

Answer the following questions

1. In NAVSTAR/GPS the space segment
2. The number of satellites required to provide a 3D fix without RAIM is
3. The WGS84 model of the earth is
4. The NAVSTAR/GPS constellation comprises
5. Using differential GNSS for a non-precision approach, the height reference is
6. The navigation database in the FMS
7. When identifying a co-located VOR/DME the following signals are heard in the Morse code every 30 seconds
8. The contents of the navigation and systems message from NAVSTAR/GPS SVs include
9. The amplitude modulation of the ILS outer marker is ……. and it illuminates the …… light in the cockpit
10. The frequency band of the ILS glidepath is
11. To double the range of a primary radar, the power must be increased by a factor of
12. In a RNAV system the DME is tuned
13. A radio beacon has a range of 10 nm. By what factor should the power be increased to achieve a range of 20 nm?
14. ATC area surveillance radars will normally operate to a maximum range of
15. An aircraft at FL360 is 10 nm plan range from a DME. The DME reading in the aircraft will be
16. What is the wavelength corresponding to a frequency of 375 kHz?
17. On an ILS approach you receive more of the 90 Hz modulation than the 150 Hz modulation. The action you should take is
18. When converting VOR and ADF bearings to true, the variation at the …… should be used for VOR and at the …… for ADF
19. The principle of operation of the ILS localiser transmitter is that it transmits two overlapping lobes on
20. Which of the following is an advantage of a VDF let down?
21. How does night effect affect ADF?
22. The colour recommended in JAR25 for the active route is
23. When midway between two waypoints, how can the pilot best check the progress of the aircraft?
24. With reference to SSR, what code is used to indicate transponder altitude failure?
25. The track line on an EFIS display indicates
26. The DME in an aircraft flying at FL430 shows a range of 15 nm from a beacon at an elevation of 167 ft. The plan range is
27. In a primary pulsed radar the ability to discriminate in azimuth is a factor of
28. When tracking a VOR radial inbound the aircraft would fly
29. The ISO-ECHO circuit is incorporated in the AWR
30. Which GNSS system can be used for IFR flights in Europe?
Refer to diagram E of Appendix A. The track from ZAPPO to BURDY is
32. Which of the following is independent of external inputs?
33. The positioning of a GNSS aerial on an aircraft is
34. The time from the transmission of the interrogation pulse to the receipt of the reply from the DME ground station is 2000 microseconds (ignore the delay at the DME). The slant range is
35. The cosecant squared beam is used for mapping in the AWR because
36. The almanac in the receiver
37. The colour recommended in JAR25 for the display of turbulence is
38. The range arcs in the expanded and map modes are recommended by JAR25 to be coloured
39. For the FMC the take-off speeds, V1, VR and V2 are found
Refer to Appendix A. Diagram F represents
41. The EHSI is showing 5° fly right with a TO indication. The aircraft heading is 280°(M) and the required track is 270°. The radial is
42. The accuracy of SSR mode C altitude as displayed to the air traffic controller is
43. The frequency band of MLS is
44. On an AWR colour display, the sequence of colours indicating increasing water droplet size is
45. The airborne weather radar (AWR) cannot detect
46. If the signal from a VOR is lost, how is this shown on the B737-400 EHSI display?
47. What are the basic elements transmitted by NAVSTAR/GPS satellites? i. offset of the satellite clock from GMT ii. ephemeris data iii. health data iv. ionospheric delays v. solar activity
48. The JAR25 recommendation for the colour of a VORTAC which is not in use by the FMC is
49. With normal SSR mode C altitude coding the aircraft replies by sending back a train of up to 12 pulses contained between 2 framing pulses with
50. Which EHSI modes cannot show AWR information?