
Questions for EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT (1051-1116)

Answer the following questions


In accordance with JAR-OPS 1, 100 % of the passengers in a non-pressurized airplane must have an oxygen supply reserve for the entire flight time at pressure altitudes greater than


In accordance with JAR-OPS 1, 10 % of the passengers in a non-pressurized airplane must have an oxygen supply reserve for the entire flight time when the cabin altitude pressure is greater than


A pressurized aeroplane is operated at FL 300. It undergoes a rapid decompression so that the pressure in the cabin goes quickly down to the outside pressure value. What happens concerning the oxygen system ?


The opening of the doors giving access to the oxygen masks for the passengers is :1. pneumatic for the gaseous oxygen system,2. electrical for the chemical oxygen system,3. pneumatic for the chemical oxygen system,4. electrical for the gaseous oxygen system.The combination regrouping all the correct statements is


The advantages of a gaseous oxygen source for the passenger cabin are :1. a greater autonomy,2. no risk of explosion,3. reversible functioning,4. easy storage and maintenance,5. possibility to regulate flow.The combination regrouping all the correct statements is


The number of crash axes on board an airplane, whose maximum approved configuration of passenger seats is 201, is


Modern pressurized transport airplanes are equipped with


The crash/fire axe is part of the safety equipment fitted to passenger aircraft. Its function is to


The purpose of the first aid oxygen is to


When selected to normal, the oxygen proportion of the air/oxygen mixture supplied by the cockpit oxygen system regulator


What is breathed in when using a passenger oxygen mask?


A diluter demand oxygen regulator


The chemical oxygen generator is a system:1. which is inexpensive2. requiring no external input3. which is lightweight4. requiring no maintenance5. with adjustable flow rate6. which is unsafeThe combination regrouping all the correct statements is


The advantages of a chemical oxygen source for the passenger cabin are :1. reduced weight and volume,2. easy storage and maintenance,3. greater autonomy,4. no risk of explosion,5. reversible functioning,6. no maintenance.The combination regrouping all the correct statements is


Chemical oxygen generators are used to furnish oxygen to the


The built-in passenger oxygen system be activated by


In the cabin, when the oxygen mask is pulled downwards, the passenger breathes


The demand valve of a diluter-demand type oxygen regulator in normal mode, operates when the


In accordance with the JAR-OPS, an airplane constituted of only one passenger deck, equipped with 61 seats and effectively carrying passengers, must be equipped with


A turboprop aeroplane is performing an overwater flight, which takes it further than 340 NM away from an aerodrome where an emergency landing could be performed. Normal cruising speed is 180 kt. One engine out airspeed is 155 kt


There are 60 passengers and crew members on board a turbo-prop aircraft. Its speed is 240 kt. At a point along the course steered, above the sea, the aircraft is at 1h45 min from an airdrome suitable for emergency landing. The minimum equipment complying with regulations is


The installation and use of on-board oxygen generators is such that:1 - the smoking ban is imperative when used2 - in case of accidental drop of the ""continuous flow"" passenger masks, no crew action is required3 - no trace of grease must be found in the system assembly4 - the system's filling adaptors must be greased with non freezable or graphite greaseThe combination which regroups all of the correct statements is


The purpose of a diluter demand regulator in an oxygen system is to


Consider the flight deck oxygen supply system. The purpose of the oxygen regulator (as a function of demand and altitude) is to:1. decrease oxygen pressure from 1800 PSI (in the bottles) down to about 50-75 PSI (low pressure system)2. supply pure oxygen3. supply diluted oxygen4. supply oxygen at normal pressure5. supply oxygen at emergency/positive pressure6. trigger the continuous cabin altitude warning at 10000 ft cabin altitudeThe combination regrouping all the correct statements is


An aircraft whose maximum approved configuration for passenger seats is 10 seats must be equipped with


As regards passengers oxygen in public transport aircraft, information must be given to passengers through a demonstration. If a flight is to be carried out at Flight Level FL 290, this demonstration must be completed before


In accordance with JAR-OPS 1 and if necessary, the number of liferafts to be found on board an aircraft must allow the transportation of the entire aircraft occupants


The number of hand fire extinguishers which have to be installed in the passenger cabin according to JAR-OPS depends on the number of


In accordance with the JAR-OPS and with the exception of amphibians and hydroplanes, the carriage of a life jacket per person on board is compulsory when the airplane is :1. cruising at such a distance from the shore that it would not be able to return in the case of an engine failure.2. is flying over a water surface at more than 50 NM off shore.3. is using departure and arrival paths above the water and when a ditching probability exists in the case of a problem.4. is flying over a stretch of water at more than 100 NM off shore.The combination regrouping all the correct statements is


The purpose of the ""Pressure Relief Valve"" in a high pressure oxygen system is to


The survival oxygen is


Airliners are equipped with oxygen systems. It can be said that


A public transport aircraft is operated at FL 390. The total number of oxygen dispensing units and outlets in the cabin must be at least the same as the total number of


The emergency lighting system must be able to function and supply a certain level of lighting after the main electric power system has been cut off for at least


In a pressurized transport aircraft, the protective breathing equipment


The chemical oxygen generator supplies oxygen for about


An oxygen regulator has 3 controls :- a power lever : ON/OFF- an ""O2"" lever : NORMAL/100%- an emergency lever : ON/OFFAmong the following statements, the correct proposition is


The disadvantages of a chemical oxygen source for the passenger cabin are :1. a flow which cannot be modulated,2. a heavy and bulky system,3. non reversible functioning,4. risks of explosion,5. poor autonomy.The combination regrouping all the correct statements is


The pyrotechnic means used in case of an emergency to indicate your position to the emergency teams are a flare


If the maximum operating pressure of the oxygen system is exceeded the


The safety precautions to be taken whenever using oxygen are:1. refrain from smoking, avoid sparkes.2. Avoid operation of radio communication equipment.3. Slowly operate oxygen system valves.4. Avoid greasy matter.The combination regrouping all the correct statements is


The state in which the breathing oxygen for the cockpit of jet transport aeroplanes is stored is


A jet aircraft is certified for the carriage of 120 passengers. 42 passenger are on board and the expected Flight Level on route Paris-Alger is FL 330. The first aid oxygen to be on board at departure shall provide breathing supply for at least


The type of a aircraft oxygen system intended for use by passengers, is mostly


In case of smoke in the cockpit, the crew oxygen regulator must be set to


Oxygen systems are systems used on pressurized airplanes in :1. an emergency in the case of depressurization.2. an emergency in the case of the indisposition of a passenger.3. normal use in order to supply oxygen to the cabin.5. an emergency in the case of smoke or toxic gases.The combination regrouping all the correct statements is


A public transport passengers aircraft, with a seating configuration of more than 61 seats, must have in its passenger compartment(s), at least 3 portable fireextinguishers including


From which flight level do the regulations require a quick donning type oxygen mask for the flight crew in a pressurized aircraft ?


In jet transport aircraft, breathing oxygen for the cockpit is stored in the following state


The portable emergency beacons which are used after an emergency landing or ditching have a duration of