

Answer the following questions

1. ADF bearings by an aeroplane by day within the published protection range should be accurate to within a maximum error of
2. In an Airborne Weather Radar that has a colour cathode ray tube (CRT) the areas of greatest turbulence are indicated on the screen by
3. What is the wavelength of an NDB transmitting on 375 kHZ?
4. In which frequency band do most airborne weather, and ground based ATC, radar systems operate?
5. What is the colour sequence when passing over an Outer, Middle and Inner Marker beacon?
6. An aircraft tracking to intercept the Instrument Landing System (ILS) localiser inbound on the approach side, outside the published ILS coverage angle
7. For a conventional DME facility 'Beacon Saturation' will occur whenever the number of simultaneous interrogations exceeds
8. Which one of the following is an advantage of a Microwave Landing System (MLS) compared with an Instrument Landing System (ILS)?
9. In which navigation system does the master station transmit a continuous string of pulses on a frequency close to 100 kHz?
10. Under JAR-25 colour code rules for Electronic Flight Instrument Systems (EFIS), turbulence is coloured
11. During a flight at FL 210, a pilot does not receive any DME distance indication from a DME station located approximately 220 NM away.The reason for this is that the
12. The OUTER MARKER of an Instrument Landing System (ILS) facility transmits on a frequency of
13. Ignoring pulse length, the maximum pulse repetition frequency (PRF) that can be used by a primary radar facility to detect targets unambiguously to a range of 200 NM is:(pps = pulses per second)
14. In relation to the satellite navigation system NAVSTAR/GPS, which of the following statements correctly describes the term 'Pseudo Random Noise (PRN)' signal?
15. Under JAR-25 colour code rules, features displayed in green on an Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS), indicate
16. A DME that has difficulty obtaining a ""lock-on"":(NOTE: PRF = pulse recurrence frequency, PPS = pulses per second)
17. What is the approximate angular coverage of reliable navigation information for a 3° ILS glide path out to a distance of 10 NM?1.35° above the horizontal to 5.25° above the horizontal and 8° each side of the localiser centreline
18. A radar facility transmitting at a Pulse Recurrence Frequency (PRF) of 1200 pulses/second will have a maximum unambiguous range of approximately
19. The geometric shape of the reference system for the satellite navigation system NAVSTAR/GPS, defined as WGS 84, is
20. In civil aviation, the height value computed by the receiver of the satellite navigation system NAVSTAR/GPS is the
21. Under JAR-25 colour code rules for Electronic Flight Instrument Systems (EFIS), the active route/flight plan is coloured
22. Given:VOR station position N61° E025°, variation 13°E,Estimated position of an aircraft N59° E025°, variation 20°E.What VOR radial is the aircraft on?
23. In a primary radar using pulse technique, the ability to discriminate between targets in azimuth is a factor of
24. What is the minimum level that an aircraft, at a range of 113 NM, must fly in order to contact the tower on R/T for a VDF bearing from an airport sited 169 FT above MSL?
25. In an Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS) data relating primarily to navigation is provided by
26. There are two NDBs, one 20 NM inland, and the other 50 NM inland from the coast. Assuming that the error caused by coastal refraction is the same for both propagations, the extent of the error in a position line plotted by an aircraft that is over water will be
27. What is the procedure to be followed if, on a flight under IFR conditions using the NAVSTAR/GPS satellite navigation system, the number of satellites required to maintain the RAIM (Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring) function are not available?
28. An apparent increase in the transmitted frequency which is proportional to the transmitter velocity will occur when
29. Which one of the following disturbances is most likely to cause the greatest inaccuracy in ADF bearings?
30. Which one of the following lists information given by a basic VOR/DME-based Area Navigation System?
31. ILS is subject to false glide paths resulting from
32. The principle used in VOR bearing measurement is:phase comparison
33. The ISO-ECHO facility of an airborne weather radar is provided in order to
34. How does the Electronic Flight Instrument System display of a B737-400 respond to the failure of a VHF navigation (VOR) receiver?
35. The reason why the measured distance between a NAVSTAR/GPS satellite navigation system satellite and a receiver is called a 'Pseudo-Range' is because the
36. Complete the following statement. Aircraft Surface movement Radar operates on frequencies in the (i) .......... band employing an antenna that rotates at approximately (ii) .......... revolutions per minute, it is (iii) ......... possible to determine the type of aircraft from the return on the radar screen.
37. Which of the following NAVSTAR/GPS satellite navigation system codes can be processed by 'unauthorised' civil aviation receivers?
38. The maximum range of primary radar depends on
39. The prime factor in determining the maximum unambiguous range of a primary radar is the
40. Instrument Landing Systems (ILS) Glide Paths provide azimuth coverage (i) .......... ° each side of the localiser centre-line to a distance of (ii) .......... NM from the threshold
41. What datum is used for the Minimum Descent Altitude (MDA) on a non-precision approach when using the NAVSTAR/GPS satellite navigation system?
42. Ignoring pulse length and fly-back, a radar facility designed to have a maximum unambiguous range of 50 km will have a PRF (pulses per second) of
43. An NDB transmits a signal pattern in the horizontal plane which is
44. A typical frequency employed in Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) is
45. Due to 'Doppler' effect an apparent decrease in the transmitted frequency, which is proportional to the transmitter's velocity, will occur when
46. In which frequency band do VOR transmitters operate?
47. A VOR and DME are co-located.You want to identify the DME by listening to the callsign.Having heard the same callsign 4 times in 30 seconds the
48. An aircraft on a heading of 280°(M) is on a bearing of 090°(M) from a VOR. The bearing you should select on the OMNI bearing selector to centralise the VOR/ILS left/right deviation needle with a 'TO' indication is
49. The amplitude modulation and the colour of an outer marker (OM) is
50. Which of the following cloud types is most readily detected by airborne weather radar when using the 'weather beam'?