
Questions for VISIBILITY

Answer the following questions

1. Which of the following is most likely to lead to the dissipation of radiation fog ?
2. When is the RVR reported at most airports?
3. In unstable air, surface visibility is most likely to be restricted by
4. Frontal fog is most likely to occur
5. What wind conditions, occurring just before dawn, favour the formation of fog at an airport where the temperature is 15°C and the dew point is 14°C?
6. Which of the following conditions is most likely to lead to the formation of advection fog ?
7. When the temperature and dew point are less than one degree apart the weather conditions are most likely to be
8. Visibility is reduced by haze when
9. When does frontal fog, also known as mixing fog, occur?
10. Flight visibility from the cockpit during approach in a tropical downpour can decrease to minimal
11. Which of the following weather conditions favour the formation of radiation fog?
12. What conditions are most likely to lead to the formation of hill fog?
13. What are the differences between radiation fog and advection fog ?
14. A significant inversion at low height is a characteristic of
15. In the vicinity of industrial areas, smoke is most likely to affect surface visibility when
16. Advection is
17. Below a low level inversion visibility is often
18. Which of the following statements is true concerning advection fog?
19. What type of fog is most likely to form over flat land during a clear night, with calm or light wind conditions?
20. At what time of day, or night, is radiation fog most likely to occur?
21. Which of the following is most likely to lead to the formation of radiation fog?
22. Which of the following circumstances most favour the development of radiation fog?
23. Advection fog can be formed when
24. The most likely reason for radiation fog to dissipate or become low stratus is
25. Steaming fog (arctic sea smoke) occurs in air
26. Under which of these conditions is radiation fog most likely to form?
27. What is the average vertical extent of radiation fog?
28. In general, the meteorological visibility during rainfall compared to during drizzle is
29. While approaching your target aerodrome you receive the following message: RVR runway 23: 400m. This information indicates the
30. Which of the following conditions is most likely to lead to the formation of steam fog (arctic smoke)?
31. What is the relationship between meteorological visibility and RVR in homogeneous fog?
32. Which type of fog is likely to form when air having temperature of 15°C and dew point of 12°C blows at 10 knots over a sea surface having temperatures of 5°C?
33. The range of wind speed in which radiation fog is most likely to form is