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Airline Cadet Program
IGRUA Entrance Prep
B.Sc. Aviation
Pilot Training
Aircraft Type-Rating
Airbus A320
Boeing 737
CPL Test Series
Question Bank
Answer the following questions
Test Mode
Training Mode
One pilot will be designated as PIC of a public transport aircraft for each flight by
The operator.
Flying contract unit.
For operation in Class 'C and D' airspace in India, aircraft shall be equipped with appropriate
Two-way HF radio apparatus, and a compass.
Two-way VHF radio apparatus, and a radio compass.
Two-way radio apparatus, and a navigation aid.
If, after commencing an instrument approach, the reported RVR/Visibility falls below the applicable minimum, the approach shall not be continued
Belo 1000 ft above the aerodrome.
Below AOM published for the aerodrome.
Below MDA/DA, as applicable.
In a complex task high level of arousal
Lead to better decision-making.
Narrows the span of attention.
Reduce failures.
Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) information may be used alone in the provision of separation between aircraft provided
Instructions to pilot are acknowleged by him by making specific maneuver(s).
It cannot be used for providing separation.
Aircraft identification is established an maintained by use of discrete SSR coes.
Breathing 100% OXYGEN will lift the pilot's physiological safe altitude to approximately
10000 ft.
20000 ft.
38000 ft.
Empty field myopia is caused by
Lack of distant focal points.
Flying over mountainous terrain.
Atmospheric perspective.
The metabolization of alcohol
Is a question of time.
Is quicker when used to it.
Can be influenced by easy-to-get medication.
What is the meaning of AGL?
Aerodrome ground level.
Altitude of ground level.
Above ground level.
Which condition is requested so that an aerodrome may be considered controlled?
The aerodrome shall provided with a Control Tower.
The aerodrome shall be located within a Control Zone.
The aerodrome shall be located within a Control Zone (CTR) and provided with a Control Tower.
It is inadvisable to fly when suffering from a cold. The reason for this is
Although the change in air pressure during a climb at lower altitudes is very small, it increases rapidly at high altitudes. If the tissue in the Eustachian tube of the ear is swollen, gentle descents at high altitude would result in damage to the ear drum.
Swollen tissue in the inner ear will increase the rate of metabolic production resulting in hyperventilation.
The tissue around the nasal end of the Eustachian tube is likely to be swollen thus causing difficulty in equalizing the pressure within the middle ear and the nasal/throat area. Pain and damage to the eardrum can result, particularly during fast descents.
The part(s) of the eye responsible for night vision
Are the cones and rods.
Is the cornea.
Are rods.
Weather radar is?
The main factor that dictates in general the design of an instrument departure procedure is
Availability of navigation aids.
The terrain surrounding the aerodrome.
ATC availability and requirements.
Which of the following correctly defines flight level?
Vertical position with reference to MSL.
Vertical position with reference to aerodrome elevation.
Vertical position with reference to the standard pressure level.
The "PAPI" shall consist of
Two wing bars of 4 sharp transition multi-lamp or paired units equally spaced.
A wing bar of 4 sharp transition multi-lamp or paired units equally spaced.
Two wing bars of 6 sharp transition multi-lamp or paired units equally spaced.
To perform a VFR flight in airspace classification E
A clearance and/or two-way radio communication is required.
A clearance is required.
Two-way radio communication is not required.
An increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood leads to
A decrease of acidity in the blood.
A reduction of red blood cells.
Shortness of breath.
All flights above __________ flight levels are to be cleared IFR irrespective of weather Conditions
F 150.
F 280.
F 140.
Which of the following statements is correct?
The urgency communications have priority over all the other communications.
The urgency communications have priority over all the other communications, except distress.
ATC clearances have the same priority as urgency communications.
Wildlife hazard at aerodromes is caused due to the presence of
Birds and animals.
Wild animals.
What is defined as the portion of a flight in which the aircraft descends below 1000 ft above the relevant DH or MDH?
Go around / Missed Approach.
Glide path.
Approach to landing.
Which convention is considered to be a fore runner of Chicago Convention, 1944?
Warsaw Convention, 1929.
Paris Convention, 1919
Ibero-American Convention, 1926.
A pilot climbing in a non-pressurized aircraft and without using supplemental oxygen will pass the "critical threshold" at approximately
22000 ft.
18000 ft.
16000 ft.
"Time Approach Procedure" is used as necessary to expedite the approach of a number of arriving aircraft. This will be obtained requesting aircraft
To apply a step down descent between aircraft in the approach sequence.
To pass the specified point inbound at the previously notified time.
To maintain a specified speed during the approach procedure.
Which statement regarding aerodrome control service is correct?
ATC permission is required for entering the apron in a vehicle.
Suspension of VFR operations cannot be initiated by the aerodrome controller.
