
Questions for Rules of air

Answer the following questions


It the sustained Mach number/true airspeed at cruising level varies by plus or minus __________ true airspeed or more from the current flight plan, the appropriate air traffic services unit shall be so informed


An aircraft is following a track of 179° (M) on a VFR plan. The choice of flight levels available to the pilot are


While taxiing an aircraft receives the following light signal from the control tower: series of red flashes. This signal means that the aircraft


What does a red flashing light from the control tower to an aircraft on the manoeuvring area mean?


When two aircraft are approaching head on, and there is a danger of collision


On aerodromes aircraft taxing on the manoeuvring area of an aerodrome shall give way to


ADC Validity Period is


If radio communication is established during an interception but communications in a common language is not possible, which phrase should be pronounced by the intercepting aircraft to requiest the intercepted aircraft to descend for landing?


Which is the correct order of priority


Which of the following aerodrome ground signals displayed in the signals area indicates that glider flying is in progress?


In areas where a vertical separation minimum (VSM) of 300 m (1000 ft) is applied between FL 290 and FL 410 inclusive an aircraft on a magnetic track of 350 would be expected to fly at


An aircraft which is being subject to unlawful interference ("hijacked") and is forced to divert from the cleared track or cruising level without being able to communicate with ATS shall try to


Aircraft taxiing in the manoeuvring area must give way to


An aircraft flying above the sea between 4500ft MSL and 9000ft MSL outside controlled airspace under VFR, must remain on principle at least


Aircraft shall not be flown in formation except


An aircraft is considered to overtake another if it approaches the other aircraft from the rear on a line forming an angle of less than


Anti-collision lights on an aircraft must be switched on


When a pilot raises his arms extended palms facing outwards and moves his hands Inwards to cross in front of the face this means


A signalman will ask the pilot to apply parking brakes by the following signals


In areas where a separation minimum of 1000 ft. is applied up to FL 410, authorisation for VFR flight shall not be granted above which flight level?


While on IFR flight, a pilot has an emergency which causes a deviation from an ATC clearance. What action must be taken?


During initial climb in uncontrolled airspace, the altimeter setting should be


Whilst flying in an aerodrome's traffic circuit, an aircraft receives a series of green flashes from the tower. The aircraft


Semi-circular system sectors are


Outside controlled airspace above 3000'AMSL


When flying on an airway on a heading of 255(M) the correct flight level will be


An aircraft operated on, or in the vicinity of, an aerodrome shall whether or not within an ATZ: I) Observe other aerodrome traffic for the purpose of avoiding collision II) Conform with or avoid the pattern of traffic formed by other aircraft in operation III) Make all turns to the right, when approaching for landing or taking-off unless otherwise instructed IV) Land and take-off into the wind unless safety, the runway configuration, or an air traffic consideration determines that a different direction should be used


A VFR flight when flying inside an ATS airspace classified as C has to maintain the following minima of flight visibility and distance from clouds


Which of the following flights has the greatest priority to land?


When a controlled flight inadvertently deviates from its current flightplan, ATC has to be informed in case


One of the following statements about aircraft ground movement is correct


No aircraft shall be flown over the congested area of cities, towns or settlements unless at a height that will permit, in the event of an emergency a landing to be made safely. Exceptions to this rules are


A white dumbbell with a black bar spaced perpendicularly indicates


On the ground, when two aircraft are approaching head on


Your aircraft is intercepted by a military aircraft. The signals given by this aircraft conflict with ATC instructions. You should


While flying at night another aircraft reports that you are on his 100 degrees relative bearing. In that case you should see his


Aircraft wishing to conduct IFR flight within advisory airspace, but not electing to use the air traffic advisory service


A series of red flashes sent to an aircraft in flight means


When operating under Special VFR clearance, the responsibility for remaining clear of obstacles on the ground rests with


The white dumb-bell with black perpendicular bar indicates that


A signalman will ask the pilot to apply parking brakes by the following signals


PIC of an aeroplane shall


The signal from pilot to marshaller which means - brakes applied - is


Who decides whether to fly under IFR or VFR in VMC?


What is the meaning of AGL?


If the ground visibility is reported 1000 m, can a special VFR flight take off from an aerodrome in a control zone?


The aerodrome at Calicut is not deciared suitable for nigh operations. If the sunrise is at 0550 the earliest time by which an VFR aircraft operation at the station can take place is


A controlled flight is requested to inform the appropriate ATC unit whenever the average True Air Speed at cruising level varies or is expected to vary from that given in the flight plan by plus or minus


Except when a clearance is obtained from an ATC unit, a VFR flight can not enter or leave a control zone when ceiling is less than


The commander of a public transport aircraft must ensure that passenger seat belts are secure for