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Airline Cadet Program
IGRUA Entrance Prep
B.Sc. Aviation
Pilot Training
Aircraft Type-Rating
Airbus A320
Boeing 737
CPL Test Series
Question Bank
Questions for special operational procedure and hazard
Answer the following questions
Test Mode
Training Mode
If smoke appears in the air conditioning, the first action to take is to
Put on the mask and goggles
Begin an emergency descent
Determine which system is causing the smoke
You will use a dry chemical powder fire-extinguisher for: 1. A paper fire 2. A plastic fire 3. hydrocarbon fire 4. An electrical fire The combination of correct statement is
1, 4
1, 2, 3, 4
1, 2, 3
A runway is considered damp when
It is covered with a film of water of less than 3 mm.
It is covered with a film of water of less than 1mm.
Its surface is not dry, and when surface moisture does not give it a shiny appearance
MMEL is drawn up by
The operator from a main list drawn up by the manufacturer
The operator and approved by the certification authority
The manufacturer and approved by the DGCA
A fast decompression is recognizable by the following elements: 1. Mist in the cabin 2. Blast towards the exterior of the aircraft 3. Expansion of body gases 4. Blast of air released violently from the lungs The combination of correct elements is
1, 4
1, 2, 3, 4
1, 2, 3
Water fire extinguisher with a directed spray can be used on which fires?
Gas fires.
Solid fires.
Liquid fires.
A runway covered with 4 mm thick water, is said to be
After landing, in case of high temperature of the brakes you
Release the parking brake and you approach the wheels either from aft or fore
Release the parking brake and you approach the wheels sidewards
Apply the parking brake and approach the wheels sidewards
The braking efficiency is a piece of information presenting itself in the form of a
Combination of the terms: poor, medium, good
Zero followed by two decimals
Letter falling between A and E
Fire extinguishers should be located in the pilots compartment and....
In the passenger cabin
At each door
At each passenger compartment that is separate from the pilots compartment and not readily accessible to the flight crew.
You will use a CO2 fire-extinguisher for: 1. A paper fire 2. A plastic fire 3. A hydrocarbon fire 4. An electrical fire The combination of correct statements is
1, 2, 3
1, 2, 3 4
3, 4
You are the captain of a commercial airplane and you notice, after take-off, a flock of birds which may present a bird strike hazard, you must
Inform the appropriate ground station within a reasonable period of time
Immediately inform the appropriate ground station
Draft a bird strike hazard report upon arrival and within at most 48 hours
A dry-chemical type fire extinguisher is fit to fight: 1. Class A fires 2. Class B fires 3. Electrical source fires 4. Special fires: metals, gas, chemicals The combination of correct statements is
1, 2, 3
3, 4
1, 2, 3, 4
Following a heavy mass landing on a short runway, you should check the
Temperature of the brakes
Pressure of the hydraulic fluid
Pressure of the pneumatic tyres
A slow decompression may be caused by
a leak in a door seal during normal pressure flight
loss of a cabin window
loss of a door
You will use a Halon extinguisher for a fire of: 1. Solids (fabric, plastic,...) 2. liquids(alcohol, gasoline,...) 3. Gas 4. Metals (aluminium, magnesium,...)
1, 2, 4
2, 3, 4
1, 2, 3
Wake turbulence risk is highest
When a heavy aircraft has just performed take-off at a closely situated parallel runway with a light crosswind.
If, just before landing a much lighter aircraft has landed at the same runway with heavy crosswind.
When a preceding aircraft has briefly applied take-off thrust just prior to take off.
About procedures for noise attenuation during landing
Such procedures will not involve e prohibition of using reverse thrust
They prohibit the use of reverse thrust
Such procedures do not exist
In the event of a precautionary landing, who is responsible for alerting the emergency services?
The operations dispatcher
The commander
When a commercial transport passenger airplane is equipped with a door in the flight crew compartment area, this door must include
Distinctive red or yellow colored markings indicating the access area (in case of a blocked door)
A locking system to prevent any unauthorized access
A sealing system allowing the maintenance for as long as possible of the pressure in the cockpit in case of a depressurization in the compartment area
In case of ditching, the cabin attendants will: 1. evacuate women and children first 2. have the passengers embark directly in the life rafts 3. prevent passenger movements which may impede the airplane's flotation ability4. ensure the complete evacuation of the airplane The combination of correct statements is
2, 3
1, 4
2, 3, 4
Following an act of unlawful interference on board an aeroplane, to whom the commander should submit a report of the act to
Both the local authority and the Authority of the State of the operator
The Authority of the State within which the aeroplane is operating at the time of the unlawful interference
The local authority only
The observations and studies conducted on the behaviour of birds on the ground, ahead of an aircraft taking off and having reached an average speed of 135 kt, show that birds fly away
From the beginning of the takeoff roll.
About two seconds beforehand
About ten seconds beforehand
An aircraft is configured for seating 61 to 200 passengers. What is the requirement for hand held fire extinguishers
4 conveniently located in the passenger compartment.
