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Airline Cadet Program
IGRUA Entrance Prep
B.Sc. Aviation
Pilot Training
Aircraft Type-Rating
Airbus A320
Boeing 737
CPL Test Series
Question Bank
Answer the following questions
Test Mode
Training Mode
During paradoxical sleep
the rhythm of the heart is very regular
the tone of the muscles is similar to that in the waking state
rapid eye movements can be observed
"Grey out" can be observed if a pilot is subjected to more than
+ 3 Gy
+ 3 Gz
- 3 Gz
Scanning at night should be performed by
Concentrated fixation on an object (image must fall on the fovea centralis)
Slight eye movement to the side of the object
Scanning with one eye open
A high degree of cockpit automation may alter the traditional tasks of the pilots in a way, that
the crew always maintain situational awareness by being more alert.
the crew pays more attention to be always in loop.
the attention of the cockpit crew will become reduced with the consequence of 'being out of the loop'.
Flickering light when reflected from spinning rotor blades
Can cause spatial disorientation and/or nausea, when looked at for a longer period of time
Can be neglected
Should be avoided, because it may destroy the optical nerve
Between which components is an interface mismatch causing stress due to poor cockpit design, thus leading to reduced human performance?
Liveware - Hardware
Liveware - Liveware
Liveware - Software
In a complex task high levels of arousal
lead to better decision-making
narrows the span of attention
reduce failures
When the pilot suffers from hypothermia (loss of cabin heating)
his oxygen need will not be affected
his oxygen need will be raised and his tolerance to hypoxia will be increased
his need for oxygen will be increased as long as he stays conscious
To prevent the "autokinetic phenomena", the following can be done
look sideways to the source of light for better fixation
fixate the source of light, first with one eye, then with the other
look out for additional references inside and/or outside the cockpit using peripheral vision also
What should a pilot do to keep his night vision (scotopic vision)?
Not smoke before start and during flight and avoid flash blindness
Select meals with high contents of vitamin B and C
Wait at least 60 minutes to night-adapt before he takes off
Experiencing stress depends on
the fragility of individuals to certain types of stimulation
the individual interpretation of the situation
the individual's state of tiredness
Concerning the relation between performance and stress, which of the following statement(s) is (are) correct?
A student will learn faster and better under severe stress
A moderate level of stress may improve performance
Domestic stress will not affect the pilot's performance because he is able to leave this type of stress on the ground
A pilot, climbing in a non-pressurised aircraft and without used supplemental oxygen will pass the "critical threshold" at approximately
16 000 ft
22 000 ft
18 000 ft
Which phenomenon is common to hypoxia and hyperventilation?
Cyanosis (blueing or lips and finger-nails)
Severe headache
Tingling sensations in arms or legs
Which of the following sentences concerning crew performance is correct?
The quality of crew-performance is not dependent on the arousal level of the individual.
Mistakes can always be detected and corrected by the individual, hence too much practice is not needed.
The quality of crew-performance depends on the practice done to improv reliability.
The risk of a barotrauma of the middle ear is more likely to occur
With colds and rapid descents
With colds and fast climbs
With colds and slow ascents
Long-term memory is an essential component of the pilot's knowledge and expertise
The information stored in long-term memory is always fresh and easy to retrieve.
It is desirable to pre-activate knowledge stored in long-term memory to have it available when required
The capacity of long-term memory is limited to a few weeks.
Which of the following statements in regard to motivation is correct?
