
Questions for REVISION

Answer the following questions

1. An aircraft is flying at constant indicated altitude, over a cold airmass. The altimeter reading will be
2. In a turn at constant angle of bank ... the rate of turn is
3. A gravity erector system corrects errors on a
4. When turning through 900 at constant attitude and bank, a classic Artificial Horizon indicates
5. The maximum drift error sensed by an uncompensated DGI will be
6. What happens when the static vent supplying an ASI is blocked, and the ram air inlet remains clear?
7. In a Remote Indicating Compass, what component feeds the Amplifier?
8. You are flying at a constant FL 290 and constant mach number. The total temperature increases by 50. The CAS will
9. An aircraft fitted with a DRMC is landing in a southerly direction, in the Southern Hemisphere. What indications will be seen on the DRMC?
10. The properties of a gyro are: 1. mass 2. rigidity 3. inertia 4. precession 5. rotational speed
11. The gravity erecting device on a vertical gyro is used on which instrument;
12. The Directional Gyro Indicator (DGI) can
13. A ring laser gyro consists of
14. VLO is defined as
15. The pressure measured at the forward face of the Pitot probe is
16. A rate integrating gyro is used in
17. An aircraft is accelerating to take-off on a runway with a QDM of 045°. Which way does the DRMC move, if the aircraft is in the Northern Hemisphere?
18. The frequency band used for a Radio Altimeter is
19. What are the upper and lower limits of the yellow arc on an ASI?
20. The Turn Indicator is a useful gyroscopic instrument. When used in association with an attitude indicator will show: 1. angular velocity about the yaw axis 2. direction of turn 3. angular velocity about true vertical axis 4. speed of turn
21. What is the speed of sound at 25,000 ft and -28 degrees C
22. The properties of a Turn Indicator are: 1. One degree of freedom 2. two degrees of freedom 3. two springs connected to the aircraft frame 4. spin axis in the longitudinal plane 5. spin axis parallel to the yaw axis 6. spin axis horizontal
23. What is the Schuler period?
24. What is SAT?
25. If the left static vent is blocked, and the right static vent is clear. What will the altimeter read if the aircraft maintains constant level?
26. An aircraft is fitted with two altimeters. One is corrected for position error, the other is not corrected for position error
27. On board a/c, true altitude shown from:
28. True heading can be converted into magnetic heading using a compass and
29. On a turn and slip indicator, needle to the left and ball to the right indicates
30. VNO is the max. speed which
31. What is VMO calculated from
32. An aircraft is flying at constant indicated altitude, over a warm airmass. The altimeter reading will be
33. In a slightly banked turn, the turn needle will indicate:
34. What is the purpose of the latitude nut in a DGI?
35. In a DGI what error is caused by the gyro movement relative to the earth?
36. A factor giving an error on a direct indicating compass would be
37. What is indicated on the ASI when the static vent blocks during a descent?
38. Using a classic Artificial Horizon, the a/c performs a right turn through 270 degrees at a constant angle of bank and rate of turn. The indication is
39. What is the normal operating range of a low altitude Radio Altimeter?
40. Mach number is defined as
41. The errors of a DGI are: 1. earth rate 2. transport wander 3. banking when pitched up 4. annual movement of poles 5. mechanical problems
42. The main cause of error in a DRMC is
43. VNO is defined as
44. A DGI has
45. In a left turn, the ball of the turn co-ordinator is out to the right, what corrective action is required?
46. If CAS is kept constant, what happens to the Mach No?
47. If the needle and the ball of a Turn & Slip indicator both show right, what does it indicate
48. An aircraft, in the southern hemisphere, is decelerating to land on a westerly heading. The direct reading magnetic compass will indicate
49. If an aircraft, fitted with a DRMC, takes off on a westerly heading, in the northern hemisphere, the DRMC will indicate
50. The vertical reference of a data generation unit is