
Questions for Facilitation

Answer the following questions


An aircraft flying to another contracting state


What documentation is required by persons travelling by air, for entry into a state?


Which one of the statements is correct?


On a general declaration form, the following data can be found


In cases where a visitor travelling by air holds a valid passport and no visa is required of him, contracting states


An aircraft which is not engaged in scheduled international air services and which is making a flight to or through any designated airport of a Contracting State and is admitted temporarily free of duty shall be allowed to remain within the State without security for customs duty


In care of aircraft registered in other Contracting States, which are not engaged in schedule international services, and which are making flights across the territory of a Contracting State or stopping for non traffic purposes, such Contracting State shall accept the information contained in a flight plan as adequate advance notification. This information is to be received


Except in special circumstances determined by the public authorities concerned, when a passenger is passing through the territory of a contracting state and has to stay in that contracting state until the next flight for lack of facilities or any other circumstances, the contracting state where the international airport is located shall permit such a passenger to remain within its territory without requiring visas prior to the arrival when


The ICAO Annex which deals with entry and departure of persons and their baggage, cargo and other articles on international flights is


The crew member certificate (CMW) shall be accepted by each Contracting State for identification purposes


Contracting states shall not require the authorized agent or pilot-in-command to deliver to the public authorities concerned, before departure of the aircraft, more than some copies of General Declaration, Cargo Manifest and stores list. The numbers of the copies are


What is the purpose of a Crew Member's Certificate (CMC)?


A contracting state which continues to require the presentation of a cargo manifest shall, apart from the information indicated in the heading of the format of the cargo manifest, not require more than the following item(s)


The documents for entry and departure of aircraft