Too much motivation may result in hypo vigilance and thus in a decrease in attention
The learning process is vastly improved with motivation
Motivation will reduce the task automation process hence performance will degrade
Motor programmes are
stored routines that enable patterns of behaviour to be executed without continuous conscious control
rules that enable us to deal with preconceived situations
stored routines that enable patterns of behaviour to be executed only under continuous conscious control
Presbyopia is
Far sightedness linked with age
Short sightedness
The part(s) of the eye responsible for night vision
are the cones and rods
are rods
is the cornea
Attitudes are defined as
the conditions necessary for carrying out an activity
tendencies to respond to people, institutions or events either positively or negatively
a synonym for behaviou
Orientation in flight is accomplished by 1: eyes; 2: utriculus and sacculus; 3: semicircular canals; 4: Seat-of-the-pants-Sense
only 1 and 4 are correct
1,2,3 and 4 are false only 1 is correct
1,2,3 and 4 are correct
Decompression sickness is pronounced when the aircraft decompresses
from MSL to 15000 feet
from MSL to 7000 feet
from 7000 feet to 35000 feet
Which of the following human error rates can be described as both realistic and pretty good, after methodical training
1 in 1000 times
1 in 100 times
1 in 10 times
An increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood leads to
a reduction of red blood cells
a decrease of acidity in the blood
shortness of breath
You can survive at any altitude, provided that
enough oxygen, pressure and heat is available
pressure respiration is guaranteed for that altitude
21% oxygen is available in the air your breath in
The amount of light which strikes the retina is controlled by
the lens
the pupil
the cornea
Which of the following drawbacks are associated with automation? 1: Reduced in manually controlling the aircraft; 2: Increased likelihood of slips while programming automatic systems; 3: Difficulties in adapting to the use of a sidestick; 4: General decrease in technical reliability
"Tunnel vision" (loss of peripherical vision) can be observed if a pilot is subjected to more than
+ 3.5 Gz
+ 3.5 Gy
- 3.5 Gz
A pilot after pulling out of a steep dive, moves the control column instinctively and firmly forward may suffer a
Black out
Grey out
Red out
The rate and depth of breathing is primary regulated by the concentration of
carbon dioxide in the blood
water vapour in the alveoli
oxygen in the cells
The metabolisation of alcohol
can be influenced by easy to get medication
is a question of time
is quicker when used to it
Which statement is correct?
Oxygen diffusion from the lungs into the blood does not depend on partial oxygen pressure.
The gradient of diffusion is higher at altitude than it is at sea level
Oxygen diffusion from the blood into the cells depends on their partial oxygen pressure gradient.
The main preoccupation in modern airline operations should be
Maximum utilisation of resources
Efficient utilisation of resources.
Oxygen, combined with hemoglobin in blood is transported by
White blood cells
Red blood cells
The most dangerous symptoms of hypoxia at altitude are
euphoria and impairment of judgement
breathlessness and reduced night vision
The duration of a period of sleep is governed primarily by
the number of points you have in your 'credit/deficit' system
the point within your circadian rhythm at which you try to sleep
the amount of time you have been awake
One of the most dangerous symptoms of hypoxia concerning flight safety is
Impaired judgement, disabling the pilot to recognize the symptoms
Hyperventilation, causing emotional stress
Reduced coordination of limb movements, causing the pilot to spin
Gases of physiological importance to man are
oxygen and carbon dioxide
oxygen and carbon monoxide
nitrogen and carbon dioxide
Motor programmes are
stored routines that enable patterns of behaviour to be executed only under continuous conscious control
rules that enable us to deal with preconceived situations
stored routines that enable patterns of behaviour to be executed without continuous conscious control
The physiological rhythms of a pilot in a new time zone will resynchronise to this new time zone at a rate of about
1 - 1.5 hours a day
3 - 4.5 hours a day
2 - 2.5 hours a day
To safely the crew with oxygen, at which altitude is it necessary to breathe 100% oxygen plus pressure after a rapid decompression?
Approximately 38 000 ft.
Approximately 45 000 ft.
Approximately 33 000 ft.
What is the role of RBCs in blood?
transport oxygen
flight foreign bacteria bodies
clot blood
The total pressure of a mixture of gases is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of the gases which compose the mixture corresponds to
Graham's law
Henry's law
Dalton's law
Hypoxia will effect night vision
At 500 ft.
Less than day vision
And causes the autokinetic phenomena.
Fatigue and permanent concentration
lower the tolerance to hypoxia
increase the tolerance to hypoxia
do not affect hypoxia at call
One of the most frequent symptom(s) of decompression sickness emerging after a decompression in airline operation
Is a shock
Are the bends
Are neurological damages to the CNS
It is inadvisable to fly when suffering from a cold. The reason for this is
the tissue around the nasal end of the Eustachian tube is likely to be swollen thus causing difficulty in equalising the pressure within the middle ear and the nasal/throat area. Pain and damage to the eardrum can result, particularly during fast descents
swollen tissue in the inner ear will increase the rate metabolic production resulting in hyperventilation
although the change in air pressure during a climb at lower altitudes is very small, it increases rapidly at high altitudes. If the tissue in the Eustachian tube of the ear is swollen, gentle descents at high altitude would result in damage to the ear drum
Dalton's law explains the occurance of
altitude hypoxia
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