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CPL Test Series
Question Bank
Questions for INDIGO AERODYNAMIC 5259-5689
Answer the following questions
Test Mode
Training Mode
Ground effect has the following influence on the landing distance
increases, only if the landing flaps are fully extended.
does not change
Compared with stalling airspeed (VS) in a given configuration, the airspeed at which stick shaker will be triggered is
greater than VS
1.12 VS
1.20 VS.
1.30 VS.
The effects of very heavy rain (tropical rain) on the aerodynamic characteristics of an aeroplane are
decrease of CLmax and decrease of drag
increase of CLmax and increase of drag
increase of CLmax and decrease of drag
decrease of CLmax and increase of drag
In transonic flight the ailerons will be less effective than in subsonic flight because
aileron down deflection moves the shock wave forward
behind the shock wave pressure is lower
aileron deflection only affects the air in front of the shock wave.
aileron deflection only partly affects the pressure distribution around the wing
An engine failure can result in a windmilling (1) propeller and a non rotating (2) propeller. Which statement about propeller drag is correct?
(1) is larger than (2).
(1) is equal to (2).
(2) is larger than (1).
impossible to say which one is largest.
What happens during an engine failure with two similar aeroplanes with wing mounted engines, one of them with jet engines, the other one with co-rotating propellers
More roll tendency for the propeller aeroplane
The same yaw tendency for both aeroplanes regardless of left or right engine failure.
The same roll tendency for both aeroplanes
Less roll tendency for the propeller aeroplane
What will increase the sensitivity to Dutch Roll?
An increased anhedral
An increased static lateral stability.
A forward movement of the centre of gravity.
An increased static directional stability
Which statement is correct about a normal shock wave ?
The airflow expands when passing the aerofoil
The airflow changes direction
The airflow changes from supersonic to subsonic
The airflow changes from subsonic to supersonic
The ""short period mode"" is an
unstable movement of the aeroplane, induced by the pilot
oscillation about the longitudinal axis
oscillation about the lateral axis
oscillation about the vertical axis.
Which combination of design features is known to be responsible for deep stall?
Straight wings and a T-tail
Swept back wings and a T-tail
Swept back wings and wing mounted engines
Straight wings and aft fuselage mounted engines
The critical angle of attack
increases if the CG is moved forward
decreases if the CG is moved aft
remains unchanged regardless of gross weight
changes with an increase in gross weight
A strongly swept back wing stalls. If the wake of the wing contacts the horizontal tail, the effect on the stall behaviour can be
nose up tendency and/or lack of elevator response
nose down tendency
increase sensitivity of elevator inputs
tendency to increase speed after initial stall
If the altitude is increased and the TAS remains constant in the standard troposphere the Mach Number will
increase or decrease, depends of the type of aeroplane
not change.
An aeroplane has a stall speed of 78 KCAS at its gross weight of 6850 Ibs. What is the stall speed when the weight is 5000 Ibs ?
The stalling speed in IAS will change according to the following factors
Will increase in a turn, higher temperature and will increase when the c.g. moves aft
May increase when the c.g. moves forward, with higher altitude and due to the slip stream from a propellor on an engine located forward of the wing
Will increase with increased load factor, more flaps and increased bank angle in a turn
May increase with altitude, especially high altitude, will increase during icing conditions and will increase when the c.g. moves forward
Slat extension will
increase critical angle of attack.
create gaps between leading edge and engine nacelles.
decrease the energy in the boundary layer on the upperside of the wing
increase critical angle of attack.
Does the pitch-angle of a constant-speed propeller alter in medium horizontal turbulence?
Yes, but only if the pitch is full-fine.
Yes strongly
Yes slightly
Shock induced separation results in
increasing lift.
decreasing drag
constant lift.
decreasing lift
The (1) stick force stability and the (2) manoeuvre stability are positively affected by
(1) forward C.G. position (2) aeroplane nose up trim.
(1) forward C.G. position (2) forward CG. position
(1) aeroplane nose up trim (2) aeroplane nose up trim.
(1) aft C.G. position (2) aft CG. position.
When the air is passing through an expansion wave the static temperature will
decrease and beyond a certain Mach number start increasing again
stay constant
Which statement is correct about the gust load on an aeroplane (IAS and all other factors of importance remaining constant) ?1. the gust load increases, when the weight decreases.2. the gust load increases, when the altitude increases
1 is incorrect and 2 is correct.
1 and 2 are correct.
1 and 2 are incorrect
1 is correct and 2 is incorrect
What will happen in ground effect ?What will happen in ground effect ?
a significant increase in thrust required
the wing downwash on the tail surfaces increases
an increase in strength of the wing tip vortices
the induced angle of attack and induced drag decreases
To be able to predict compressibility effects you have to determine the
Mach Number
The following unit of measurement: kgm/s² is expressed in the SI-system as
""Flutter"" may be caused by
distorsion by bending and torsion of the structure causing increasing vibration in the resonance frequency
low airspeed aerodynamic wing stall.
high airspeed aerodynamic wing stall
roll control reversal
In the transonic range lift will decrease at the shock stall due to the
appearance of the bow wave
first appearance of a shock wave at the upper side of the wing
attachment of the shock wave on the trailing edge of the wing.
separation of the boundary layer at the shock waves.
