

Answer the following questions

1. In computer terminology “software” refers to
2. Memory capacity in a digital computer is expressed in
3. Examples of input peripheral devices are: 1. mouse 2. modem 3. printer 4. screen display unit 5. keyboard
4. The permanent memory of a digital computer usually takes the form of
5. Aircraft data in analog form, before being processed by a computer must be passed through a
6. The smallest information element in a digital system is
7. In computer terminology a memory which loses its data when power is removed is called
8. A basic digital computer consists of: 1. input peripherals 2. central processing unit 3. inertial unit 4. memory 5. auto brightness control 6. output peripherals
9. The Central Processing Unit (CPU) consists of: 1. input device 2. output device 3. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) 4. Shift Registers 5. Control Unit 6. Hard disk
10. In a negative logic system
11. In a digital computer binary 1 is represented by +5 volts and Binary 0 by earth. This is an example of
12. In computer terminology an input peripheral device would be
13. Convert the decimal number 7 to its binary equivalent
14. The computer language system which uses the base 16 is known as
15. The computer language in which calculations are carried out and information is stored in memory is
16. The purpose of the Arithmetic Logic Unit within the Central Processing Unit is to
17. The two types of binary logic are
18. A group of binary digits handled as a group is referred to as a
19. In computer terminology an output peripheral device would be
20. Within the Central Processing Unit, the temporary stores and accumulator which handle the data during processing are called
21. In computer terminology “hardware” refers to
22. The number system which uses the numbers 0 to 9 followed by the letters A to F is
23. Convert binary 1110 to its decimal equivalent
24. The computer language system which uses the base 8 is called
25. In computer terminology a memory which retains its data when power is removed is called: