
Questions for GNSS

Answer the following questions

1. How does a receiver of the NAVSTAR/GPS satellite navigation system determine the elevation and azimuth data of a satellite relative to the location of the antenna?
2. The height of the NAVSTAR/GPS system above the Earth in km is?
3. Which of the following geometric satellite constellations provides the most accurate NAVSTAR/GPS position fix?
4. What is the minimum number of NAVSTAR/GPS staellites required to produce an accurate independent 3-D position fix?
5. Which of the following statements concerning the L1 and L2 NAVSTAR/GPS transmission frequencies and codes is correct?
6. Which one of the following is an advantage of a multi-sensor system using inputs from a global navigation satellite (GNSS) and an inertial navigational system (INS)?
7. How does a NAVSTAR/GPS satellite navigation system receiver recognise which of the received signals belongs to which satellite?
8. The NAVSTAR GPS system transmits in the L1 and Is frequency bands. Which bands are used for the P codes and which for the C/A codes?
9. In relation to the satellite navigation system NAVSTAR/GPS, which of the following statements correctly describes the term 'Pseudo Random Noise (PRN)' signal?
10. In accordance with ICAO Annex 10, the GPS NAVASTAR position accuracy is SPS should be for 95% of the time?
11. In which frequency bands are the L1 and Ls frequencies used by the satellite navigation system NAVSTAR/GPS for transmission of the navigation message?
12. In order to carry out an independent three-dimensional fix, Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) and failure detection and exclusion of any faulty satellite, signal reception is required from a minimum number of how may satellites?
13. In NAVSTAR GPS the PRN codes are used to?
14. Which of the following is the datum for altitude information when conducting flights under IFR conditions on airways using the NAVSTAR/GPS satellite navigation system?
15. Which of the following statement concerning DGPS is true?
16. The geometric shape o the reference system for the satellite navigation system NAVSTAR/GPS, defined as WGS 84, is
17. The GPS control segment consists of?
18. How many clocks are installed in each NAVSTAR GPS satellites?
19. In the NAVSTAR/GPS satellite navigation system, Selective Availability' (SA) gives the option to artificially degrade the accuracy by
20. Signal reception is required from a minimum number of satellites that have adequate elevation and suitable geometry in order for a Satellite-Assisted Navigation System (GNSS/GPS) to carry out independent three-dimensional operation, Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) and to isolate any faulty satellite and remove it from contributing to the navigation solution. The number of satellites is
21. Signal reception is required from a minimum number of satellites that have adequate elevation and suitable geometry in order for a Satellite-Assisted Navigation System (GPS) to carry out independent three-dimensional operation without the Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) function. The number of satellites is
22. A pseudo range in GNSS is a range based on?
23. What are the effects, if any, of shadowing by parts of the aircraft (e.g.wing) on the reception of signals from NAVSTAR/GPS satellites?
24. EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System) is a form of?
25. What is the maximum latitude of a GPS satellite ground track?
26. In relation to the satellite navigation system NAVSTAR/GPS, the term 'inclination' denotes the angle between the?
27. The number of satellites required for a fully operational NACSTAR/GPS system is?
28. GPS satellites transmit on two L-band frequencies with different types of signals. Which of these are generally available for use by civil aviation?
29. The main task of the user segment (receiver) of the satellite navigation system NAVSTAR/GPS is to calculate receiver position by
30. One of the tasks of the GPS control segment is?
31. Which of the following statements about the 'visibility' of NAVSTAR/GPS satellites is correct?
32. The height derived from the NAVISTAR GPS is?
33. In relation to the satellite navigation system NAVSTAR/GPS. 'All in View' is a term used when a receiver
34. How may satellites form the nominal NAVSTAR GPS constellation?
35. GPS systems transmit their signals on two carrier waves 1575 MHz and 1227 MHz and supply two possible codes accessible according to user (civil or military). Commercial aviation uses?
36. In relation to the satellite navigation system NAVSTAR GPS, "All in View" is a term used when a receiver?
37. Concerning the NAVSTAR/GPS satellite navigation system, what is the meaning of the term 'Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring' (RAIM)?
38. RAIM is achieved
39. Of the types of GPS receivers available for civilian aviation, which are the most advanced type?
40. Which of the following statements is true in respect of GNSS?
41. In relation to the NAVSTAR\GRS satellite navigation system, what is involved in the differential technique (D-GPS)?
42. Which of the following lists all the parameters that can be determined by a GPS receiver tracking signals from 4 different satellites?
43. Using GPS, the primary position information is the form of?
44. What type of clock is used in NAVSTAR GPS satellites?
45. The inclination to the equatorial plane of the NAVSTAR GPS orbits is?
46. What is RAIm and what is its function?
47. What is the minimum number of satellites required by a GPS in order to obtain a three dimensional fix?
48. The basic elements of the satellite navigation system NAVSTAR/GPS are the
49. How many operational satellites are required for Full Operational Capability (FOC) of the satellite navigation system NAVSTAR/GPS?
50. In the event of the use of Selective Availability, how does this affect, if at all, the navigation accuracy of the NAVSTAR/GPS satellite navigation system?