The bow wave will appear first at
M= 1.0
M= 1.3
M= Mcrit
M= 0.6
In a two-dimensional flow pattern, where the streamlines converge the static pressure will
increase initially, then decrease.
not change.
The induced angle of attack is the result of
downwash due to flow separation
downwash due to tip vortices.
a large local angle of attack in a two dimensional flow.
change in direction of flow due to the effective angle of attack.
An aeroplane performs a continuous descent with 160 kts IAS and 1000 feet/min vertical speed. In this condition
weight is greater than lift
drag is less than the combined forces that move the aeroplane forward
lift is less than drag
lift is equal to weight
After a disturbance about the lateral axis, an aeroplane oscillates about the lateral axis at a constant amplitude. The aeroplane is
Statically unstable - Dynamically neutral
Statically stable - Dynamically unstable
Statically stable - Dynamically neutral
Statically unstable - Dynamically stable
The angle between the airflow (relative wind) and the chord line of an aerofoil is
glide path angle
angle of attack
climb path angle
same as the angle between chord line and fuselage axis.
In which phase of the take-off is the aerodynamic effect of ice located on the wing leading edge most critical?
The take-off run.
During climb with all engines operating.
All phases of the take-off are equally critical.
The last part of the rotation
When the blades of a propeller are in the feathered position
the propeller produces an optimal windmilling RPM
the drag of the propeller is then minimal
the RPM is then just sufficient to lubricate the engine
the windmilling RPM is the maximum
Positive static stability of an aeroplane means that once it has been displaced the
tendency will be to move with an oscillating motion of increasing amplitude
initial tendency to move is away from its equilibrium position
tendency will be to move with an oscillating motion of decreasing amplitude
initial tendency to move is towards its equilibrium position
An aeroplane has a stall speed of 100 kt at a load factor n=1. In a turn with a load factor of n=2, the stall speed is
282 kt
141 kt
70 kt
200 kt
Vortex generators on the upper side of the wing surface will
increase the magnitude of the shock wave.
decrease the span wise flow at high Mach Numbers
decrease the intensity of shock wave induced air separation
increase the critical Mach Number
The regime of flight from the critical Mach number up to M = 1.3 is called the
supersonic range
transonic range
subsonic range
hypersonic range
Examples of aerodynamic balancing of control surfaces are
mass in the nose of the control surface, horn balance and mass balance.
servo tab, spring tab, seal between the wing trailing edge and the leading edge of control surface.
spring tab, servo tab, and power assisted control
balance tab, horn balance, and mass balance
What is the effect on induced drag of weight and speed changes ?
induced drag increases with decreasing speed and induced drag increases with increasing weight
induced drag increases with increasing speed and induced drag increases with decreasing weight
induced drag decreases with increasing speed and induced drag decreases with decreasing weight
induced drag decreases with decreasing speed and induced drag decreases with increasing weight
The high speed buffet is induced by
boundary layer control
a shift of the centre of gravity.
boundary layer separation due to shock waves
expansion waves on the wing upper side.
Longitudinal static stability is created by the fact that the
centre of gravity is located in front of the neutral point of the aeroplane
wing surface is greater than the horizontal tail surface
centre of gravity is located in front of the leading edge of the wing
aeroplane possesses a large trim speed range.
The value of the parasite drag in straight and level flight at constant weight varies linearly with the
angle of attack
square of the speed
square of the angle of attack.
Compared with level flight prior to the stall, the lift (1) and drag (2) in the stall change as follows
(1) decreases (2) increases.
(1) decreases (2) decreases.
(1) increases (2) decreases.
(1) increases (2) increases
Which statement is correct about an expansion wave in a supersonic flow ?1- The density in front of an expansion wave is higher than behind.2- The pressure in front of an expansion wave is higher than behind
1 is correct and 2 is incorrect
1 is incorrect and 2 is correct.
1 and 2 are incorrect
1 and 2 are correct
Which of the following statements, about a venturi in a sub-sonic airflow are correct?1. the dynamic pressure in the undisturbed flow and in the throat are equal.2. the total pressure in the undisturbed flow and in the throat are equal
1 is correct and 2 is incorrect.
1 and 2 are correct.
1 and 2 are incorrect.
1 is incorrect and 2 is correct
If an aeroplane is flying at transonic speed with increasing Mach number the shock wave on the upper side of the wing
moves into trailing edge direction
stays all the time at the same position.
moves into leading edge direction
The aerofoil polar is
a graph of the relation between the lift coefficient and the drag coefficient
the relation between the horizontal and the vertical speed
a graph of the relation between the lift coefficient and the angle of attack.
a graph, in which the thickness of the wing aerofoil is given as a function of the chord.
One advantage of a movable-stabilizer system compared with a fixed stabilizer system is that
it is a more powerful means of trimming
the structure weighs less
it leads to greater stability in flight
the system's complexity is reduced
In the transonic range the aeroplane characteristics are strongly determined by
the Mach Number
the CAS.
the IAS.
the TAS
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