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Airline Cadet Program
IGRUA Entrance Prep
B.Sc. Aviation
Pilot Training
Aircraft Type-Rating
Airbus A320
Boeing 737
CPL Test Series
Question Bank
Answer the following questions
Test Mode
Training Mode
The release of nitrogen bubbles due to decompression can adversely affect
Joints, skin, inner ear and brain
Vision, liver, respiratory system and brain
Joints, skin, respiratory system and brain
The human ear is capable of perceiving vibrations between the frequencies
10-16 Hz
20,000 - 42,000 Hz
16 - 20,000 Hz
Which elements of instructions or information shall always be read black?
Time check, runway in use, altimeter settings, level instructions, SSR codes
Runway in use, altimeter settings, SSR codes, level instructions, heading and speed instructions
Runway-in-use, visibility, surface wind, heading instructions, altimeter settings
Regarding Aerodrome Flight Information (AFIS)
Its purpose is to supply ATC services, but it is not a state organization
It has the same privileges and prerogatives as an ATC organization but its activity is neither continuous nor regular
It can only supply limited services to the users and under no circumstances may it supply ATC services
An a/c with seating capacity of 150, what is the number of flight attendants required to be carried on the flight
During paradoxical sleep
The tone of the muscles is similar to that in the waking state
The rhythm of the heart is very regular
Rapid eye movements can be observed
Some of the runway surface conditions that may adversely affect aircraft braking action are reported as
Mud, Stagnated water, Compacted snow covered by water
Slush, Standing water, Water on top of compacted snow
Wet, Flooded, Wet on top of compacted snow
Altitudes are defined as
A synonym for behaviour
The conditions necessary for carrying out an activity
Tendencies to respond to people, institutions or events either positively or negatively
Track separation between aircraft using the same FIX shall be applied requiring the aircraft to fly
At least 30° separated at a distance of 15NM or more from the FIX
At least 45° separated at a distance of 15 miles or more from the FIX
At least 45° separated at a distance of 15NM or more than the FIX
In a straight departure, the initial departure track is of the alignment of the runway center line within ____ degrees
To safely supply the crew with oxygen, at which altitude is it necessary to breathe 100% oxygen plus pressure after a rapid decompression?
Approximately 33000 ft
Approximately 45000 ft
Approximately 38000 ft
Runway edge lights expected in the case of a displaced threshold shall be
Fixed lights showing variable red and white
Flashing white
Fixed lights, white or yellow color
Some hours after a rapid decompression at FL 300 you experience pain in the joints. Which of the following answers is correct?
This phenomenon is treated by breathing 100% nitrogen
This symptom indicates decompression sickness and will disappear when you take some excercise
You should ask for medical advice since this is a symptom of decompression sickness
The transfer of carbon dioxide from the blood to the alveoli can be described by
The law of diffusion
Dalton's Law
Boyles Law
A Rescue Unit is
A unit assisting an RCC in SAR duties
A unit responsible for SAR service in co-operation with an RCC
A unit composed of trained personnel and provided with equipment suitable for the expeditious conduct of SAR
Too low a workload can
Degrade performance
Enhance performance
Enhance arousal and hence performance
What is understood by airsickness?
An illness caused by evaporation of gases in the blood
An illness caused by an infection of the middle ear
A sensory conflict within the vestibular system accompanied by nausea, vomiting and fear
The flight deck door should be capable of being
Remotely locked from either inside or outside the compartment
Remotely locked by cabin crew operation from outside the compartment
Locked from within the compartment
After an aircraft has been intercepted in flight, the intercepted aircraft is rocking its wings. This means
You are not to enter this airspace
Unable to comply
Will comply
The most dangerous symptoms of hypoxia at altitude are
Breathlessness and reduced night vision
Euphoria and impairment of judgment
At all times when cabin heating is used, fresh air must be circulated to
Maintain the level of oxygen in cabin to prevent hypoxia
Avoid overheating of the electronic equipment
Reduce the presence of Carbon Mono Oxide to avoid CO poisoning
The Alerting Service is provided by
The ATS unit responsible for the aircraft at the moment
The Rescue Coordination Center
The Area Control Centers
No person, other than a flight crew member assigned to a flight, is admitted to, or carried in, the flight deck unless that person is
A security staff
An operating crew member
Representative of the Operator
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Is more likely to occur in aeroplanes where the cabin heat is technically supplied by coating the exhaust
Is more likely to occur in aeroplanes with twin-engines because of high engine efficiency
Occurs only above 15 degrees OAT
Separation based on the use of MLAT position symbols and PSR blips shall be applied so that
The distance between the furthest edges of the position symbols and PST blips, representing the positions of the aircraft concerned, is never more than a prescribed minimum
The distance between the centres of the position symbols and PSR blips, representing the positions of the aircraft concerned, is never less than a prescribed minimum
The distance between the edges of the position symbols and PST blips representing the positions of the aircraft concerned, is never less than a prescribed minimum
The separation method whereby the vertical and horizontal separation may be reduced till a maximum of half the standard criteria is called
Composite separation
Reduced separation
Combined separation
The commander shall satisfy himself that the status of the visual and non visual facilities is sufficient prior to commencing a Low Visibility
Take Off or a Category II or III approach
Landing for a Category I, II or III approach
Take Off or a Category II or II approach
Purpose of VSS is to?
