
Questions for INDIGO FLIGHT PLANNING (2108-2519)

Answer the following questions


On a VFR flight plan, the total estimated time is


Find the time to the Point of Safe Return (PSR). Given: Maximum useable fuel 15000 kg, Minimum reserve fuel 3500 kg, TAS out 425 kt, Head wind component out 30 kt, TAS return 430 kt, Tailwind component return 20 kt, Average fuel flow 2150 kg/h


An aeroplane is flying from an airport to another.In cruise, the calibrated airspeed is I50 kt, true airspeed 180 kt, average groundspeed 210 kt, the speed box on the filed flight plan shall be filled as follows


An executive pilot is to carry out a flight to a French aerodrome, spend the night there and return the next day. Where will he find the information concerning parking and landing fees ?


You must fly IFR on an airway orientated 135° magnetic with a MSA at 7 800 ft. Knowing the QNH is 1 025 hPa and the temperature is ISA + 10°, the minimum flight level you must fly at is


An aeroplane has the following masses:ESTLWT= 50 000 kgTrip fuel= 4 300 kgContingency fuel= 215 kgAlternate fuel (final reserve included)= 2 100kgTaxi= 500 kgBlock fuel= 7 115 kgBefore departure the captain orders to make the block fuel 9 000 kg.The trip fuel in the operational flight plan should read


A public transport aeroplane with reciprocating engines,is flying from PARlS to LYON. The final reserve corresponds to


Given the following:D = flight distance X = distance to Point of Equal TimeGSo = groundspeed outGSr = groundspeed return The correct formula to find distance to Point of Equal Time is


You are to determine the maximum fuel load which can be carried in the following conditions :- dry operating mass : 2800 kg- trip fuel : 300 kg- payload : 400 kgmaximum take-off mass : 4200 kg- maximum landing mass : 3700 kg


On an ATC flight plan, to indicate that you will overfly the way-point TANGO at 350 kts at flight level 280, you write


Given:Dry operating mass (DOM)= 33500 kgLoad= 7600 kgMaximum allowable take-off mass= 66200 kgStandard taxi fuel= 200 kgTank capacity= 16 100 kgThe maximum possible take-off fuel is


How many hours in advance of departure time should a flight plan be filed in the case of flights into areas subject to air traffic flow management (ATFM)?


Given: Maximum allowable take-off mass 64400 kg, Maximum landing mass 56200 kg, Maximum zero fuel mass 53000 kg, Dry operating mass 35500 kg, Traffic load 14500 kg, Trip fuel 4900 kg, Take-off fuel 7400 kgFind: Maximum additional load


Given :Course A to B 088° (T)distance 1250 NMMean TAS 330 ktMean W/V 340°/60 ktThe time from A to the PET between A and B is


A helicopter is on a 150 NM leg to an off-shore oil rig. Its TAS is 130 kt with a 20 kt tailwind, its endurance is 3h30min without reserve. Upon reaching destination, it is asked to proceed outbound to locate a ship in distress, on a track which gives a 15 kt tailwind. Maintaining zero reserve on return to the oil rig, the helicopter can fly outbound for distance of


The fuel burn off is 200 kg/h with a relative fuel density of 0,8. If the relative density is 0,75, the fuel burn will be


An operator (turbojet engine) shall ensure that calculation up of usable fuel for a flight for which no destination alternate is required includes, taxi fuel, trip fuel, contingency fuel and fuel to fly for


The still air distance in the climb is 189 Nautical Air Miles (NAM) and time 30 minutes. What ground distance would be covered in a 30 kt head wind?


An airway is marked 3500T 2100 a. This indicates that


When completing an ATS flight plan for a flight commencing under IFR but possibly changing to VFR, the letters entered in Item 8 (FLIGHT RULES) would be


In the cruise at FL 155 at 260 kt TAS, the pilot plans for a 500 feet/min descent in order to fly overhead MAN VOR at 2 000 feet (QNH 1030). TAS will remain constant during descent, wind is negligible, temperature is standard.The pilot must start the descent at a distance from MAN of


During an IFR flight in a Beech Bonanza the fuel indicators show that the remaining amount of fuel is 100 lbs after 38 minutes. The total amount of fuel at departure was 160 lbs. For the alternate fuel, 30 lbs is necessary. The planned fuel for taxi is 13 lbs. Final reserve fuel is estimated at 50 lbs. If the fuel flow remains the same, how many minutes can be flown to the destination with the remaining fuel?


