
Questions for ILS

Answer the following questions

1. On what carrier frequency does the inner marker transmit?
2. Middle marker beacon of an ILS transmit at?
3. According to ICAO 8168, what is regarded as the maximum safe deviation below the glide path during ILS approaches?
4. The localiser transmitters operate in a frequency band between?
5. Where, in relation to the runway, is the ILS localiser transmitting aerial normally situated?
6. In which frequency band does an ILS glide slope transmit?
7. Inner marker beacon of an ILS transmit at?
8. The type of modulation used for the ILS frequency carrier is?
9. The ILS marker with the lower aural frequency is the?
10. What is the approximate angular coverage of reliable navigation information for a 3 degree glide path out to a minimum distance of 10 nm?
11. Every 10 kt decrease in groundspeed, on a 3° ILS glidepath, will require an approximate
12. What approximate rate of descent is required in order to maintain a 3° glide path at a groundspeed of 120 kt?
13. "Bean bends" in the ILS approach path are?
14. Which of the following list use the VHF band? 1. Locator. 2. Localiser. 3. Outer Marker. 4. Glide path. The combination that regroups all the correct statements is?
15. The outer marker of an ILS with a 3° glide slope is located 4.6 NM from the threshold. Assuming a glide slope height of 50 FT above the threshold, the approximate height of an aircraft passing the outer marker is
16. If you are flying a back course ILS, you are flying a?
17. Outer marker transmits on 75 MHz and has an aural frequency of
18. The MIDDLE MARKER of an Instrument Landing System (ILS) facility is identified audibly and visually visually by a series of
19. The ILS marker identified by a series of alternate dots and dashes is the?
20. The rate of descent required to maintain a 3.25° glide slope at a groundspeed of 140 kt is approximately
21. One of the possible disturbances of the ILS signals is "scalloping". Which statement is correct?
22. A locator beacon differs from an NDB with respect to: 1. Operational use. 2. Transmission power. 3. Presentation in the cockpit. 4. Frequency band. From the above stated differences the following numbers are correct?
23. Performing an ILS approach, you will fly overhead the markers in a specific order. The order is?
24. The audio frequency modulation of the inner marker shall be keyed as follows?
25. On final on ILS approach, at 0.6 nm from the threshold, which marker are you likely to hear?
26. A locator? 1. Is a low powered beacon. 2. Is a high powered beacon. 3. Has range of 10 nm to 25 nm. 4. Has a range of 10 nm to 200 nm
27. The back CRS of an ILS may give?
28. The ILS marker with an aural frequency of 400 Hz is?



29. The audio frequency modulation of the outer marker shall be keyed as follows?
30. According to ICAO Annex 10 a locator has a range of?
31. ILS is subject to false glide paths resulting from
32. The amplitude modulation and the colour of an outer marker (OM) is
33. Instrument Landing System (ILS) Glide Paths provide azimuth coverage (i) __________° each side of the localiser centre-line to a distance of (ii) _________ NM from thethreshold
34. What is the function of the FM-immune filter?
35. 108.35 MHz can only be?
36. Assuming a five display, what does each of the dots on either side of the ILS localizer cockpit display represent
37. The ILS marker with an aural frequency of 3000 Hz is the?
38. Which facility associated with the ILS may be identified by a two-letter identification group?
39. Concerning the localiser principle of operation in an ILS, the needle of the aircraft indicator is centred when the difference in depth of modulation (DDM) is?
40. The principles of operation of an ILS is?
41. Regarding ILS which of the following in true?
42. Concerning the localiser principle of operation in an ILS, the difference in depth of modulation(DDM): 1. Decreases with respect to the angular displacement from the centreline. 2. Increases with right displacement from the cenreline. 3. Decreases with left displacement from the centreline. 4. Increases linearly with displacement from the centreline. The combination regrouping all of the correct statements is?
43. The localiser transmits in?
44. What is measured in order to establish aircraft position in relation to the localiser beam on an ILS?
45. If the (angular) displacement of an aircraft (with respect to the localiser centreline) doubles, (e.g. From 1 degree to 2 degrees) measured difference in the depth of modulation?
46. Full deflection on a glide slope indicator indicates that the aircraft is?
47. The UHF band is assigned to the. 1.Locator. 2. Localiser. 3. Outer Marker. 4. Glide Path. The combination regrouping all of the correct statements is?
48. The middle market transmits on?
49. Which answer states the typical distances along the centreline of the runway of the various ILS components?
50. Which of these markers has the highest audible frequency?