
Questions for MLS

Answer the following questions

1. MLS not equipped with DME-P?
2. MLS is primarily being installed in airports where?
3. MLS can minimise multi-path errors because?
4. The azimuth transmitter of a Microwave Landing System (MLS) provides a fan-shaped horizontal approach zone which is usually
5. The coverage of MLS is _________ either side of the centreline to a distance of _______?
6. Which of the following is an advantage of MLS?
7. Which one of the following methods in used by a Microwave Landing System (MLS) to indicate distance from the runway threshold?
8. A MLS without DME-P provides?
9. MLS consists of?
10. Making an MLS approach, the aircraft?
11. The MLS frequencies and available channels are?
12. Microwave Landing Systems allow the aircraft to fix its position accurately in three dimensions by means of?
13. Which answer correctly completes the following statement? The characteristics of an MLS station are that it uses
14. MLS frequencies and available channels are?
15. In an MLS system, the azimuth coverage is?
16. In which frequency band does the Microwave Landing System (MLS) operate?
17. MLS installations notified for operation, unless otherwise stated, provide azimuth coverage of
18. The principle of operation of MLS is?
19. Distance on MLS is measured by?
20. Compared to the ILS, MLS has the following advantages?
21. Which one the following correctly lists the major ground based components of a Microwave Landing System(MLS)?
22. A microwave landing system operates?
23. In a MLS, the time that elapses between the passage of the TO scan and the FRO scan at the aircraft position is?
24. The scanning beam of the MLS system is called?
25. Microwave Landing Systems (MLS) use guidance signals formed from?
26. The MLS uses a technique based on?
27. The addition of DME-P to MLS is necessary to?
28. In an MLS the azimuth information is available in the approach sector?
29. MLS not equipped with DME?
30. Which of the following statements is true in respect to the Microwave Landing System (MLS)?
31. MLS is primarily being installed at airport where?
32. Which one of the following is an advantage of a Microwave landing System (MLS) compared with an Instrument Landing System (ILS)?
33. The addition of DME-P MLS is necessary to?
34. The frequency band of MLS is?
35. MLS can minimise multi path errors because?
36. The MLS utilises a?
37. Which one of the following is an advantage of a Microwave Landing System (MLS) compared with an Instrument Landing System (ILS)?