

Answer the following questions

1. Compressibility error:
2. Some ASIs have coloured arcs and lines marked on their dials. A yellow arc and a white arc indicate:
3. Dynamic pressure is equal to:
4. If the static line to the ASI becomes blocked during a climb, the ASI reading will:
5. The airspeed indicator is calibrated to:
6. An aircraft maintaining a constant CAS and altitude is flying from a cold airmass into warmer air. The effect of the change of temperature on the speed will be
7. If the pitot line to an ASI becomes totally blocked during a climb, the ASI reading will
8. If the static line to the ASI becomes blocked during a long descent, a dangerous situation could arise due to the ASI
9. What will be the TAS if cruising altitude is 39 000 ft, temperature is ISA +5 and CAS 200 kt:
10. Excluding blockages, the full list of errors of the ASI is