
Questions for PAYLOAD AND CG (1488-1678)

Answer the following questions


During a violent avoidance manoeuvre, a light twin aircraft, certified to FAR 23 requirements was subjected to an instantaneous load factor of 4.2. The Flight Manual specifies that the aircraft is certified in the normal category for a load factor of -1.9 to +3.8.Considering the certification requirements and taking into account that the manufacturer of the twin did not include, during its conception, a supplementary margin in the flight envelope, it might be possible to observe,


In relation to an aeroplane the Dry Operating Mass is the total mass of the aeroplane ready for a specific type of operation but excluding


The empty mass of an aeroplane is given as 44800 kg. Operational items (including crew standard mass of 1060 kg) are 2300 kg. If the maximum zero fuel mass is given as 65500 kg, the maximum traffic load which could be carried is


Conversion of fuel volume to mass


The actual 'Zero Fuel Mass' is equal to the


When an aeroplane is stationary on the ground, its total weight will act vertically


The take-off mass of an aeroplane is 141000 kg. Total fuel on board is 63000 kg including 14000 kg reserve fuel and 1000 kg of unusable fuel. The traffic load is 12800 kg. The zero fuel mass is


An aeroplane must be re-weighed at certain intervals. Where an operator uses 'fleet masses' and provided that changes have been correctly documented, this interval is


Given:Total mass 2900 kgCentre of gravity (cg) location station: 115.0Aft cg limit station: 116.0The maximum mass that can be added at station 130.0 is


Considering only structural limitations, on long distance flights (at the aeroplane's maximum range), the traffic load is normally limited by


Given are the following information at takeoff_______________________________________________________________ ____STATION MASS (kg) ARM (cm) MOMENT (kgcm)____________________________________________________________ _______Basic Empty Condition 12045 +30 +361350Crew 145 -160 -23200Freight 1 5455 +200 +1091000 Freight 2 410 -40 -16400Fuel 6045 -8 - 48360Oil 124 +40 +4960Given that the flight time is 2 hours and the estimated fuel flow will be 1050 litres per hour and the average oil consumption will be 2.25 litres per hour. The specific density of fuel is 0.79 and the specific density of oil is 0.96.Calculate the landing centre of gravity


The weight of an aeroplane, which is in level non accelerated flight, is said to act


The operator of an aircraft equipped with 50 seats uses standard masses for passengers and baggage. During the preparation of a scheduled flight a group of passengers present themselves at the check-in desk, it is apparent that even the lightest of these exceeds the value of the declared standard mass


During take-off you notice that, for a given elevator input, the aeroplane rotates much more rapidly than expected. This is an indication that


For the purpose of completing the Mass and Balance documentation, the Operating Mass is considered to be Dry Operating Mass plus


The Maximum Zero Fuel Mass is a structural limiting mass. It is made up of the aeroplane Dry Operational mass plus


The maximum intensity floor loading for an aeroplane is given in the Flight Manual as 650 kg per square metre. What is the maximum mass of a package which can be safely supported on a pallet with dimensions of 80 cm by 80 cm?


When the centre of gravity is at the forward limit, an aeroplane will be


For the purpose of completing the Mass and Balance documentation, the Dry Operating Mass is defined as


An aeroplane may be weighed


Traffic load is the


An aeroplane is to depart from an airfield where the performance limited take-off mass is 89200 kg. Certificated maximum masses are as follows:Ramp (taxi) mass 89930 kgMaximum Take-off mass 89430 kgMaximumLanding mass 71520 kgActual Zero fuel mass 62050 kgFuel on board at ramp:Taxi fuel 600 kgTrip fuel 17830 kgContingency, final reserve and alternate 9030 kgIf the Dry Operating Mass is 40970 kg the traffic load that can be carried on this flight is


Which of the following alternatives corresponds to zero fuel mass?


If the centre of gravity of an aeroplane moves forward during flight the elevator control will


If the centre of gravity is near the forward limit the aeroplane will


When considering the effects of increased mass on an aeroplane, which of the following is true?


An aircraft basic empty mass is 3000 kg.The maximum take-off, landing, and zerofuel mass are identical, at 5200 kg. Ramp fuel is 650 kg, the taxi fuel is 50 kg.The payload available is


A mass of 500 kg is loaded at a station which is located 10 metres behind the present Centre of Gravity and 16 metres behind the datum. (Assume: g=10 m/s^2)The moment for that mass used in the loading manifest is


At maximum certificated take-off mass an aeroplane departs from an airfield which is not limiting for either take-off or landing masses. During initial climb the number one engine suffers a contained disintegration. An emergency is declared and the aeroplane returns to departure airfield for an immediate landing. The most likely result of this action will be


A location in the aeroplane which is identified by a number designating its distance from the datum is known as


The mass of an aeroplane is 1950 kg. If 450 kg is added to a cargo hold 1.75 metres from the loaded centre of gravity (cg). The loaded cg will move


In cruise flight, an aft centre of gravity location will


Given:Dry Operating Mass= 29 800 kgMaximum Take-Off Mass= 52 400 kgMaximum Zero-Fuel Mass= 43 100 kgMaximum Landing Mass= 46 700 kgTrip fuel= 4 000 kgFuel quantity at brakes release= 8 000 kgThe maximum traffic load is


Given:Maximum structural take-off mass= 146 900 kgMaximum structural landing mass= 93 800 kgMaximum zero fuel mass= 86 400 kgTrip fuel= 27 500 kgBlock fuel= 35 500 kgEngine starting and taxi fuel = 1 000 kgThe maximum take-off mass is equal to


The centre of gravity of an aeroplane


Mass for individual passengers (to be carried on an aeroplane) may be determined from a verbal statement by or on behalf of the passengers if the number of


The maximum zero fuel mass is a mass limitation for the


An aeroplane is said to be 'neutrally stable'. This is likely to


With reference to mass and balance calculations (on an aeroplane) a datum point is used. This datum point is


To measure the mass and CG-position of an aircraft, it should be weighed with a minimum of


An aeroplane, which is scheduled to fly an oceanic sector, is due to depart from a high altitude airport in the tropics at 1400 local time. The airport has an exceptionally long runway. Which of the following is most likely to be the limiting factor(s) in determining the take - off mass ?


If individual masses are used, the mass of an aeroplane must be determined prior to initial entry into service and thereafter


For a particular aeroplane, the structural maximum mass without any fuel on board, other than unusable quantities, is


The crew of a transport aeroplane prepares a flight using the following data:- Dry operating mass: 90 000 kg- Block fuel: 30 000 kg- Taxi fuel: 800 kg- Maximum take-off mass: 145 000 kgThe traffic load available for this flight is


Which one of the following is correct?


On an aeroplane with a seating capacity of more than 30, it is decided to use standard mass values for computing the total mass of passengers. If the flight is not a holiday charter, the mass value which may be used for an adult is


For the purpose of completing the Mass and Balance documentation, the Traffic Load is considered to be equal to the Take-off Mass


The take-off mass of an aeroplane is 117 000 kg, comprising a traffic load of 18 000 kg and fuel of 46 000 kg. What is the dry operating mass?


On an aeroplane with 20 or more seats engaged on an inter-continental flight, the 'standard mass' which may be used for passenger baggage is


Fuel loaded onto an aeroplane is 15400 kg but is erroneously entered into the load and trim sheet as 14500 kg. This error is not detected by the flight crew but they will notice that