Pressurization is normally automatic. Can you interfere with it?
43. When does normal depressurization occur?
44. In case of trim air system fault (zone controller primary channel failure), the secondary channel of the zone controller regulated the zone temperature at:
45. Hot air fault light illuminates on the air conditioning panel,
46. Trim air valves are controlled by:
47. Pack controller, secondary channel failure
48. If a pack controller fails (primary and secondary channel failure), the pack outlet air temperature is controlled by:
49. Pack controller, primary channel failure.
50. Which of the following statements is correct concerning conditioned air?