
Questions for RNAV

Answer the following questions

1. ICAO Annex 11 defines Area Navigation (RNAV) as a method of navigation which permits aircraft operation on any desired flight path
2. Erratic indications may be experienced when flying towards a basic VOR/DME-based Area Navigation System ‘Phantom Station’
3. The IRS is a self-contained system because?
4. What is the deviation per dot on the HSI when using a 2-dot basic RNAV system in the en-route mode?
5. The IRS is a self-contained system because?
6. Which one of the following inputs to an Area Navigation System (R-NAV) comes from an external, not on-board, system?
7. The skip distance of HF-transmission will increase with?
8. Basic RNAV requires a track-keeping accuracy of
9. A 2-dimensional RNAV system has a capability in the?
10. When the Area Navigation system is coupled to an FMS, the VOR/DME tuner provides DME information by?
11. A 3-dimension RNAV system has capability in?
12. Which one of the following lists information given by a basic VOR/DME-based Area Navigation System?
13. Which one of the following sensors/system is self-contained?
14. Which of the following statements in true for a basic Area Navigation System?
15. From which of the following combination of navigation sources provide enough information to the RNAV equipment to calculate the wind vector?
16. Precision RNAV (P-RNAV) requires a track-keeping accuracy of
17. Precision RNAV (P-RNAV) requires a track-keeping accuracy of?
18. The inputs of information used to achieve the RNAV required accuracy may be: 1. NDB. 2. IRS. 3. VOR/DME. 4. GNSS. The combination regrouping all of the correct statements is?
19. In a 2D RNAV system you have entered the DME and VOR data from two waypoints. When do you use to work out the cross track errors when an-route from one to the other?
20. Benefits f Area Navigation include: 1. Shorter flight distances. 2. Reduction in fuel and flight time. 3. No radio contact within RNAV airspace. 4. Reduction in the number of ground training facilities. 5. Pilot choice of vertical and horizontal separations. The combination regrouping all the correct statements is?
21. In relation to Area Navigation Syste (RNAV), which of the following is an Air Data input?
22. Radar returns, on a B737-400, can be displayed on all Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator (EHSI) screen modes of an Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS) WITH THE EXCEPTION OF
23. In order to enter a waypoint that is designated by a VOR into an RNAV, the VOR
24. Which of the following lists information required to input a waypoint or 'Phantom Station' into a basic VOR/DME-based Area Navigation System?
25. 3D RNAV fixing gives you?
26. On what data is a VOR/DME Area Navigation System operating in the dead reckoning mode?
27. In which of the following cases would ETOs and ETA at destination calculated by the Flight Management Computer (FMC) be correct?
28. When entering and using a phantom waypoint in area navigation equipment you?
29. What is the deviation per dot on the HSI when using a 2-dot RNAV system in the approach mode?
30. What is the cross track deviation (XTK) indicated on an RNAV system?
31. Which of the following statements regarding B-RNAV is correct?
32. The track-line on the Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator (EHSI) or Navigation Display of an Electronic Flight Instrument System
33. A pilot is flying between two waypoits defined by suitably located VOR/DMEs. Equipped with a simple 2D RNAV system, this pilot?
34. One of the benefits of RNA is?
35. Which of the following gives the information about the progress of a flight between 2 en-route waypoints from a RNAV equipment?
36. IRS is a self-contained system because?
37. A 3D RNAV system has capability in?
38. Which of the following is one of the functions of the Course-Line-Computer in a basic Ara Navigation (RNAV) system?
39. Kalman filtering is used within?
40. Which of the following gives the best information about the progress of a flight between 2 en-route waypoints from a RNAV equipment?
41. Which component of an Area Navigation System displays the Cross Track Distance?
42. What is true about the FMC database?
43. The database of an FMS (Flight Management System) is organised in such a way that the pilot can
44. Concerning FMC database?
45. Which statement is true regarding a compass when directly overhead the north magnetic pole?
46. The Flight Management Computer (FMC) position is
47. The navigational function of the horizontal situation indicator (HSI) in relation to area navigation system is?
48. Benefits of Area Navigation include: 1. Shorter flight distances. 2. Reduction in fuel and flight tie. 3.No radio contact within RNAV airspace. 4. Improved safety due to more accurate navigation. 5. Pilot choice of vertical and horizontal separations. The combination regrouping all the correct statements is?
49. Which one of the following sensors/systems is self-contained and obtains no external information?
50. Which statement about RNAV is correct?