In an ATS flight plan Item 15, in order to define a position as a bearing and distance from a VOR, the group of figures should consist of


On a given path, it is possible to chose between four flight levels (FL), each associated with a mandatory flight Mach Number (M). The flight conditions, static air temperature (SAT) and headwind component (HWC) are given below: FL 370 - M = 0.80 Ts = -60°C HWC = -15 kt FL 330 - M = 0.78 Ts = -60°C HWC= - 5 kt FL 290 - M = 0.80 Ts = -55°C HWC = -15 kt FL 270 - M = 0.76 Ts = -43°C HWC = 0The flight level allowing the highest ground speed is


In the ATS flight plan Item 15, a cruising speed of 470 knots will be entered as


When completing an ATS flight plan, an elapsed time (Item 16) of 1 hour 55 minutes should be entered as


Given: Maximum allowable take-off mass 64 400 kg, maximum landing mass 56200 kg, maximum zero fuel mass 53 000 kg, dry operating mass 35 500 kg, estimated load 14 500 kg, estimated trip fuel 4 900 kg, minimum take-off fuel 7 400 kg.Find: maximum additional load


An aircraft, following a 215° true track, must fly over a 10 600 ft obstacle with a minimum obstacle clearance of 1 500 ft. Knowing the QNH received from an airport close by, which is almost at sea-level, is 1035 and the temperature is ISA -15°C, the minimum flight level will be


If CAS is 190 kts, Altitude 9000 ft. Temp. ISA - 10°C, True Course (TC) 350°, W/V 320/40, distance from departure to destination is 350 NM, endurance 3 hours, and actual time of departure is 1105 UTC. The Point of Equal Time (PET) is reached at


Find the distance to the POINT OF SAFE RETURN (PSR). Given: maximum useable fuel 15000 kg, minimum reserve fuel 3500 kg, Outbound: TAS 425 kt, head wind component 30 kt, fuel flow 2150 kg/h, Return: TAS 430 kt, tailwind component 20 kt, fuel flow 2150 kg/h


Which of the following statements regarding filing a flight plan is correct?


Unless otherwise shown on charts for standard instrument departure the routes are given with


To carry out a VFR flight to an off-shore platform, the minimum fuel quantity on board is


The maximum permissible take-off mass of an aircraft for the L wake turbulence category on a flight plan is


A ""current flight plan"" is a


In the ATS flight plan, for a non-scheduled flight which of the following letters schould be entered in Item 8 (Type of Flight)


An airway is marked 5000 2900a. The notation 5000 is the


The navigation plan reads:Trip fuel: 100 kgFlight time: 1h35minTaxi fuel: 3 kgBlock fuel: 181 kgThe endurance on the ICAO flight plan should read


Given :Distance A to B 2050 NMMean groundspeed 'on' 440 ktMean groundspeed 'back' 540 ktThe distance to the point of equal time (PET) between A and B is


Given: True course (TC) 017°, W/V 340°/30 kt, True air speed (TAS) 420 ktFind: Wind correction angle (WCA) and ground speed (GS)


You are flying a constant compass heading of 252°. Variation is 22°E, deviation is 3°W and your INS is showing a drift of 9° right. True track is ?


For a repetitive flight plan (RPL) to be used, flights must take place on a regular basis on at least


Given:maximum allowable take-off mass 64 400 kg maximum landing mass 56 200 kg maximum zero fuel mass 53 000 kg dry operating mass 35 500 kg estimated load 14 500 kg estimated trip fuel 4 900kg minimum take-off fuel 7 400 kgFind the maximum allowable take-off fuel


The purpose of the decision point procedure is ?


An aircraft plans to depart London at 1000 UTC and arrive at Munich (EDDM) at 1215 UTC. In the ATS flight plan Item 16 (destination/EET) should be entered with


For a planned flight the calculated fuel is as follows:Flight time: 2h42minThe reserve fuel, at any time, should not be less than 30% of the remaining trip fuel.Taxi fuel: 9 kgBlock fuel: 136 kgHow much fuel should remain after 2 hours flight time?


For a flight to an off-shore platform, an alternate aerodrome is compulsory, except if :1 - flight duration does not exceed two hours2 - during the period from two hours before to two hours after the estimated landing time, the forecast conditions of ceiling and visibility are not less than one and a half times the applicable minima3 - the platform is available and no other flight either from or to the platform is expected between the estimated time of departure and one half hour after the estimated landing timeThe combination which regroups all of the correct statements is


A jet aeroplane has a cruising fuel consumption of 4060 kg/h, and 3690 kg/h during holding. If the destination is an isolated airfield, the aeroplane must carry, in addition to contingency reserves, additionnal fuel of


For turbojet engine driven aeroplane, given:Taxi fuel 600 kgFuel flow for cruise 10 000 kg/hFuel flow for holding 8 000 kg/hAlternate fuel 10 200 kgPlanned flight time to destination 6 hForecast visibility at destination 2000 mThe minimum ramp fuel required is


When completing an ATS flight plan for a European destination, clock times are to be expressed in