Visual Safety Surface purpose is to identify obstacles that may affect the execution of an instrument approach procedure (except a circling approach)
Visual Segment Surface purpose is to identify obstacles that may affect the execution of an instrument approach procedure (except a circling approach)
Visual Safety Surface purpose is to identify obstacles that may affect the execution of an instrument approach procedure (including a circling approach)
G245ZF is a designator for
An ATS Route
An applicant holding a private or commercial pilot license aeroplane for the issue of an instrument rating, shall have completed ____ hours of cross-country flight time as pilot-in-command of aircraft in categories acceptable to the licensing Authority
50 hours
40 hours
20 hours
A VFR flight when flying inside an ATS airspace classified as B has to maintain the following minima of flight visibility and distance from clouds
5km below 3050m (10000ft) AMSL and clear of clouds
8km below 3050m (10000ft) AMSL 1500m horizontal and 300m vertical from clouds
5km visibility, 1500m horizontal and 300m vertical from clouds
If the crew on an arriving aircraft approaching a controlled aerodrome will report "field in sight", a clearance for "visual approach" may be given under certain conditions
The approach must be passing the FAF
The air traffic controller will provide separation to other controlled traffic
The meteorological visibility must not be less than 8km
When mixing or contact does take place between passengers subjected to security control and other persons not subjected to such control after the security screening points at airports serving international civil aviation have been passed
The passengers concerned, and their cabin baggage shall be re-screened before boarding an aircraft
Only the passengers are to be re-screened
The persons not subjected to security control shall be identified
Longitudinal separation minima based on distance using DME for aircraft at the same cruising level and track, provided that each aircraft utilizes "on Track" DME stations and separation is checked by obtaining simultaneous DME readings, is
The term used to describe the visual phase of flight after completing an instrument approach, to bring an aircraft into position for landing on runway which is not suitably located for straight-in approach is
Visual approach
Aerodrome traffic pattern
Visual maneuvering (circling)
Condition Reflexes are
Reflexes that may be increases by repeated practice
Instinctive natural reflexes, such as blinking
Reflexes that may be learned
A strayed aircraft is an aircraft
That has been observed or is reported to be operating in a given area but whose identity has not been established
That has deviated significantly from its intended track or reports that it is lost
That has experienced strong cross winds and has drifted significantly from its track
The respiratory process consists mainly of
The diffusion of oxygen, through the respiratory membranes into the blood, transportation to the cells, diffusion into the cells and elimination of carbon dioxide from the body
The transportation of oxygen to the cell and the elimination of nitrogen
The transportation of oxygen to the cell and the elimination of carbon monoxide
In the vicinity of an aerodrome that is going to be used by the aircraft the vertical position of the aircraft shall be expressed in
Flight level on or below the transition level
Altitude above sea level on or below the transition altitude
Altitude above sea level on or above the transition altitude
Which statement is correct?
The lower limit of an UIR may coincide with an IFR cruising level
The lower limit of a TMA shall be established at a height of at least 700ft AGL
The upper limit of a CTR shall be established at a height of a least 3000ft AMSL
Special VFR flights may be authorized to operate locally within a control zone when the ground visibility is not less than 1500 meters, even when the aircraft is not equipped with a functioning radio receiver within class
D and E airspace
E airspace
D airspace
The order of priority of the following messages in the aeronautical mobile service is
Distress message, flight safety message, urgency message
Distress message, urgency message, direction finding message
Meteorological message, direction finding message, flight regularity message
What is the relationship between IFR and VFR flight level?
VFR levels may be flown in VMC or IMC, but IFR levels must only be flown in IMC
For given mag track, the VFR level is the IFR level plus 500' if below FL290
IFR levels are flown on mag tracks from 000 to 179 an VFR levels from 180 to 359
Which statement regarding approach control service is correct?
If it is anticipated that an aircraft has to hold for 30 minutes or more, an Expected Approach Time will be transmitted by the most expeditious means to the aircraft
Approach control have to advise the aircraft operators about substantial delays in departure in any event when they are expected to exceed 45 minutes
During a visual approach an aircraft maintains its own separation
When the pilot suffers from hypothermia (loss of cabin heating)
His oxygen need will be raised and his tolerance to hypoxia will be increased
His need for oxygen will increase as long as he stays conscious
His oxygen need will not be affected
A circling approach is
A visual flight maneuver keeping the runway in sight
A flight maneuver to be performed only under radar vectoring
A contact flight maneuver
In the case of parallel runways, each runway designation number shall be supplemented
By a letter-for example 2 parallel runways "L" and "R" - for 3 "L", "C" and "R"
By alphabets starting with "A" for the first runway on the left of approach
By painting thresholds in different colors
While taxiing, an aircraft receives from the airport controller the following light signal: a series of green flashes. This signal means that the aircraft
Must stop and look for a steady Green signal for continuing to the takeoff area
May continue to taxi towards the take-off area
Must slow down and look for other aircraft
What obstacle clearance is guaranteed at a range of 5 nm from the edge of the holding area?
300 m
100 m
A part and parcel of UNO as non-specialized agency
An independent and autonomous agency, with a constituency status in the UNO
Not associated with UNO at all
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