
Questions for VDF

Answer the following questions

1. In flight, a pilot can improve the range of his transmission with a VDF operator by?
2. What airborne equipment, if any, is required to be fitted in order that a VDF let-down may be flown?
3. To provide a pilot with the position of the aircraft in the absence of radar, ATC must have at its disposal at least?
4. When conducting a QGH approach responsibility for interpreting the procedure rests with ..... And on a QDM approach responsibility rests with.....?
5. An aircraft wishing to use the VDF service must?
6. In the VDF system directional antennas are used?
7. Given: Compass heading 270° Deviation 2°W. Variation 30°E. Relative bearing of VDF station from the aircraft 316°. What is the QDR?
8. Range of VDF depends on? 1. Loudness of the voices of the pilots and the operator when transmitting. 2. power of airborne and ground transmitters. 3. power of pilot voice when transmitting. 4. aircraft altitude and ground transmitter elevation. The combination regrouping all of the correct statements is?
9. What is the purpose of a ground direction finder?
10. What is the minimum level that an aircraft, at a range of 112 NM, must fly in order to contact the tower on R/T for a VDF bearing from an airport sited 144 FT above MSL?
11. Abnormal long ranges may be experienced on VDF channels, caused by?
12. When would VDF be used for a position fix?
13. What airborne equipment, if any, is required to be fitted on order that a VDF let-down may be flown?
14. The VDF homer service provides?
15. In ISA conditions, what is the maximum theoretical range at which an aircraft at FL80 can expect to obtain bearings from a ground VDF facility sited 325 ft above msl?
16. VDF accuracy may be decreased by?
17. Range of VDF depends on? 1. Line of sight formula. 2. Power of transmitter. 3. Intervening high ground. The combination regrouping all of the correct statements is?
18. What is the approximate maximum theoretical range at which an aircraft at FL240 could receive information from a VDF facility, which is sited 1023 FT above MSL?
19. Which Q code would give a true track from a VDF station?
20. What is the minimum level that an aircraft, at a range of 133.5 NM, must fly in order to contact the tower on R/T for a VDF bearing from an airport sited 144 FT above MSL?
21. The VDF Class B bearing is accurate to within?
22. If a ground D/F controller passes a bearing thus: "your true bearing is 256 degrees, class Alpha . "This means?
23. What is the approximate maximum theoretical range at which an aircraft at FL120 could receive information from a VDF facility, which is sited 6000 FT above MSL?
24. Which Q code would give a magnetic heading to steer (in nil wind) to a VDF station?
25. A Class C magnetic bearing is received from a station. This is?
26. In which one of the following circumstances is ground direction finding (VDF) likely to be used to fix an aircraft's position?
27. A Class B bearing has accuracy limits of plus or minus?
28. By selecting one VHF frequency, in the range 108 to 112 MHz, on the NAV receiver?
29. What is the maximum level that an aircraft at a range of 113 nm, must fly in order to contact the tower on R/T for a VDF bearing from an airport sited at 169 ft above MSL?
30. In VDF service the report "QDR 235, Class C" means?
31. Which of the following statements regarding VHF Direction Finding (VDF) is most accurate?
32. Which of the following is an advantage of VDF?
33. An aircraft is "homing" to a radio beacon whilst maintaining a relative bearing of zero. If the magnetic heading decreases, the aircraft is experiencing?
34. A VDF may be used?
35. What is the approximate maximum theroretical range at which an aircraft at FL 130 could receive information from a VDF facility, which is sited 1024 ft above MSL?
36. What is the minimum level that an aircraft, at a range of 153 NM, must fly in order to contact the tower on R/T for a VDF bearing from an airport sited 169 FT above MSL?
37. What equipment does an aircraft need when carrying out a VDF let-down?
38. When the pilot is conducting a QDM/QGH procedure, he will require?
39. Which Q code would give a magnetic heading from a VDF station?
40. Ground direction finding at aerodromes utilises which frequencies?
41. What is QTE?
42. You intercept a QDM with aright crosswind component. Is your intercept heading greater or smaller than it would be without wind influence?
43. What is the minimum level that an aircraft. at a range of 113 NM, must fly in order to contact the tower on R/T for a VDF bearing from an airport sited 169 FT above MSL?
44. What is a VDF referenced to?
45. What is the maximum range at which a VDF station at 235 feet can provide a service to an aircraft at FL 100?
46. An aircraft receives a Class a true bearing from a VDF station. This is?
47. What is the effect of multipath signals (coming from the same aircraft) at the Ground VHF Direction Finder Station?
48. What is the approximate maximum theoretical range at which an aircraft at FL130 could receive information from a VDF facility, which is sited 1024 FT above MSL?
49. An aircraft is "homing" to a radio beacon whilst maintaining a relative bearing of zero. If the magnetic heading increases, the aircraft is experiencing?
50. In flight a pilot can improve the range of his transmission with a VDF operator by?