
Questions for TEMPERATURE

Answer the following questions

1. The morning following a clear, calm night when the temperature has dropped to the dew point, is likely to produce
2. An inversion is
3. An isothermal layer is a layer of air in which the temperature
4. Several physical processes contribute to atmospheric warming. Which of the following contribute the most?
5. The diurnal variation in temperature is largest when the sky is
6. The diurnal variation in temperature is least when the sky is
7. Around Paris on January 3rd at 1800 UTC, the surface temperature, under shelter, is 3°C. The sky is covered by 8 oktas of stratus. QNH is 1033 hPa. If the sky is covered all night, the minimum temperature of the night of January 3rd to January 4th should be
8. The temperature at FL 160 is -22°C. What will the temperature be at FL 90 if the ICAO standard lapse rate is applied?
9. What is the technical term for an increase in temperature with altitude?
10. An inversion is a layer of air in which the temperature
11. If you are flying at FL 100 in an air mass that is 10°C warmer than a standard atmosphere, what is the outside temperature likely to be?
12. The radiation of the sun heats
13. Convective activity over land in mid-latitudes is greatest in
14. In the International Standard Atmosphere the decrease in temperature with height below 11 km is
15. The environmental lapse rate in an actual atmosphere
16. Which of the following is a common cause of ground or surface temperature inversion?
17. On a clear sky, continental ground surface, wind calm, the minimum temperature is reached approximately