
Questions for special operational procedure and hazard

Answer the following questions


Oxygen should be used after rapid decompression in an emergency descent until what altitude?


In the event of a precautionary landing, who is responsible for alerting the emergency services?


A separation minimum shall be applied between a LIGHT or MEDIUM aircraft and a HEAVY aircraft and between a LIGHT aircraft and a MEDIUM aircraft when the heavier aircraft is making a low or missed approach and the lighter aircraft utilizing an opposite direction runway for take off, this minimum is


About procedures for noise attenuation during landing


What precludes a runway being used for noise abatement procedures if landing in VMC?


In public transport, prior take-off in icing conditions, the captain must check that


Beneath fire extinguishers the following equipment for the fire fighting is on board


After a landing, with overweight and over speed conditions, the tyres and brakes are extremely hot. The fireguards should approach the landing gear tyres


You will use a water fire-extinguisher (straight jet) on a fire of: 1. Solid (fabric, carpet,...) 2. Liquids(ether, gasoline,..) 3. Gas 4. Metals (sodium,...) The combination of correct statement is


Fire fighting in the toilets must be performed with


The system which must be switched off in case of a belly compartment fire is generally the


In case of an engine nozzle fire while on ground you


A fast decompression is recognizable by the following elements: 1. Mist in the cabin 2. Blast towards the exterior of the aircraft 3. Expansion of body gases 4. Blast of air released violently from the lungs The combination of correct elements is


If ditching is inevitable


In accordance with(ICAO) DOC 8168 - OPS, noise preferential routes are established to ensure that departing and arriving aeroplane avoid over flying noise-sensitive areas in the vicinity of the aerodrome as far as practicable. In establishing noise preferential routes


A list of dangerous goods, which may not transported by air, can be found in


What is the most effective method for scaring birds?


Your flight manual does not include specific supplementary information on landing distances on wet runways and the service bulletins or weather reports indicate that the runway may be wet at the estimated time of arrival. The required landing distance on a dry runway must be increased by


The minimum requirements for Supplemental Oxygen to be supplied in pressurised aeroplanes during and following an emergency descent area that for pilots it shall be available for the entire flight time that the cabin pressure altitude exceeds a minimum of X feet. That minimum of X feet is


90% of bird strikes occur


Wake turbulence risk is highest


Supplemental oxygen is used to


After landing, in case of high temperature of the brakes you


You will use a dry chemical powder fire-extinguisher for: 1. A paper fire 2. A plastic fire 3. hydrocarbon fire 4. An electrical fire The combination of correct statement is


The number of hand fire extinguishers which must be conveniently located in the passenger compartment when the maximum approved passenger seating configuration is between 401 and 500 is


Who has the responsibility to take adequate measures for the safety of passengers and crew of an aircraft which is subjected to an act of unlawful Interference until their journey can be continued? The


A slow decompression may be caused by: 1 a cracked window 2. a bad functioning of the pressurization 3 a minor leak in the fuselage 4. the loss of a door The combination of correct statement is


You are the captain of a commercial airplane and you notice, after take-off, a flock of birds which may present a bird strike hazard, you must


If cabin altitude increases during level flight, the differential pressure


ICAO Appendix 18 is a document dealing with


MMEL is drawn up by


A runway is considered damp when


To extinguish a fire in the cockpit, you use: 1. A water fire-extinguisher 2. A powder or chemical fire-extinguisher 3. A halon fire-extinguisher 4. A CO2 fire extinguisher. The combination of correct statements is


The Minimum Equipment List (MEL) is established by


A runway is considered wet when: 1. It is covered with a quantity of water or loose or slushy snow less than or equal to the equivalent of 3mm of water. 2. The amount of surface moisture is sufficient to modify its colour but does not give it a shiny appearance 3. The amount of surface moisture is sufficient to make it reflective, but does not create large stagnant sheets of water 4. It bears stagnant sheets of water. The combination of correct statements is


During a landing approach, the aircraft is subjected to windshear with an Increasing tailwind. In the absence of a pilot action, the aircraft: 1. files above the glide path 2. files below the glide path 3. has an increasing true airspeed 4. has a decreasing true airspeed The combination of correct statements is


When a commercial transport passenger airplane is equipped with a door in the flight crew compartment area, this door must include


What is the minimum wake turbulence separation criteria when a LIGHT aircraft is taking off behind a MEDIUM aircraft and both are using the same runway?


The effect whereby a tyre is lifted from the runway due to aeroplane speed along the runway is known as


What is the shortest distance in a sequence for landing between a "Heavy" aircraft preceeding a "Light" aircraft


The correct statement about extinguishing agents on board aeroplane is


In addition to informing each state, whose citizens are known to be on board an aircraft, the State of the country in which an aircraft has landed after an act of unlawful interference must immediately notify the


When flight crew members are at their duty stations they must


Fire extinguishers should be located in the pilots compartment and....


A runway covered with 4 mm thick water, is said to be


You will use a CO2 fire-extinguisher for: 1. A paper fire 2. A plastic fire 3. A hydrocarbon fire 4. An electrical fire The combination of correct statements is


To use passengers oxygen in case of service cabin smoke is


In order to meet wake turbulence criteria, for arriving aircraft and using timed approaches, what minima shall be applied to aircraft landing behind a heavy or a medium aircraft?


A CO2 fire extinguisher can be used for: 1. A paper fire 2. A hydrocarbon fire 3. A fabric fire 4. An electrical fire 5. A wood fire The combination of correct statements is


Wind shear may be described as a change in wind direction and/or speed in space, including up draughts and downdraughts. To counter the effects of windshear the amount of control action that is required is