
Questions for DME

Answer the following questions

1. Aircraft position 36 degrees 15 minutes S 178 degrees E, magnetic variation 00021 degrees W, FL310. UEB VOR/DME position 36 degrees 15'S 178 degrees W, magnetic variation 21 degrees E. In order to read the most accurate ground speed given by the DME receiver from his present position, the pilot must fly on which UEB radial?
2. An aircraft flying at FL180 is 190 nm from a DME (located at 0 feet AMSL). The aircraft equipment fails to lock on, this is because?
3. A DME station is located 7000 feet above MSL. An aircraft flying at FL 430 , 20 NM away from the DME station, will have DME reading?
4. A VOR and DME are frequency paired. The DME identification ends with Z. This denotes that?
5. What are the DME frequencies?
6. DME is a .. Radar which, provides .. Distances between the aircraft and a ground ..?
7. DME channels utilise frequencies of approximately
8. The selection of the DME frequency for a ILS/DME installation is as follows?
9. A DME that has difficulty obtaining a "lock-on"? (NOTE: PRF= pulse recurrence frequency, PPS= pulses per second)
10. What is the slant range error for an aircraft at 9000 feet absolute above a DME located at elevation 2000 feet, when the slant range is 12 nm?
11. The ident of a DME in case of collocation with a VOR is as follows?
12. The aircraft DME receiver is able to accept replies to its own transmissions and reject replies to other aircraft interrogations because
13. Aircraft position 34 degrees 15 minutes N 098 degrees E, magnetic variation 28 degrees W, FL280. PTV, VOR/DME position 36 degrees 12' N 098 degrees E, magnetic variation13 degrees E, In order to read the most accurate ground speed given by the DME receiver from his present position, the pilot must fly on which PTC radial?
14. A VOR and DME are co-located. You want to identify the DME by listening to the callsign. Having heard the same callsign 4 times in 30 seconds the?
15. What is the approved frequency band assigned to DME?
16. If a DME beacon becomes saturated by interrogations it?
17. A DME is located at MSL. An aircraft passing vertically above the station at flight level FL 360 will obtain a DMF range of approximately?
18. An aircraft at FL310 cannot receive a signal from a DME 240 nm away. Why?
19. In the which situation will speed indications on an airborne Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) most closely represent the groundspeed of an aircraft flying at FL400?
20. The design requirements for DME stipulate that, at a range of 100 NM, the maximum systematic error should not exceed
21. The time taken for the transmission of an interrogation pulse by a distance Measuring Equipment (DME) to travel to the ground transponder and return to the airborne receiver was 2000 microsecond. The slant range from the ground transponder was?
22. DME pulses are transmitted as pulse pairs. This is done?
23. How many aircraft will DME accommodate before reaching saturation?
24. For a conventional DME facility 'Beacon saturation' will occur whenever the number of simultaneous interrogation exceeds
25. What is the function of the Echo Protection Circuit (EPC)?
26. Which statement about the interrogation by DME interrogator is correct?
27. The DME (Distance Measuring Equipment) operates within the following frequencies
28. ICAO specifications are that range errors indicated by Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) should not exceed
29. The airborne DME equipment will transmit pulse pairs at a comparatively high PRF?
30. During a flight at FL 210, a pilot does not receive any DME distance indication from a DME station located approximately 220 NM away. The reason for this is that the?
31. What happens when a DME in the search mode fails to achieve lock-on?
32. Aircraft position 52 degrees 09 minutes S 024 degrees E, magnetic variation 14 degrees W, FL310. BIT VOR/DME position 54 degrees 42'S 024 degrees E, magnetic variation 14 degrees E. In order to read the most accurate ground speed given by the DME receiver from his present position, the pilot must fly on which BIT radial?
33. During a flight at FL260, a pilot does not receive any DME distance indication from a DME station located approximately 220 nm away. The reason for this is that?
34. Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) uses radar principles to measure distance?
35. Groundspeed measurement using DME equipment is most accurate when flying?
36. Which of the following provides distance information?
37. The maximum number of aeroplanes that can be responded to by the DME ground facility is?
38. An aircraft at FL410 is passing overhead a DME station at mean sea level. The DME indication will be approximately?
39. An aircraft flying at FL360 is 10 nm plan range from a DM. The DME reading in the aircraft will be?
40. The time interval between a transmitted DME pulse and the reply pulse is 120 microsecond. The slant range is?
41. Consider the following statement on horizontal/slant distance when using DME?
42. An aircraft DME receiver does not lock on to its own transmissions reflected from the ground because
43. Which one the statements below is correct regarding the DME?
44. Of what use, if any, is a military TACAN station to civil aviation?
45. Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) operates in the
46. A DME station is located 2000 feet above MSL. An aircraft flying at FL 200, 10 NM away from the DME station, will have a DME reading of?
47. An aircraft passes overhead a DME station at 12000 ft above the station. At that time the DME reading will be?
48. When VOR and DME station are associated?
49. The DME line of Position is a circle with radius?
50. The time taken for the transmission of an interrogation pulse by a Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) to travel to the ground transponder and return to the airborne receiver was 3000 microsecond. The slant range from the ground transponder was?