
Questions for MET REGULAR SEP 2023

Answer the following questions

1. Which of the following conditions is most likely to lead to the formation of advection fog ?
2. For mountain waves to form the wind speed for small mountains should be atleast
3. Flying at right angles to a jet stream with falling pressure you will experience
4. Lines of constant wind speed drawn on weather charts are called
5. At the top of orographic waves, in mountainous regions, the cloud most likely to be encountered is
6. Rise in temperature with height is
7. An aircraft flying in Summer season from Delhi to Kolkata at 10 km will experience
8. Rainfall in the tropics is more in the
9. Flying from Low to High an altimeter would read
10. A part of the sinking air over the subtropical high flows towards the equator, turning west (in the northern hemisphere) due to the Coriolis force. This surface air is called
11. Norwesters normally occur during
12. Trade winds are most prominent or strongest
13. The occurrence of large deserts near 30N and 30S are due to large scale
14. Which constant pressure altitude chart is standard for a 18289 FT pressure level (FL 180) ?
15. The hailstones occur from
16. Average life of a tropical cyclone in India is
17. An aerodrome is at the mean sea level. Its QNH is 1014.0 hPa. Its QFF will be
18. The validity of Landing Forecast (TREND) is
19. Inversion in the atmosphere indicates
20. Generally the severest activity of a, heat type, TS is for
21. Wind speed in a tropical severe cyclone is:
22. Hot bodies (like sun) radiate
23. In which of these cloud types can icing be virtually ruled out?
24. What causes wind?
25. CS in Indian region are less intense because
26. Rime is formed by freezing of ____ supercooled water droplets on airframe when air is flying through clouds
27. Where is a squall line to be expected?
28. Fog occurs in Cold Front
29. Norwesters occur during
30. Relative humidity depends on
31. Low level wind shear is likely to be greatest
32. Advection fog occurs due to ........ air moving over ............ surface over
33. The total energy radiated by a black body is proportional to its temperature(T)
34. The movement of wind in relation to a cyclone is