3 conveniently located in the passenger compartment
2 conveniently located in the passenger compartment.
A fire occurs in a wheel and immediate action is required to extinguish it. The safest extinguish to use is
CO2 (carbon dioxide)
Dry powder
The minimum equipment list of a public transport airplane is to be found in the
Flight manual
Operation manual
Which of the following requirements should be met when planning a flight with icing conditions
The aircraft shall before flight sprayed with anti-icing fluid
The flight should be planned so that a change of cruising level can be initiated rapidly
The aircraft shall be equipped with approved ice-protection systems
The letter "L" is written in the wake turbulence box of a flightplan form when the maximum certified take-off weight of an aircraft is less than or equal to
90% of bird strikes occur
Between 500 and 1500 m
Under 500m
Above 1000m
In case of an unexpected encounter with windshear, you will: 1. set the maximum take-off thrust 2. Increase the pitch-up altitude up to the limit actuating the stick shaker 3. pull in the drag devices (gear and flaps) 4. keep the airplane's current configuration 5. try to reach the maximum lift-to drag ratio The combination of correct statements is
1, 2, 4
1, 3, 5
3, 5
A class A fire is a fire of
Liquid or liquefiable solid
Solid material, generally of organic nature
Electrical origin
Mist in the cabin, pressure and temperature drop characterize
A slow depressurization
A fast depressurization
A plastic fire
Beneath fire extinguishers the following equipment for the fire fighting is on board
A hydraulic winch and a big box of tools
Crash axes or crowbars
A big bunch of fire extinguishing blankets
If ditching is inevitable
Life jackets are to be inflated before leaving the aeroplane
Passengers should be briefed that even if they successfully evacuate the aeroplane it is inevitable that some of them will die from drowning.
The use of life jackets is to be reiterated before the ditching
One of the main characteristics of windshear is that it
Occurs only at a low altitude (200ft) and never in the horizontal plane
Can occur at any altitude and only in the horizontal plane
Can occur at any altitude in both the vertical and horizontal planes
What is the most effective method for scaring birds?
Shell crackers
Land rover with loudspeaker
Making movement
In public transport, prior take-off in icing conditions, the captain must check that
External surfaces are free from any ice accretion greater than 5mm
Possible ice accretions do not cause to exceed weight and balance limits
External surfaces are free from any ice accretion which may impede the airplane performance and manoeuvrability, except within the limits specified by the flight manual
Who has the responsibility for establishing operating procedures for noise abatement purpose during instrument flight in compliance with ICAO PANS OPS the
State in which the aeroplane is operating
A piece of equipment on your public transport airplane fails while you are still parked. The reference document you use in the first place to decide on the procedure to follow is
The operation manual's chapter "Abnormal and Emergency Procedures"
The minimum equipment list
The flight manual
In compliance with the CAR-OPS, in order to carry hazardous materials on board a public transport airplane, they must be accompanied with a
Representative of the company owing the materials
Transport document for hazardous materials
Specialized handling employee
Oxygen should be used after rapid decompression in an emergency descent until what altitude?
Can dangerous goods be carried in the passenger cabin or on the flight deck?
Yes, provided they are non toxic
Yes, but only goods specified in the technical instructions
Yes, if authorised by the authority
Who has the responsibility to take adequate measures for the safety of passengers and crew of an aircraft which is subjected to an act of unlawful Interference until their journey can be continued? The
Commander of the aircraft
Contracting State in which the unlawful interference occurs
If you encounter a "microburst" just after taking-off, at the beginning you will have: 1. A head wind 2. A strong rear wind 3. Better climb performances 4. A diminution of climb gradient 5. An important thrust drop The combination of correct statements is
4, 5
1, 4
1, 3
In case of an engine jet pipe fire while on the ground you
Carry out a dry motoring cycle
Carry out a wet motoring cycle
Pull the fire shut off handle and trigger the engines fire extinguishers.
A runway is considered damp when
It is covered with a film of water of less than 3mm
Its surface is not dry, and when surface moisture does not give a shiny appearance
Surface moisture gives it a shiny appearance
An aircraft which experiences a headwind of 40kt while making its way towards the centre of a microburst may expect, when crossing the microburst, to face a windshear of
CO2 type extinguishers are fit to fight: 1. Class A fires 2. Class B fires 3. Electrical source fires 4. Special fires; metal, gas, chemical product . The combination of correct statements is
1, 3, 4
2, 3, 4
1, 2, 3
During a landing approach, the aircraft is subjected to windshear with an Increasing tailwind. In the absence of a pilot action, the aircraft: 1. files above the glide path 2. files below the glide path 3. has an increasing true airspeed 4. has a decreasing true airspeed The combination of correct statements is
1, 4
2, 4
2, 3
Fire fighting in the toilets must be performed with
All available extinguishers simultaneously
All available liquids
All available extinguishers in sequence
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