An aircraft entering the traffic circuit without permission of ATC, will be cleared to and if this is desirable.
ATC clearances are solely issued for
Expediting and separating air traffic.
Making pilots follow laid down procedures.
Alerting pilots about other aircraft in close vicinity.
A signalman will ask the pilot to apply parking brakes by the following signals
Arms down, palms facing inwards, moving arms from extended position inwards.
Raise arm and hand, with fingers extended, horizontally in front of body, then clench fist.
Horizontally moving his hands, fingers extended, palms toward ground.
The information concerning charges for aerodromes/heliports and Air Navigation Services are on the following part of the AIP
An aircraft being towed be night must display
Steady navigation lights.
Flashing navigation lights.
The same lights that are required in flight.
What is the correct way of transmitting the number 13500?
One three five zero zero.
One three thousand five hundred.
One three five hundred.
Fatigue and permanent concentration
Increase the tolerance to hypoxia.
Lower the tolerance to hypoxia.
Do not affect hypoxia at all.
Pilots logbook is to be preserved for
5 years from the date of starting the logbook.
5 years from the date of last entry.
3 years from the date of last entry.
A revised estimate shall be notified if the ETA destination passed by aircraft varies by
5 minutes.
2 minutes.
3 minutes.
Learning to fly
Involves motor programs, processing, actions and feedback.
To sharpen skills, a trainee pilot should be prepared to face challenging situations and take calculated risks.
Involves motivation, attention, observation, practice and corrective feedback.
PIC of an aeroplane shall be responsible for
Safe conduct of flight outside controlled airspace only.
Obstacle clearance when being vectored on radar.
Safe conduct of flight at all times.
Which are the phases of a missed approach proceure?
Arrival, initial, intermediate and final.
Initial, intermediate and final.
Initial and final.
A fast decompression is recognizable by the following elements: 1. Mist in the cabin. 2. Blast towards the exterior of the aircraft. 3. Expansion of body gases. 4. Blast of air released violently from the lungs. The combination of correct statements is
1, 2, 3, 4.
1, 4.
1, 2, 3.
The ATIS broadcast message should, whenever practicable, not exceed
1 minute.
2 minutes.
30 seconds.
Air Traffic Control service shall be provided to
To all aerodrome traffic at controlled aerodromes.
All IFR flights in class A, B, C, D, E and F airspace.
All VFR flights in class B, C, D and E airspace.
An applicant for a Commercial Pilot License aeroplane shall have completed not less than __________ hours of cross country flight time as pilot-in-command including a cross country flight totaling not less than _____ km (___ NM), in the course of which full stop landings at two different aerodromes shall be made
10 hours and 270km (150NM).
20 hours and 540km (300NM).
15 hours and 540km (300NM).
The atmosphere contains the following gases
78% helium, 21% oxygen, 0.03% carbon dioxide, rest: rare gases.
78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.03% carbon dioxide, rest rate gases.
78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% carbon monoxide, rest: rare gases.
Transition from altitude to flight level, and vice-versa is done
Only at transition altitude.
At transition level during climb and transition altitude during descent.
At transition altitude during climb and transition level during descent.
Contracting states shall not require the authorized agent or pilot-in-command to deliver to the public authorities concerned, before departure of the aircraft, more than some copies of General Declaration, Cargo Manifest and stores list. The numbers of the copies are
2 copies of General Declaration and of Cargo Manifest and of a stores list.
3 copies of General Declarations and Cargo Manifest and one copy of a simple stores list.
3 of each.
While on IFR flight, a pilot has an emergency which causes a deviation from an ATC clearance, what action must be taken?
Request an amended clearance or cancel the IFR fight plan.
The appropriate ATC unit shall be notified of the action taken as soon as circumstances permit.
Squawk 7700.
Which of the following Annexes to the Chicago convention contains international standards and recommended practices for air traffic services (ATS)?
Annex 6.
Annex 14.
Annex 11.
Operational Threats outside the control of light crew are
Adverse weather, Terrain, Airport conditions, Heavy traffic/TCAS events, Unfamiliar airports etc.
Aircraft malfunctions, Automation events etc.
Time pressure, Irregular operations, Flight diversions, Missed approaches etc.
"TODA" take-off distance available is
The length of the take-off run available plus the length of stopway and clearway (if provided).
The length of the take-off run plus the length of the stopway.
The length of the take-off run available plus the length of the clearway (if provided).
An ATS airpace where IFR and VFR flights are permitted, all flights are subject to air traffic control service and are separated from each other is classified as
Airspace D.
Airspace B.
Airspace C.
Acute stress quickly leads to
A state of over activation beyond the control of willpower.
The mobilization of resources required to cope with the stressors.
A decrease in the amount of resources mobilize to face the situation.
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