

Answer the following questions

1. An altitude alerting system must at least be capable of alerting the crew on: 1. Approaching selected altitude 2. Abnormal gear/flap combination 3. Excessive vertical speed 4. Excessive terrain closure 5. Excessive deviation from selected altitude 6. Failure to set SPS or RPS as required
2. EGPWS may indicate: 1. Excessive sink rate after T/O 2. Excessive descent rate 3. Excessive closure 4. Ground proximity, not in the landing configuration 5. Deviation from glide-slope 6. Proximity to en-route terrain
3. What are the inputs to a modern jet transport aeroplane's stall warning system: 1. A.o.A 2. Engine RPM 3. Configuration 4. Pitch and bank information 5. Control surface position 6. Airspeed vector
4. What is the EGPWS mode 3 audible alert?
5. According to JAR OPS subpart K, when must the DFDR on a 12 seat turbo prop a/c begin recording?