
Questions for Indigo gen NAV 4090-4604

Answer the following questions


An aircraft at latitude 10° South flies north at a GS of 890 km/HR. What will its latitude be after 1.5 HR?


From the departure point, the distance to the point of equal time is


Given: GS = 95 kt.Distance from A to B = 480 NM.What is the time from A to B?


An aircraft at FL350 is required to cross a VOR/DME facility at FL110 and to commence descent when 100 NM from the facility. If the mean GS for the descent is 335 kt, the minimum rate of descent required is


Given: Distance 'A' to 'B' is 325 NM,Planned GS 315 kt,ATD 1130 UTC,1205 UTC - fix obtained 165 NM along track.What GS must be maintained from the fix in order to achieve planned ETA at 'B'?


A Lambert conformal conic chart has a constant of the cone of 0.75. The initial course of a straight line track drawn on this chart from A (40°N 050°W) to B is 043°(T) at A, course at B is 055°(T). What is the longitude of B?


Given: TAS = 200 kt,Track (T) = 073°,W/V = 210/20kt.Calculate the HDG (°T) and GS?


Given:TAS = 125 kt,True HDG = 355°,W/V = 320°(T)/30kt.Calculate the true track and GS?


Given: TAS = 140 kt,HDG (T) = 005°,W/V = 265/25kt.Calculate the drift and GS?


What are, in order of highest priority followed by lowest, the two levels of message produced by the CDU of the B737-400 Electronic Flight Instrument System?


Given: Compass Heading 090°, Deviation 2°W, Variation 12°E, TAS 160 kt.Whilst maintaining a radial 070° from a VOR station, the aircraft flies a ground distance of 14 NM in 6 MIN. What is the W/V °(T)?


Given:Distance 'Q' to 'R' 1760 NMGroundspeed 'out' 435 ktGroundspeed 'back' 385 ktThe time from 'Q' to the Point of Equal Time (PET) between 'Q' and 'R' is


How is the radio position determined by the FMC in the B737-400 Electronic Flight Instrument System?


The main reason that day and night, throughout the year, have different duration, is due to the


An aircraft departs from position A (04°10' S 178°22'W) and flies northward following the meridian for 2950 NM. It then flies westward along the parallel of latitude for 382 NM to position B. The coordinates of position B are?


Parallels of latitude, except the equator, are


The Local Mean Time at longitude 095°20'W, at 0000 UTC, is


Given: course required = 085° (T),Forecast W/V 030/100kt,TAS = 470 kt,Distance = 265 NM.Calculate the true HDG and flight time?


An aircraft in the northern hemisphere makes an accurate rate one turn to the right/starboard. If the initial heading was 330°, after 30 seconds of the turn the direct reading magnetic compass should read


When an aircraft on a westerly heading on the northern hemisphere accelerates, the effect of the acceleration error causes the magnetic compass to


An island appears 30° to the right of the centre line on an airborne weather radar display. What is the true bearing of the aircraft from the island if at the time of observation the aircraft was on a magnetic heading (MH) of 355° with the magnetic variation (VAR) 15°E?


Given: True HDG = 145°,TAS = 240 kt,Track (T) = 150°,GS = 210 kt.Calculate the W/V?


Given :True altitude 9000 FT,OAT -32°C,CAS 200 kt.What is the TAS?


At latitude 60°N the scale of a Mercator projection is 1 : 5 000 000. The length on the chart between 'C' N60° E008° and 'D' N60° W008° is


On a Lambert Conformal chart the distance between meridians 5° apart along latitude 37° North is 9 cm. The scale of the chart at that parallel approximates


7. Position A is located on the equator at longitude 130°00E. Position B is located 100 NM from A on a bearing of 225°(T).The coordinates of position B are


Given:Magnetic heading 311°Drift angle 10° leftRelative bearing of NDB 270°What is the magnetic bearing of the NDB measured from the aircraft?


Complete the following statement regarding magnetic variation. The charted values of magnetic variation on earth normally change annually due to


The principle of 'Schuler Tuning' as applied to the operation of Inertial Navigation Systems/ Inertial Reference Systems is applicable to


Given:Distance 'A' to 'B' 2484 NMMean groundspeed 'out' 420 ktMean groundspeed 'back' 500 ktSafe endurance 08 HR 30 MIN The distance from 'A' to the Point of Safe Return (PSR) 'A' is


Given: TAS = 220 kt,Magnetic course = 212 º, W/V 160 º(M)/ 50kt,Calculate the GS?


Given:true track 352°variation 11° Wdeviation is -5°drift 10°R.Calculate the compass heading?




In a remote indicating compass system the amount of deviation caused by aircraft magnetism and electrical circuits may be minimised by


Seasons are due to the


Which of the following is an occasion for carrying out a compass swing on a Direct Reading Compass?


The resultant of the first integration from the north/south accelerometer of an inertial navigation system (INS) in the NAV MODE is


Given:Distance A to B is 360 NM. Wind component A - B is -15 kt,Wind component B - A is +15 kt,TAS is 180 kt.What is the distance from the equal-time-point to B?


On a Direct Mercator chart, meridians are


When turning right from 330°(C) to 040°(C) in the northern hemisphere, the reading of a direct reading magnetic compass will


For a landing on runway 23 (227° magnetic) surface W/V reported by the ATIS is 180/30kt. VAR is 13°E. Calculate the cross wind component?


An aircraft is following a true track of 048° at a constant TAS of 210 kt. The wind velocity is 350° / 30 kt. The GS and drift angle are


The chart distance between meridians 10° apart at latitude 65° North is 3.75 inches. The chart scale at this latitude approximates

43. (4483) An aircraft was over 'A' at 1435 hours flying direct to 'B'.Given:Distance 'A' to 'B' 2900 NMTrue airspeed 470 ktMean wind component 'out' +55 ktMean wind component 'back' -75 ktSafe endurance 9 HR 30 MIN The distance from 'A' to the Point of Safe Return (PSR) 'A' is


On a Lambert conformal conic chart the convergence of the meridians


Given: True course from A to B = 090°,TAS = 460 kt, W/V = 360/100kt,Average variation = 10°E,Deviation = -2°.Calculate the compass heading and GS?


Given:Magnetic heading = 255°VAR = 40°WGS = 375 ktW/V = 235°(T) / 120 ktCalculate the drift angle?


An aircraft takes off from the aerodrome of BRIOUDE (altitude 1 483 FT, QFE = 963 hPa, temperature = 32°C).Five minutes later, passing 5 000 FT on QFE, the second altimeter set on 1 013 hPa will indicate approximately


Given:Runway direction 083°(M),Surface W/V 035/35kt.Calculate the effective headwind component?


What is the meaning of the term ""standard time"" ?


In which of the following situations is the FMC present position of a B737-400 Electronic Flight Instrument System likely to be least accurate? a) Just after take-off b) At