
Questions for MISCELLANEOUS 4903-5258

Answer the following questions


Astronomic precession


The time needed for the dissipation of a turbulent wake created by a wide-body aircraft during take-off is about


The file kept by an employer on its flight crews records:1 - the training2 - the test results3 - a log of flying hours4 - a summary of the training by reference periodWhich of the following combinations contains all of the correct answers?


In case of an engine nozzle fire while on ground you


When the weather conditions require an alternate aerodrome to be available on take-off, the latter shall be located, for a twin-engined aircraft, at an equivalent distance not exceeding


The information concerning dangerous products that passengers may carry, are listed in the


The system which must be switched off in case of a belly compartment fire is generally the


To extinguish a fire in the cockpit, you use:1. a water fire-extinguisher2. a powder or chemical fire-extinguisher3. a halon fire-extinguisher4. a CO2 fireextinguisherThe combination regrouping all the correct statements is


For an airplane with a tyre pressure of 12 bars, there is a risk of dynamic hydroplaning as soon as the :1- water height is equal to the depth of the tyre grooves.2- speed is greater than 114 kt.3- water height is equal to the half of the depth of the tyre grooves.4- speed is greater than 83 kt.The combination regrouping all the correct statements is


The greatest possibility of ice buildup, while flying under icing conditions, occurs on


For stable clouds:1- the most favourable temperatures for icing are between 0°C and -10°C2- the most favourable temperatures for icing are between 0°C and -15°C3- icing becomes rare at t < -18°C4- icing becomes rare at t < -30°C5- the diameter of water droplets is between 0.002 and 0.03mm6- the diameter of water droplets is between 0.004 and 0.2mmWhich of the following combinations contains all the correct statements?


In accordance with DOC 4444 (ICAO) when a MEDIUM and a LIGHT aircraft are using the same runway, or parallel runways separated by less than 760 m, (in approach or departure phases of flight), shall be applied a wake turbulence radar separation minima of


In the event of communication failure in an MNPS (Minimum Navigation Performance Specification) airspace, the pilot must


In icing conditions and after the application of an anti-icing fluid on your airplane, you are waiting to take-off by:1. avoiding positioning yourself in the engine jet wash of the preceding aircraft2. avoiding positioning yourself in the turbo-props wash of the preceding aircraft 3. positioning yourself in the engine jet wash of the preceding aircraft 4. positioning yourself in the turbo-props wash of the preceding aircraft The combination regrouping all the correct statements is


The safety position for adults looks like: seat belts fastened


During take-off an aircraft hits a bird. Due to control vibrations a landing must be made immediately. Following this incident the pilot


Astronomic precession


In the JAR OPS, a runway is refered to as contaminated when more than 25 % of the required runway surface is covered with the one of the following elements:1. a water film sufficiently thick to give a shiny appearance to the runway.2. a water film or loose or slushy snow equivalent to more than 3 mm of water.3. compacted snow (a solid mass which may not be compacted further).4. ice, including wet ice.5. moist grass.The combination regrouping all the correct statements is


A passenger is allowed to carry match-boxes:1. on himself/herself2. in his/her hand luggage3. in his/her checked luggageThe combination regrouping all the correct statements is


If both precision navigation systems of an aircraft are unserviceable during a flight in MNPS airspace, and if you cannot establish communication with the air traffic control, you


In addition to the languages required by the State of Origin, what language should be set for the markings related to dangerous goods


What is the transponder code to be used by an aircraft that is subject to unlawful interference (hijacked) is


A braking action of 0.25 and below reported on a SNOWTAM is


For a twin-engine aeroplane, the standard operational take-off minimums may be used provided an alternate aerodrome is accessible at less than


The aircraft is of Category A. The runway has edge lights and high intensity centre line lights. There is an accessible alternate aerodrome and the two pilot crew is IFR qualified on type. The minimum horizontal visibility required for take-off is


During a transoceanic and polar flight, the chart precession is a rotation in degrees, for a moving aircraft, of the gyro North with respect to the


During a landing approach, the aircraft is subjected to windshear with a decreasing tail wind. In the absence of a pilot action, the aircraft :1- flies above the glide path2- flies below the glide path3- has an increasing true airspeed4- has a decreasing true airspeedthe combination of correct statements is


You will use a powder fire-extinguisher for:1. a paper fire2. a plastic fire3. a hydrocarbon fire4. an electrical fireThe combination regrouping all the correct statements is


According to the recommended noise abatement procedures contained in the ICAO, DOC 8268 Volume I part V, data available indicates that the procedure which results in noise relief during the part of the procedure close to the airport


For an airplane with a tyre pressure of 8 bars, there is a risk of dynamic hydroplaning as soon as the :1- water height is equal to the depth of the tyre grooves.2- speed is greater than 96 kt.3- water height is equal to the half of the depth of the tyre grooves.4- speed is greater than 127 kt.The combination regrouping all the correct statements is


During an aircraft de-icing/anti-icing procedure


The minimum requirements for Supplemental Oxygen to be supplied in pressurised aeroplanes during and following an emergency descent are that for pilots it shall be available for the entire flight time that the cabin pressure altitude exceeds a minimum of X feet. That minimum of X feet is


Mist in the cabin, pressure and temperature drop characterize


In compliance with the JAR OPS, in order to carry hazardous materials on board a public transport airplane, they must be accompanied with a


The general information, instructions and recommendations on the transport of hazardous materials are specified in the


The minimum equipment list of a public transport airplane is to be found in the


During a flight to Europe, scheduled in MNPS (Minimum Navigation Performance Spécification) airspace, you expect to cross the 30°W meridian at 2330 UTC , you will normally be


Who makes sure that the air transportation of an item of dangerous goods is not prohibited?


A check on the operation of the SELCAL equipment during a transatlantic flight using the OTS (Organised Track System) must be done


While approaching the outer-marker, the tower informs you about the presence of a ""microburst"". You will expect to encounter


A category I precision approach (CAT I) is an approach which may be carried out with a runway visual range of at least :550 m


The M.M.E.L. (Master Minimum Equipment List) is drawn up by


The coverage angle of the regulatory red position light, continuously lit in flight and located at the tip of the left wing is


A polar stereographic chart has a grid printed over it which is parallel to the meridian 054°W, with Grid North in the direction of the North geographic pole.An aircraft is following a true course of 330°.At position 80°N 140°E, its grid heading (GH) with this system will be :136°


During a flight to Europe, planned in MNPS (Minimum Navigation Performance Specification) airspace, you expect to cross the 30°W meridian at 00H30 UTC , you will then normally be


The Minimum Equipment List (MEL) defines the equipment on which certain inflight failures can be allowed and the conditions under which this allowance can be accepted . The Mel is drawn up by


Posit :g, the longitude differenceLm, the average latitudeLo, the latitude of the tangentThe transport precession is equal to


For the purpose of wake turbulence separation, what is the ICAO minimum radar separation distance if a heavy aeroplane is following directly behind another heavy aeroplance on the approach to the same runway ?


On board a non-pressurized aircraft, 10% of the passengers must be supplied with oxygen throughout the period of flight, reduced by 30 minutes, during which the pressure altitude is between


In the MNPS (Minimum Navigation Performance Specification) area, a pilot should first of all take the following action in the event of a failure of the last inertial navigation system