
Questions for INDIGO INSTRUMENTS (1117-1427)

Answer the following questions


A closed loop control system in which a small power input controls a much larger power output in a strictly proportionate manner is known as


The limits of the green scale of an airspeed indicator are


The vertical speed indicator (VSI) is fed by


When the intruding aircraft is equipped with a transponder without altitude reporting capability, the TCAS (Traffic Collision Avoidance System) issues a


The computers of the electrical flight controls system comply with programs defined by attitude control laws such as :1- on the longitudinal axis, the law may combine the load factor and the changes in the pitch rate as control data sources2- the trimming is automatic and ensures neutral stability3- the protections apply to pitch and bank attitudes depending on the speed4- these laws do not apply to the whole flight envelope The combination regrouping all the correct statements is


During an automatic landing, from a height of about 50 ft the


The Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) generates the following sound signal or signals when the aircraft is sinking after a take-off or a go-around


The stall warning system receives information about the :1- airplane angle of attack2- airplane speed3- airplane bank angle4- airplane configuration5- load factor on the airplaneThe combination regrouping all the correct statements is


If the static source to an airspeed indicator (ASI) becomes blocked during a descent the instrument will


The purpose of an airplane automatic trim system is to trim out the hinge moment of the


In the building principle of a gyroscope, the best efficiency is obtained through the concentration of the mass


The GPWS (Ground Proximity Warning System) is active for a height range from


In a transport airplane, an autopilot comprises, in addition to the mode display devices, the following fundamental elements :1- Airflow valve2- Sensors3- Comparators4- Computers5- Amplifiers6- Servo-actuatorsThe combination regrouping all the correct statements is


On a TCAS2 (Traffic Collision Avoidance System), a corrective ""resolution advisory"" (RA) is a ""resolution advisory""


The quadrantal deviation of a magnetic compass is corrected by using


According to the JAR-OPS regulations, the Cockpit Voice Recorder of a 50 seat multi-engined aircraft, having been granted an airworthiness certificate after 1st April 1998, shall start recording


A turn indicator is an instrument which indicates rate of turn.Rate of turn depends upon :1 : bank angle2 : aeroplane speed3 : aeroplane weightThe combination regrouping the correct statements is


A flux valve senses the changes in orientation of the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field.1- the flux valve is made of a pair of soft iron bars2- the primary coils are fed A.C. voltage (usually 487.5 Hz)3- the information can be used by a ""flux gate"" compass or a directional gyro4- the flux gate valve casing is dependent on the aircraft three inertial axis5- the accuracy on the value of the magnetic field indication is less than 0,5%Which of the following combinations contains all of the correct statements?


The calibrated airspeed (CAS) or Mach holding mode is carried out by:1- the autopilot pitch channel in the climb mode at a constant calibrated airspeed (CAS) or Mach number2- the autothrottles in the climb mode at a constant calibrated airspeed (CAS) or Mach number3- the autopilot pitch channel in the altitude or glide path holding mode4- the autothrottles in the altitude or glide path holding modeThe combination regrouping all the correct statements is


In a Turn-indicator, the measurement of rate-of-turn consists for


In an auto-pilot slaved powered control circuit, the system which ensures synchronisation


The calculator combined with the stick shaker system of a modern transport airplane receives information about the: 1- angle of attack2- engine R.P.M.3- configuration4- pitch and bank attitude5- sideslipThe combination regrouping all the correct statements is


The TCAS (Traffic Collision Avoidance System) gives avoidance resolutions


Concerning the TCAS (Traffic Collision Avoidance System)


Sound propagates through the air at a speed which only depends on


The essential components of a flight director are :1- a computer2- an automatic pilot3- an autothrottle4- command barsThe combination of correct statements is


The two main sources of information used to calculate turbojet thrust are the


A pilot wishes to turn left on to a southerly heading with 20° bank at a latitude of 20° North. Using a direct reading compass, in order to achieve this he must stop the turn on an approximate heading of


The primary factor which makes the servo-assisted altimeter more accurate than the simple pressure altimeter is the use of


Heading information from the gyromagnetic compass flux gate is transmitted to the


If the static source of an altimeter becomes blocked during a descent the instrument will


An airplane is in steady cruise at flight level 290. The autothrottle maintains a constant Mach number. If the total temperature increases, the calibrated airspeed


The magnetic heading can be derived from the true heading by means of a


The flight director indicates the


When an aircraft has turned 360 degrees with a constant attitude and bank, the pilot observes the following on a classic artificial horizon


The yaw damper indicator supplies the pilot with information regarding the


An automatic pilot is a system which can ensure the functions of


An aircraft is flying at a 120 kt true airspeed (VV), in order to achieve a rate 1 turn, the pilot will have to bank the aircraft at an angle of


The angle of attack transmitters placed laterally on the forward part of the fuselage supply an electrical signal indicating:1- the angular position of a wind vane2- a differential pressure in a probe, depending on the variation of the angle of attack3- a differential pressure in a probe, depending on the variation of the speedThe combination regrouping all the correct statements is


The pressure altitude is the altitude corresponding


An airplane is in steady descent. The autothrottle maintains a constant Mach number. If the total temperature remains constant, the calibrated airspeed


A slaved directional gyro derives it's directional signal from


Considering the maximum operational Mach number (MMO) and the maximum operational speed (VMO), the captain of a pressurized aircraft begins his descent from a high flight level. In order to meet his scheduled time of arrival, he decides to use the maximum ground speed at any time of the descent. He will be limited


The command functions of an autopilot include, among others, the holding of :1- vertical speed2- altitude3- attitude4- bank5- headingThe combination which regroups all of the correct statements is


The aircraft radio equipment which emits on a frequency of 4400 MHz is the


During the approach, a crew reads on the radio altimeter the value of 650 ft. This is an indication of the true


A cockpit voice recorder (CVR) will record :1. the information exchanged by the cabin crew2. the conversations between the crew members and voice communications transmitted from or received on the flight deck by radio3. the announcements made via the public address even if it has not been selected4. the conversations and alarms audible in the cockpit5. the captain conversations onlyThe combination regrouping all the correct statements is


In the Southern hemisphere, during deceleration following a landing in a Westerly direction, the magnetic compass will indicate


The density altitude is


When descending through an isothermal layer at a constant Calibrated Airspeed (CAS), the True Airspeed (TAS) will