

Answer the following questions

1. In an aircraft which requires a mach trim system it will apply inputs to the horizontal stabilizer
2. A system which can still function without degradation of performance after a failure has
3. The rules for the use of Autotrim are that it
4. An automatic flight control system is fitted with control wheel steering (CWS)
5. Control wheel steering enables a pilot to
6. The auto-throttle is used to control some factors during the three primary control modes, they are
7. During an autoland approach
8. A fundamental requirement of a closed loop servo-mechanism is
9. During an autoland at 50 ft AGL (45' GA) the pitch control of the autopilot is ............. and the roll control is ....................
10. The Autothrottle will come on automatically even with the A/T switch OFF when
11. During an approach to an autoland at 1500 feet
12. The JAR OPS requirements for single pilot operation under IFR state that the aircraft must be fitted with
13. With the Autopilot engaged in the Alt mode the Captain alters the barometric setting. The aircraft:
14. L.NAV is an............. input to the using data from the...........
15. The system which allows the pilot to control the aircraft with the servomotors engaged is called
16. In an autoland at 1000' AGL with two autopilots engaged
17. Inputs to the rudder channels initially originate from
18. Autotrim is functional
19. If a fault develops in a Triplex auto-pilot system during an approach, the system will revert to
20. The type of automatic landing system which would necessitate a manual landing after a system failure during an automatic approach is
21. The mode that enables the pilot to manoeuvre his aircraft in pitch and roll by use of the automatic control system is called the
22. Central Air Data Computers (CADC's) transmit data concerning
23. JAR 25 operational requirements for the installation of automatic pilot state that the system must have: A. automatic synchronisation B quick release controls on both control wheels.
24. Altitude Select and Altitude Hold are examples of
25. Autopilot corrections affecting Pitch are carried out by
26. A single axis autopilot may also be called
27. What type of autoland system would be required for the landing to continue following a single failure below alert height
28. For a commercial aircraft operating with a single pilot in IFR the minimum requirement is that the autopilot should have control in
29. An automatic flight system which can safely continue with an automatic landing after a system failure is a
30. During a CAT 2 ILS automatic approach, the source for altitude information is the
31. During an autoland the caption LAND 2 is illuminated. The system is
32. An auto pilot
33. A single axis autopilot system
34. An automatic flight control system
35. Autopilot synchronisation in an aircraft
36. A rate gyro
37. The Autoland. sequence is considered to be complete when
38. An aircraft has yaw damping included in its auto stabilisation system. An essential requirement of such a system is
39. Heading hold mode relates to control in
40. With the autopilot in CWS the pilot manoeuvres the aircraft and releases control. The aircraft will maintain
41. To prevent servo motor runaway from producing excessive demands to the control surface
42. Inner loop stability is obtained by
43. An autoland system that, in the event of an autopilot failure, continues to function without degradation of performance beyond the limits required automatic, would be one with the status
44. For an autoland system to meet FAIL PASSIVE criteria it must
45. The fundamental components of an autopilot control loop are
46. Automatic flight systems may be capable of controlling the aircraft flight in
47. ALT HOLD is an example of
48. An automatic flight control system in which the application of normal forces on the control column allows the pilot to input demands to the autopilot is a
49. After a failure of one of the necessary redundant systems below alert height you would
50. A device in a closed loop control system in which a small power input controls a much larger power output in a strictly proportionate manner is